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Falls Count Anywhere |
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(“House of the Rising Sun” by The Animals plays in the background of a video package. The video showcases some of the current stories leading us to Game Over; 2. A clip of Pegasus diving over the top-rope onto Grimm & Sadistic is shown, as well a clip of Johnny Vivacious taunting a defeated Areas and watching as Non Compos Mentis battled in a match. Another clip highlights the match between Heavy Metal and Nacho Grande, where Heavy Metal performed a reverse piledriver onto Nacho Grande on the arena floor. The final clips are of the feuds between LoKi and Lantlas, and LoKi and Murdoc. "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals The feed then changes into an inside shot of The Arena in New Orleans. The Arena is nearly half-full with almost 8,000 fans for PCW Game Over: 2. This is the first time in years that the PCW plays host to an event outside of the fabled Pure Class Arena in Greenville, South Carolina. The camera pans around The Arena, showing fans holding multiple signs for their favorite PCW Superstars. Such signs include: “LoKi's My Angel,” “Murdoc's EEEVVVIIILLLL,” “FEAR THE BEARD,” “NNNNAA,” “AAACCCH,” “HHHOOOO!” After the camera pans around the arena, it focuses on Jerry Andrews and Al Laiman at ringisde.) Jerry Andrews: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Game Over TWO! I'm Jerry Andrews, alongside by broadcast colleague Al Laiman. What an action-packed night we have for you tonight. Al Laiman: That's right, Jerry. Every PCW Championship in circulation will be on the line. I would not be surprised to see a championship be changed tonight. Jerry Andrews: But let's not wait any longer. Let's kick it to Mark Long, ready to begin the introductions for tonight's first contest. Al Laiman: Wait! I'm just getting word that Q has been attacked in the back. Let's see if we can get a camera back there! (The feed switches to the backstage area, where we see Q sprawled out on the concrete. PCW Agent Crazy Bob is standing over Q, and can be heard asking everyone within earshot, “what happened?” PCW's Kassandra Black, who is backstage, speaks up.) Kassandra Black: I was trying to get a word with Q before his match when someone with a ski mask came and took him out with a pipe. He didn't say why. He just attacked and left. I could have been seriously hurt. (Crazy Bob calls for a paramedic and then the feed switches back to Jerry and Al.) Al Laiman: Looks like Q won't be making it out here tonight. But I'm really worried about Kassandra. I hope she's alright. Jerry Andrews: I'm sure Kassandra is fine. Tough break for Q, however. If we find out anything else on his condition or his attacker, we'll let you know! (At that moment, the PCW-Tron flashes to Shane Dodge, looking sharp as ever against a backdrop of speaker cables and packing crates. Beside him with the gleaming title belt over his shoulder is the International Champion, cornered for an interview. Roth doesn’t mind at all, and lowers his shades to waggle his eyebrows at the camera as Dodge introduces him.) Shane Dodge: I am LIVE backstage at The Arena in New Orleans, and it is an absolute madhouse here! Wrestling fans have come from across the globe to witness this historic event, and I have with me one of the men who will be competing tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the PCW International Champion, “Heavy Metal” Jacob Roth! Metal, what are your thoughts going into the title match? Heavy Metal: Oh, I’ll tell you my thoughts. My thoughts are “ROCK AND ROLL”! Nobody is more excited to be in the Big Easy than I am, and nobody is more impatient to hear that bell sound; it’s music to my ears! Tonight I’ll be stepping into the ring against two challengers, the first of a long list of athletes who dream of wearing this belt. One of them is a man I now have a lot of respect for, but I beat him for it once and tonight I’m going to beat him again. Nacho Grande’s got all the skills and all the desire, and he’s welcome to them, but THIS belongs to me and mine! And we’ve ALL heard Justin Michaels run his mouth about how he’s going climb the ladder to the tippy top. Bad luck nobody ever told him to watch that first step because, brother, it’s a lulu! And just between you, me, and a few million close friends, I’m going to enjoy knocking his ass back down in the dirt where it belongs! Shane Dodge: So… I guess it’s safe to say you’re feeling confident? Heavy Metal: It’s safe to say that Nacho and Michaels can dream all they want, because dreams are all they’ll ever have. I have CLAIMED this belt in the name of rock and roll, Pure Class Wrestling, and beating people bloody in no particular order! When I strapped it around my waist at Living a Legacy, it was the dawning of new era in PCW. We now live in the Age of Metal, my friend! It will be long and it will be glorious, and they’ll be teaching the kiddies about it when I’ve got a beard to rival the Calamities from Kentucky! See Shane, despite what it says on the sign, tonight isn’t Game Over. Ohhhh no, the games are just warming up and there’s a line around the block. Pure Class Wrestling is home to the greatest athletes in the world – Crazy Boy, Usali Basilisk, LoKi, and even Lantlas to name a few. To name at least two more, Non Compos Mentis is in the house. And I guarantee you that when the night is over, Mentis will be handed the North American title and that cheating scumbag Johnny Vivacious will be handed his own ass! (There is a commotion off screen as a packing crate is sent flying, the camera immediately looks to the left to find the source of this noise and finds the imposing figure of Non Compos Mentis standing with an evil scowl across his face. Both Heavy Metal and Shane Dodge look over at the North American Champion as he walks over to them, his title gleaming while strapped around his waist. The interviewer and the International Champ look Mentis up and down as if to question why he was there as he steps right up to Heavy Metal. He stares angrily into the eyes of Heavy Metal before speaking.) Non Compos Mentis: Excuse me, but I don’t think I ever asked you to speak for me. I don’t need some rock groupie to tell the world how I’m going to destroy Johnny Vivacious. A limp-wrist gymnast like you can’t even comprehend the pain I’m going to inflict on that bleach blond walking pile of vulgarity. (Heavy Metal barely flinches at the presence of Mentis but Dodge, professional as ever, raises his microphone and attempts to interject himself between the two champions.) Shane Dodge: Non Compos Mentis, tonight you face Johnny Vivacious in a match five years in the making. How do you respond to the many PCW fans saying you’ve never beaten him one-on-one before and that he has your number? (Tearing his eyes away from Heavy Metal, NCM stared a hole through Dodge’s skull and thinks intensely for a moment about how to reply to his question. Failing with his intense thought, he resorts to bluntness instead.) Non Compos Mentis: I have better things to do than answer the questions of a jumped up, suit wearing moron that asks questions because he’s too pathetic to get in the ring himself. Get that thing out of my face! (With that, Mentis pushed the microphone away from his face and shoves Shane Dodge backward forcefully into another packing crate. The shocked look on Dodge’s face is countered by a more chilled out look on Heavy Metal’s. When Mentis turns his attention back to the International Champion he raises his hands as if to try to calm the Born Psycho down.) Heavy Metal: Whoa there! You have to keep calm, walking into a match with Johnny V like this isn’t going to end well. Non Compos Mentis: Well you would know everything about how to win a title match, wouldn’t you? (Still looking over his sunglasses at the increasingly irritated Mentis, Heavy Metal raises an eyebrow and tilts his head at the meaning of NCM’s words. Dodge, still supporting himself on a crate in the background, decides he is no longer needed and the risk of asking any further questions is too great. Slowly he shuffles out of camera shot so as not to alert NCM any further.) Heavy Metal: And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Non Compos Mentis: Some of us win our titles because we’re the better man, not because of a hack referee and a President with a hard-on for you. (Heavy Metal raises a hand and pushes it through his long blond hair, ensuring he has a clear view of NCM. For a second he stares into the unstable man’s eyes and assesses his emotions and then replies.) Heavy Metal: Excuse me? Non Compos Mentis: I said…you don’t deserve to hold that International Title and you’re just as crooked as Skylar Marshall and Eddie Lane. (Heavy Metal finally has enough and whips his sunglasses from his brow in an instant so his view is totally undisturbed. His calm demeanor disintegrates at such a hurtful comment and he can’t help but return the insult.) Heavy Metal: You’re forgetting I beat your ugly ass on the way to winning it, Mentis. (A sneer flickers across NCM’s face as he steps even closer to Heavy Metal. The two are now so close they can smell each other’s breath, one with a strong scent than the other. Neither man blinks as they stare into each other’s eyes and threaten to explode into fisticuffs. The only thing that stops the is a shadow that appear from off camera, lurking in the darkness.) ???: Perhaps it would work to your advantage to work together, not against each other. (A mysterious deep voice can be heard from the source of the shadow and both NCM and Heavy Metal turn to look. Slowly the camera wheels around to catch a glimpse of the man but once he’s in sight all that can be seen is a vague outline of a figure.) ???: I see things others don’t, and none of it looks good for you two. (Heavy Metal and NCM shoot reluctant glances back at each other and then at the mystery man. There’s an uneasy silence for a moment or two until the more curious of the two men replies.) Non Compos Mentis: What things? ???: That money buys more than fancy clothes and sunglasses round this place, it buys title shots. And if you buy big you might get a bonus thrown in. Rumor has it Justin Michaels has a lot of….disposable income, and not many friends to share his bonus with. (Again the two champions exchange curious glances and it’s clear that both men want to know more, though whether they intend to work together as the mystery man instructs is unknown.) Heavy Metal: Well this is all very enlightening, but you said things, as in more than one. ???: The grapevine has many branches, another says our beloved President is not best pleased with Captain Walker placing himself in his business. He’s gathering his best and brightest to remove the problem for good and neither of you are at the top of that list. Heavy Metal: And how would you know all this? (The figure can just be seen turning his back on the two men and they listen intently to hear what his answer might be.) ???: Because I am...The Watcher. Heavy Metal: Ask a stupid question… (The Watcher gives a snigger as he walks off into the distance leaving NCM and Heavy Metal together. As the camera gets back into focus on them, NCM gives another sneer as if he couldn’t care less about the information he’d just heard. After a second he turns and walks off. Heavy Metal watches him leave and then stares into the camera before replacing his sunglasses and walking off in the opposite direction. The feed then fades to Mark Long inside the ring.) |
Mark Long: Ladies and gentlemen, Q has been deemed unfit for competition here tonight. As a result, the following contest will no be a singles contest scheduled for one fall with a fifteen-minute time-limit! |
15 Minute Time Limit |
(The arena goes pitch black! There is a collective scream from the PCW Faithful! A pair of red, bloodshot eyes open on the PCW-tron while the sweet voices of young girls fill the arena.) "I see you." (Over and over the angelic voices echo throughout the New Orleans Arena, but they're soon overtaken by Muse's "Take a Bow." Smoke pours into the stadium as the eyes on the big screen peer around the arena...watching.) Mark Long: Introducing first...standing 5 feet, 10 inches and weighing in at 265 lbs...from Kenilworth, New Jersey...The Watcher! (The lighting slowly resumes as a large cloud of smoke chokes the ring and surrounding area. When the cloud finally dissipates, the Watcher is standing in the center of the ring. Being the first contestant of the night, he receives a loud reception from the Louisiana fans.) Mark Long: And his opponent...! ("10000 Watts of Artificial Pleasure" by Dope Star Inc. begins thumping over the speakers and the fans erupt for PCW's resident Crazy Boy! The lights begin pulsing to the beat of the music as the camera pans to the entrance area to find another cloud of smoke. Suddenly, Tyrone Smith bursts out of the smoke and thrusts his fist into the air! The fans roar again as he slaps hands on his way to the ring.) Mark Long: Weighing in at 227 lbs...he stands 6 feet, 2 inches...from Biloxi, Mississippi...Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith! Al Laiman: I've just received word from the back that Q is being transported to the hospital via ambulance. The beating was more vicious than we thought. Jerry Andrews: Yes. I believe he was beaten into an unconscious sleep. Al Laiman: Yes...as opposed to conscious sleep? Jerry Andrews: Shut up... (The music cuts out as Crazy Boy bounces around the ring, the Watcher watching him the entire time. Melina Cruz calls for the bell and thus starts the opening match of the night. Both men slowly begin circling one another.) Jerry Andrews: I think it's safe to say that the Watcher has Tyrone Smith well scouted. (As the Watcher moves in for a lock up Smith casually shrugs off the attempt, chuckling to himself a little. Undeterred, the Watcher engages again...but Smith takes a side headlock. The Watcher quickly reverses into a hammerlock before both men become tangled in the ropes. Both men meet in the center of the ring again and this time Tyrone takes an armbar. The Watcher counters with a full arm drag and twist before taking his opponent to the mat with a fireman's carry takedown. Smith manages to lock in a head scissors, but the Watcher spins onto his knees and rolls on top of Crazy Boy placing him in a pinning predicament! 1...2...holding onto the Watcher, Tyrone bridges out of the pin and begins to rotate his opponent. Before Smith can trap his foe in a backslide pin, the Watcher breaks free and hip tosses Smith over the top rope to the outside! The fans applaud the series of maneuvers.) Al Laiman: Well scouted indeed! I think the Watcher knows what Tyrone is going to do before Tyrone does! (A bit flustered, Tyrone charges right back into the ring and receives another hip toss for his troubles...this one the Watcher rolls into an armbar. The Watcher begins torquing on the hold as Melina checks Crazy Boy for a submission. Smith struggles to his feet and latches onto the Watcher's legs...possibly for a Walls of Jericho submission. No! He catapults the Watcher face first into the turnbuckle instead! Crazy Boy hits the ropes and attempts a floating DDT but the Watcher latches on and reverses into a belly to belly suplex! He quickly makes the cover and hooks the leg. 1...2...kickout! The Watcher quickly slaps on a reverse chinlock.) Jerry Andrews: I must say that I'm a bit surprised. Tyrone has been on a roll lately, but this match has been all Watcher. (Smith works his way back up to a vertical position and this allows the Watcher to hug him around the waist and lift him into the air for a German suplex. While in the air, Smith sprawls his legs out, breaks the Watcher's grip, and spins to the side to drive the Watcher into the mat with a single-arm DDT! The crowd approves as Tyrone rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2...kickout! Pouring on the offense, Smith nails the Watcher in the jaw with a big boot that leaves him staring at the rafters! Again, he makes the cover. 1...2...kickout!) Al Laiman: That was close! He barely got the shoulder up! (Sensing that he's got the match in the bag, Tyrone struts to the upper torso of the Watcher and lifts him off the mat. Hefting him up onto his shoulders for his Crazy Airlines airplane spin, Crazy Boy begins spinning in circles. In an instant the Watcher floats out of the move and twists Smith upside down in show of raw power. A second later and the Watcher spikes Tyrone on the top of his head with a piledriver!) Jerry Andrews: The Watcher just hit the piledriver! This one's all over! (Ready to finish Crazy Boy off, the Watcher heads to the top rope. Looking back one last time, the Watcher takes flight with a moonsault...and eats a pair of knees to the sternum! The wind knocked out of him, the Watcher is left gasping for air. Smith quickly seizes the opportunity and sunset flips over him into a pinning predicament. 1...2...3! The Watcher thrusts his shoulder up, but it's a split second too late!) Al Laiman: Impressive. Jerry Andrews: You take 'em any way you can get 'em, Al, and Tyrone saw the opening and went for the kill. Another big win for Crazy Boy! Mark Long: The winner of this match...TYRONE "CRAZY BOY" SMITH! Jerry Andrews: That was a great showing by The Watcher, but Crazy Boy proved to be the better man tonight! Al Laiman: The Watcher is one to learn from his mistakes, I'm sure. He'll bounce back from this one and be even better than before. Jerry Andrews: Indeed. ...Wait, what? I'm just getting word that PCW President Skylar Marshall, along with PCW “Captain” Alejandro Walker, has a very important announcement for us. (The PCW-Tron springs to life and on the screen we see Alejandro Walker and Skylar Marshall in their joint office. Both men are standing, and although Walker's eyes are covered with sunglasses, both men look to have a various serious look on their face. Skylar breaks the silence by speaking up first.) Skylar Marshall: It is my unfortunate duty to announce another change in tonight's action. Originally, the PCW World Championship was to be defended in a Four-Way, No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere Match between Lantlas, LoKi, Murdoc, and World Champion Mike Park. However, after some disturbing news about Mike Park broke out about three weeks ago, Mr. Walker and I have no choice but to declare Mike Park released from his PCW contract. Alejandro Walker: For those of yous who don't know, after the demise of public enemey numbah one Osama Bin Laden, the FBI have turned their attention to another terrorist group. That group is said to have compromised detective Mike Park; Mr. Park is being linked to murders of hundreds, including chil'dren. Skylar Marshall: Due to the claims and the unknown whereabouts of Mr. Park, Mr. Park will not be able to participate here tonight. Alejandro Walker: The PCW Championship will not be vacated, howevah. We will not be awarding Mr. Park with a free pass for his actions. Mr. Park will be removed from action, but still be listed on the bill. We will have a new PCW Championship, and in the record books, it will show that Mike Park lost the title to whoevah walks out tonight the victor. Skylar Marshall: Due to the current championship belt being in Mike Park's possession, we have constructed a new championship to be awarded to the winner tonight. Alejandro Walker: We apologize for the changes to the card. We as a company knew nothing of Mike Park's secret life, nor did the agencies he worked for as a private eye. Skylar Marshall: We have been working with authorities to the best of our abilities by providing them with any information that may have been needed. We once again apologize for the inconvenience and hope you all can enjoy the show. One thing that's for sure is that whoever the new World Champion is after tonight, they'll be a better representative for the PCW than the last one. Thanks... Skylar Marshall & Alejandro Walker: ...and enjoy the show. (The PCW-Tron then switches to life to find the PCW Tag Team Champions and all-around dubious bastards, Grimm & Sadistic, sitting at a cheap foldout card table. A good portion of the fans boo and another portion of the fans cheer; they don't care one way or the other. What they do care about is this high stakes card game that they're currently engaged in. Each brother cautiously eyes the cards in his respective hand as they're separated by a large pot of valuables: Dollar bills, rare coins, gold teeth. Just as Sadistic opens his mouth to speak, and unfamiliar face pops into view.) Smith: Good evening, gentlemen. Mind if I have a seat at your fine game? (Without waiting for a response, Bobby Smith, former PCW Tag Team Champion, pulls out a chair and bellies up to the table. His toothy grin is cheesy and annoying as the Brothers Gruesome can only stare.) Grimm: We need to get a door... Smith: So, what're we playing? Stud? Hold'em? Sadistic: What do you think you're doing? (Smith quickly spots the Tag Team Championship belts on the edge of the table and his eyes light up.) Smith: Ah...I remember those... Sadistic: Who in the hell are you? Smith: Smith. Just Smith. I'm surprised you don't recognize me. I brought integrity and prestige to those very belts that you prance around with. Pfft. Good luck trying to fill my shoes. Grimm: We should get a door. Smith: In fact, while I'm here, I might as well let you both sit beneath the Smith Learning Tree. I'm so generous that I, Smith, will give you some pointers for your match up next. (Phinehas and William glare at Smith, clearly irritated by his intrusion.) Smith: First, you need to spend a little time out in the sun. Look at you. You're both pale as ghosts. You need to be tan...like me. Next, you should both invest in something called a razor. Clean up those ugly mugs. You need to have a likable face...like me. And finally, for Pete's sake, guys, get a damn haircut. Get rid of those nasty mops... (As he's speaking, he leans in and tugs on one of Sadistic's unruly locks. That's all it takes for the Phenom to lunge over the table, teeth bared. One hand full of hair, the other around Smith's throat, he takes him to the ground. Sadistic's animalistic growl is followed by Smith blood-curdling scream! When the Phenom stands, blood is streaming from the corners of his mouth. Smith stands clutching his face while blood spills through his fingers. Sobbing frantically, he bolts out of the picture. With a snarl, Sadistic spits a red, fleshy glob on the ground. The fans in the arena groan in unison.) Grimm: We really need to get a door... (Grimm shakes his head and throws his cards on the table.) Grimm: Time to go to work. (The PCW-Tron cuts off and the feed changes to Mark Long in the ring.) |
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Mark Long: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall...and it's for the PCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP! (The mention of the first title match of the night draws a warm response from the fans.) Mark Long: Introducing first...the challengers...weighing in at a total combined weight of 447 lbs...from the Ascension..."The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk and Pegasus! ("Holding Out For A Hero" by Frou Frou begins to play as the lights dim and a lone spotlight shines in front of the entrance. Usali Basilisk emerges first with the Book of Ascension clutched in his hand. Pegasus is out next, followed by Jacob in the Kool-Aid Man suit. The fans roar as Usali thrusts the book into the air. Pegasus and Basilisk hop up onto the ring apron and show off their agility by simultaneously flipping into the ring over the top rope.) Jerry Andrews: You think the speed of Usali and Pegasus will be enough to get them past the all around viciousness of the Brothers Gruesome? Al Laiman: Well...speed is the one thing you can't teach, but I'd be hard-pressed to bet against the Epic Beards of the Kentucky Wilderness. Jerry Andrews: The Horrors From Hangtown? Al Laiman: The Team of 1,000 Nicknames. Mark Long: And the champions...weighing in at a total combined weight of 448 lbs...from Hangtown, Kentucky...Grimm & Sadistic! (The mood grows calm and the air goes still as the opening guitar lick to Sound Garden's "Rusty Cage" slices through the arena. A pair of giant fireworks boom on opposite sides of the entrance as the drums kick in and out walk the Bearded Brothers of Brutality. Both of their wild manes are dripping wet and tame, but their beards are epic as ever; Phinehas sporting the full-blown crimson beard, William wearing the jet black mutton chops. They receive a mixed reaction from the fans, but with Usali and Pegs as opponents, they'll most likely receive their fair share of boos before the night is through.) Jerry Andrews: The Brothers Grimm have been mowing down everyone in their path. Will the Ascension suffer the same fate? Al Laiman: That's an understatement. They've ended the careers of many aspiring superstars over the past few months. And never mind what Sadistic did to Bobby Smith's face not too long ago... (Upon entering the ring the Dastardly Duo hand their coveted tag titles over to referee Joseph Buckland. Bucky calls for the bell and there is no hesitation in Peggy and Usali's decision to clothesline the champions over the top rope to start things off! The crowd pops as the challengers climb adjacent corners and beckon their opponents to return to the ring.) Jerry Andrews: I don't know about you, Al, but I'm not detecting any fear from the Ascension. (Sadistic charges the ring, but Grimm, the cooler, calmer of the brothers, pulls the Phenom back. The Medusa-Haired Madmen regroup and it is Grimm, the Abomination of Desolation, that slides into the ring. After referee Buckland restores order, it is Phinehas and Pegasus that square off in the middle of the ring. Phinehas levels his icy gaze at Pegasus, but Peggy refuses to make eye contact. Instead, he lunges forward and nails Grimm with a big right hand. And another! He backs the Crimson Demon into the corner with a barrage of right hands and the PCW Faithful are behind his every punch! Pegs whips Grimm into the opposite corner and charges behind him. Peggy crushes Grimm with a monster splash with such force that Pegs is ricocheted backwards out of the corner...and Grimm marches right out after him, seemingly unfazed! The crowd gasps as Grimm blocks a pair of punches, wraps his hands around Peggy's throat, and drops him with a nasty headbutt!) Jerry Andrews: He's not human. Neither of them are. Al Laiman: I don't think he'd be able to work at an automobile dealership because I've heard he can't sell cars, either... Jerry Andrews: What? (Pegasus stands, but Phinehas quickly puts him back on the mat with a running lariat before tagging in his older brother. Sadistic eagerly enters the ring and commences to stomping Pegasus silly. Pulling Peggy off the mat by the hair, the Phenom whips him into the ropes and attempts a clothesline on the rebound. Pegasus ducks, springboards off the middle rope, and catches Sadistic with a cross body block! 1...kickout! Peggy rolls over to his corner and tags in Usali. Basilisk jumps into the ring as Sadistic tags Grimm back in. Phinehas advances, but a hot Usali Basilisk doles out a clothesline! Sadistic takes a clothesline, as well. Four more clotheslines later and the Brothers Gruesome roll to the outside to regroup.) Jerry Andrews: The Grand High Exalted One is a ball of fire! Al Laiman: Figuratively, of course... (Unwilling to allow the champions time to regroup, Usali and Pegasus bounce off the ropes and wipe out the Horrors From Hangtown with a pair of beautiful swan dives! The fans are on their feet and Bucky has no choice but to begin his mandatory ten-count.) Jerry Andrews: Yowza! (Buckland's count continues as the four men begin to stir on the outside. 4...5...6! Usali is up first...followed by Phinehas. Both men roll back into the ring where the fight continues. Pegasus and Sadistic stagger back to their feet as Usali and Grimm trade blows center stage. Grimm ducks a haymaker and connects with an atomic drop that propels Basilisk into the referee! Just a glancing blow, but Buckland is a bit dazed.) Jerry Andrews: Uh oh...referee down... (Pegasus slides back into the ring and jumps Grimm. Before long, Usali and Pegasus have a two-on-one advantage. Pegasus lifts Grimm onto his shoulders while Usali hits the ropes...but as he does so, Sadistic pulls down the top strand and Basilisk lands awkwardly on the arena floor. While Sadistic slides into the ring Grimm wiggles free and catches Pegasus with a nasty punch to the throat! With Pegasus gasping for air, the Dillingers bounce off opposite sides of the ring. Sadistic buckles Pegasus with a low chop block while Grimm nearly beheads him with a thrusting Muay Thai kick! He lands in a heap and Grimm makes the cover as Buckland tries to shake the cobwebs free.) Jerry Andrews: Pegasus isn't even the legal man! (1.....2.....3!) Mark Long: The winner of the match...and STILL PCW Tag Team Champions...GRIMM & SADISTIC! (The fans boo the error in judgment as Sadistic heads to the outside in search of...you guessed it...a steel chair. Returning with weapon in hand, he allows Phinehas the honor of fitting the chair around the neck of Pegasus. The Phenom heads to the top rope as the fans continue to boo. Suddenly, the boos turn to cheers...) Al Laiman: Usali is back up! (Usali dives into the ring and he's wielding the ring bell! Thinking better of the situation, Grimm rolls to the outside and Sadistic quickly follows suit. Moving with a slight limp, most likely from his spill over the top rope, he runs off the Tag Team Champions before they're able to do serious damage to his stablemate.) Al Laiman: And there you have it. Grimm and Sadistic retain the PCW Tag Team Championship. Jerry Andrews: But very impressive showing from the members of The Ascension. Al Laiman: Speaking of The Ascension, Areas will be the special referee for the next match that'll pit Johnny Vivacious against Non Compos Mentis. Jerry Andrews: Great history between those guys. Al Laiman: I don’t know what to make of this setup, Jerry. First Vivacious wins the contendership away from Areas, and then Areas is appointed the special referee. You have to wonder what sort of role he’s going to play in this. Jerry Andrews: It’s a good question, Al. He’s certainly not fond of Vivacious, but can anyone be fond of Non Compos Mentis? The Captain promised Areas another shot, and now he could potentially decide who that shot will be against. This could be a volatile situation. |
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("Outsider" by A Perfect Circle suddenly kicks in, and Areas emerges from behind the curtain in a sleeveless referee shirt to a solid fan reaction.) Mark Long: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Pure Class Wrestling North American Championship! Now making his way to the ring, the special referee for this bout… AREAS! Al Laiman: Does Areas even know how to officiate a match? I suppose it could be worse; it could be Eddie Lane trying to manage these two. (“Get Back” by Ludacris blasts from the speakers and the audience turns hostile in a heartbeat. The Man in Black emerges from the curtain, a cigarette dangling impudently from his lips. He reacts to the boos the old fashioned way, by flipping the crowd off and grabbing at his crotch.) Mark Long: Introducing first, the challenger. Standing six feet and weighing in at two hundred twenty nine pounds, Mister One Night Only, Johnny Vivacious! Jerry Andrews: Vivacious is looking very cocky and very confident. He flicks the cigarette at Areas! Oh, come ON, that’s disgusting! Al Laiman: It’s a bad idea to taunt Areas like that when he’s NOT wearing a stripey shirt. Vivacious has been single minded in his quest for the North American belt, he doesn’t want to blow it now by picking a fight with the ref! (The lights in the arena dim down and a shuddering bell toll rings out through the arena. On the Tron is a scene of a deserted and desolate street with the camera slowly moving backward over dusty asphalt. The bell toll is followed by three more in a slow rhythm until finally an electric guitar riff starts, still slow and melodic. The riff is that of ‘Hells Bells’ by AC/DC. But as it starts a man walks from behind the camera and down the road in front, though only his back is seen. He is just as desolate as the street itself. After roughly ten seconds of the riff a cymbal begins to chime. The cymbal hits eight times in time with the guitar riff as the unknown man on the Tron still walks forward. After the eighth cymbal strike a stronger thud begins to hit at the same time and on the Tron it is matched with a letter that appears over the image of the bleak-looking man. Every tone from then is accompanied by a letter on screen in a sequence of three. N – C – M N – C – M N – C – M N – C – M On the final strike the guitar riff suddenly grows quicker and harder and the lights in the arena lift as the screen shows full image of the man that now walks out onto the stage.) Mark Long: And now entering the Arena, he stands six-two and weighs in at two hundred and fifty five pounds. He is the PCW North American Champion. He is NON COMPOS MENTIS! (The crowd goes up for the madman who doesn’t seem to appreciate it at ALL. A few fans stretch their hands out, but only get a dark glare in return. Mentis stalks toward the ring, two hundred fifty plus of bad intentions, all trained on his opponent.) Jerry Andrews: Mentis looking very intimidating as he makes his way to ringside... Al Laiman: Are you kidding? He looks ready to destroy someone, Jerry! Johnny V has been dogging the champion since Living A Legacy, and he’s finally gotten what he… Jerry Andrews: Mentis just dropped the belt and charged the ring! (Non Compos Mentis wastes no more time with introductions or opening ceremonies. The target is Johnny Vivacious who immediately dives out the other side. Mentis starts to go after him, but Areas, rather bravely, intervenes.) Al Laiman: Areas is blocking the champ! He’s ordering him to the corner – oh yeah, THAT’LL work! (Mentis makes several attempts to go for Vivacious on the outside, but Areas stays in his face, grabbing the collar of his own striped referee shirt for emphasis.) Jerry Andrews: Areas called for the bell and he’s already starting the ten count on the challenger! If JV doesn’t get in the ring, Mentis will retain without having to lift a finger! (The Resident Rule Breaker yells at Areas, who ignores the taunts and keeps the count going. At eight, Vivacious climbs up onto the apron… and spits right in Mentis’ face! Hoo boy, THAT did it. Non Compos Mentis dives out of the ring and gives chase as the crowd cheers him on! Vivacious slides back in and kicks the champ in the head as he tries to follow. Vivacious puts the boots to Mentis using the ropes for extra oomph, but Areas is right there with a five count, demanding the break or he’ll throw the match out. Johnny V angrily complies, and closes in on the special referee, jabbing a finger in his chest, telling him stay the explicative out of the way. Areas doesn’t back down, and the two are in an eye to eye staredown, broken only when Non Compos Mentis forcefully reminds them that he’s still in the match. Specifically, by delivering a backdrop suplex that leaves the Man in Black crumpled in half on the mat and the crowd on their feet! 1…2…) Al Laiman: Only two, but that was a textbook count! Jerry Andrews: That’s the only textbook anything we’re likely to see! Mentis has apparently had enough of Johnny Vivacious! (The North American Champion pummels the Man in Black, forcing him back into a corner and laying into him with closed fists. Areas warns him to get his hands open, but Non Compos Mentis ignores the command until Areas catches his arm and blocks an attempted hard right. THAT got his attention, and this time the champ gets in the referee’s face.) Jerry Andrews: Areas is calling this right down the middle, no denying that. Al Laiman: Expecting Non Compos Mentis to care about silly things like ‘rules’ might be a bit much to ask for… Wait, what is Vivacious doing? Jerry Andrews: He’s unlacing the turnbuckle pad to expose the steel bolt! Neither Mentis nor Areas saw it! What was that you were saying about rules? Al Laiman: He’s got the pad off and is going for the champ… low blow from behind! (Areas saw it and threatens to disqualify the challenger, but the damage has been done. The man in black gives Areas the finger and Mentis a hard whip to the corner, opposite the exposed ring bolt. Some punches and kicks, and Mentis is sent to the far side… NO! Mentis holds on and turns it into a short arm clothesline! With Vivacious on the mat, Mentis goes to work with elbows and knees, then sends his opponent to the ropes for a thunderous spinebuster! He then goes for the pin. 1…2…) Jerry Andrews: Another near fall. (Again, Vivacious gets the shoulder up. Mentis delivers a few stomps, then hoists Johnny up for a backbreaker his grandmother probably felt. And Mentis goes for yet another pin. 1…2…) Al Laiman: And yet another kickout! (Vivacious once again kicks out, showing great tenacity if nothing else. Frustrated, Mentis goes to grab his opponent and gets a thumb right in the eye! Nobody’s tough there and Mentis staggers away, giving his opponent some much needed time to recover. Vivacious shakes a few of the cobwebs out and goes on the offense, trapping Mentis in the corner and boot choking him. Every time Areas reaches a four and a half count, Vivacious breaks it and goes right back on the attack.) Jerry Andrews: Vivacious is as dirty as they come! Areas has been amazingly even-handed here, but not even he can maintain the law in THIS match! Al Laiman: Mentis is getting set up for a ride and I can see that exposed ring bolt from here! There he goes… Jerry Andrews: Mentis reverses! Johnny Vivacious hit the corner chest first! Oh, right in the heart! Al Laiman: And the champion is ready and waiting for him…FRACTURED MIND! Mentis nails the Fractured Mind, right in the middle of the ring! (1...2...3...) Jerry Andrews: It’s over, Al! Non Compos Mentis retains the title! Al Laiman: At this point, I don’t know if anyone CAN take it away from him! Vivacious pulled out every dirty trick he could think of, but Mentis is too tough and too brutal. That is a dangerous man standing right there, Jerry! (Areas tries to give Mentis the duke, but the champion jerks away with a threatening glare. Retrieving the belt, he eyes it a bit dourly before holding it over his head with one hand as Hell’s Bells booms over the sound system.) Mark Long: The winner of this bout and STILL the PCW North American Champion… NON COMPOS MENTIS! Jerry Andrews: Non Compos Mentis wins again! This man has been on a roll ever since he returned to the PCW. Al Laiman: I haven't always seen eye-to-eye with NCM, but he certainly has been impressive. Jerry Andrews: I'm happy to see that Areas was impartial and called it down the middle. (Johnny Vivacious rolls out of the ring, disgusted with the outcome, and walks back up the entrance ramp. Non Compos Mentis is about to step through the curtains, but Areas walks over to him and stops him by tapping him on the shoulder. NCM, looking annoyed, steps back through the ropes and gets right into the face of Areas.) Jerry Andrews: This could get interesting. (Areas backs down just enough to get out of NCM's face, but, being close enough, taps the North American Championship. He backpedals some, and reaches for a microphone, which Mark Long hands him through the ropes.) Areas: Congratulations, Mentis. You pulled out a great victory tonight, over an amazing adversary. And for that, I applaud you. (Areas begins a small, somewhat patronizing, golf clap. The PCW Faithful in attendance, however, clap and holler in appreciation for Non Compos Mentis. Areas stops clapping and begins to speak again.) Areas: But there is one man you haven't defeated- me! Mentis, I am officially challenging you for that North American Championship. But I don't want to wait until Return to Glory. I understand you just had a match and you're not 100%, and I want you at your best. So at Trauma 94, You vs. Me...Non Compos Mentis vs. Areas...for the PCW North American Championship! What do you say...Champ? (Non Compos Mentis looks down at his freshly retained North American Championship and then looks back at Areas. A simple head nod of yes, and then an exit through the ropes, signals Mentis's answer and reaction.) Jerry Andrews: Areas will finally get his championship match at Trauma 94! Al Laiman: That should be a good one! (As Mentis is walking up the aisle, Tyrone “Crazy Boy” Smith steps from behind the entrance curtain with a microphone in his hand as well. NCM stops in his tracks as Smith begins to talk.) Tyrone “Crazy Boy” Smith: I'm sick and tired of being ignored! I've been doing nothing but kicking ass since I've returned to the PCW, and what do I get? I get left off the card. I get put into matches with people like The Watcher, who I beat, might I add. Hell, I even beat Areas! Where is MY title shot? (Areas, who had been standing in the ring, exits and walks up the ramp to meet the other two at the sound of his name. However, before anything else can be said, The Watcher also steps from behind the entrance curtain, with a microphone of his own in his hand.) The Watcher: I will give you credit, Crazy Boy. You did, in-fact, beat me. But that's just one match. One match that I nearly had one. And I guarantee you, if we ever meet again, I will be the one victorious. But this isn't about you, Smith. This is about Non Compos Mentis. Mentis, I have tried to befriend you. I have tried to offer you advice. But you continue to ignore me. Why, Sean, why? I've been watching you, and one thing that I have noticed is that you are due for a loss. And I am the man to give it to you. (Before anything else can be said, “Walk Hard” by Dewey Cox plays throughout the arena and out-steps PCW “Captain” Alejandro Walker. Walker also has a microphone in his hand and, as his music shuts off, he begins to talk.) Alejandro Walker: Alright, now you all listen here. Skylar is off making some business, so that leaves me to make a decision on this matter myself. I've listened to all ya points, and I just gots to say...you all are right! (The fans cheer.) Alejandro Walker: Areas, I ain't gonna rob you of yet another North American Championship Match. That much, you deserve. So at Trauma 94, I'm making it afficial. In the Main Event, we'll see Non Compos Mentis face off against Areas for the North American Championship. But I ain't done there. I'm thinking of Return to Glory too. And I'm reviving a match just for the event.... At Return to Glory, no matter who the champion is, we gonna have a Gauntlet for the Gold Match! Crazy Boy, Non Compos Mentis, Areas, The Watcher, and a man who is gonna make his debut right after I'm done talkin', will face off. Two men start the match, after one man has been eliminated, another man will enter. The order of entry is random. I won't know until it's happenin', so neither will ya'll. Good luck boys. And let's keep it clean until Return to Glory! (As Alejandro Walker walks into the back, all four other men stare at one another. The PCW Faithful are still clamoring over the announcement when the lights in the arena dim. "Name of the Game" by Crystal Method begins to play and the entrance ramp fills with smoke. Lights flash in time with the music inside of the smoke and a mysterious silhouette can be seen inside. An unknown young man bursts from the smoke with his arms raised triumphantly. With a cocky grin, he swaggers down to the ring, bypassing all four of his future opponents. Leaping from the floor to the apron, he steps between the ropes and raises his arms again. The crowd is still quiet as they have no idea who this kid is.) ???: What's up, New Orleans?! (The crowd gives a moderate reaction to the cheap pop. Undeterred, the young man continues to saunter around the ring.) ???: My name is Justin Kaard and I am... (The man pauses for dramatic effect.) ???: ...The Adrenaline Kiiiiiiiiiiiiing! (The self proclaimed "Adrenaline King" growls out the last word. The crowd pops slightly, prompting the young braggart to continue.) Justin Kaard: People of PCW...You've been lied to, swindled, cheated even. You came here expecting Pure Class Wrestling, but all you've gotten is the same old tired stuff. But no more, I'm here to change that. (Kaard climbs turnbuckle. Looking out over the audience, he gets a gleam in his eye and a cock sure grin on his face.) Justin Kaard: The Era of Adrenaline has begun! (The crowd, still somewhat confused as to how to react to the young man, chatter. The PCW-Tron then clicks on and the feed switches to Skylar Marshall in the back at his desk. The new PCW World Championship is on the table and Skylar is signing some papers. Moments later, Mr. Marshall puts his custom-made, calligraphy pen down onto the table.) Skylar Marshall: It's all set. I'm glad that buffoon Walker was out of the office or I would have never been able to make this deal. Either way, the deal is in place. Glad to do business with you. (Skylar reaches over the table and shakes a hand of a man in a suit. You can't see the man, outside of his arm and hand. The feed then fades to Mark Long inside the ring, preparing the introductions for the next match.) |
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Mark Long: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a triple threat match for the INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first... (The fans immediately recognize the delicious battle cry and come to their feet.) OHHH OHHH OHHH OH OH! OHHH OHHH OHHH OH OH! OHHH OHHH OHHH OH OH! Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance Just get on the floor and do the New Kids dance Don't worry about nothin' cause it won't take long We're gonna put you in a trance with a funky song! CAUSE YOU GOTTA BE HANGIN' TOUGH HANGIN' TOUGH, HANGIN' TOUGH! We're ROUGH! OHHH OHHH OHHH OH OH! (Nacho emerges from behind the curtain flanked by Quesa Dilla and Beef Supreme and the cheers intensify. Waving his arm overhead, Nacho dances down the ramp as the PCW Faithful sway along with him.) Mark Long: Hailing from Taco Bell...he stands 6 feet, 3 inches tall...weighing in at a tasty 220 lbs. of Grade A beef...NACHO GRANDE! OHHH OHHH OHHH OH OH! Get loose everybody cause we're gonna do our thing Cause you know it ain't over til the fat lady sings! HANGIN' TOUGH, HANGIN' TOUGH, HANGIN' TOUGH ARE YA TOUGH ENOUGH? HANGIN' TOUGH, HANGIN' TOUGH, HANGIN' TOUGH (Nacho hops into the ring garbed in his patchwork superhero outfit and climbs to the second turnbuckle to salute his ever-cheering fans. His music fades out as the crowd awaits the next competitor...) Mark Long: Introducing next... ("I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin hits and the boos are overwhelming. Thunder echoes and lightning flashes throughout the arena as an orange glow devours the entryway. The song begins to pick up and out steps Justin "Stormm" Michaels...followed by even more boos.) Al Laiman: They really don't like this guy, do they? Jerry Andrews: Can you blame them? (With a smirk on his face, Stormm strolls down to the ring.) Mark Long: From Kansas City, Kansas...standing 6 feet, 3 inches...weighing 252 lbs...Justin "STORMM" Michaels! (The mention of the man's name brings another wave of boos...and he can't help but crack a smile. Climbing into the ring, Stormm sizes up Nacho as attention returns to PCW's vocally gifted ring announcer.) Mark Long: And finally...from San Diego, California... (The fans already begin to rise in anticipation as Metallica's "Metal Militia" blares over the speakers. A wall of fire shoots up from the stage, most likely singeing off the eyebrows of the closest fans, as pyro sprays from the heavens. When the flames die out "The Whirling Dervish of Metal Mayhem" stands tall on the stage with his belt slung over his muscular shoulder. The crowd erupts!) Mark Long: Standing 6 feet, 1 inch and weighing in at 230 lbs...he is the Whirling Dervish of Metal Mayhem...and REIGNING PCW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION! HEAVY METAL! (The fans erupt yet again as Roth thrusts a two-finger salute into the air before heading down to the ring. Slapping hands along the way, Metal's long mane flows behind him. Jumping up onto the ring apron, Roth gazes at his International Championship belt before kissing it and tossing it to the referee. Nimbly jumping up onto the top rope, Metal back flips into the ring landing in a three-point crouch. Popping up, he breaks into a monster air guitar solo that causes the fans to lose their minds! Until Michaels clobbers him from behind, that is...) Jerry Andrews: Michaels didn't wanna wait for the bell and he's all over the champion! (Eddie Lane quickly calls for the bell as Stormm continues to assault the Californian. Having seen enough, Nacho drills Stormm with a drop kick. Roth heads to the corner to recuperate as Nacho goes to work on Michaels. The larger, more powerful Michaels attempts to turn the tides, but he's no match for Grande's speed.) Jerry Andrews: Roth out of nowhere! (Kicking the match into overdrive early on, Metal connects with a running double clothesline that sends all three men over the top rope to the outside! Flashbulbs dot the arena as the three men struggle to their feet. Eddie Lane starts the ten-count as Michaels drops Nacho with a Russian leg sweep. 1...2...3... Roth locks Stormm into a DDT, but Stormm counters by ramming Metal's back into the ring apron. 4...5...6... Michaels pulls himself up onto the apron to climb back in, but Metal appears out of thin air! Running up the steps, Roth springboards off the middle rope and connects with an amazing spinning dropkick that sends both men back to the outside!) Al Laiman: Whoa! Jerry Andrews: What athleticism! (Nacho quickly breaks the count before climbing onto the ring apron. As Roth and Michaels struggle to stand, Nacho faces the ring and springboards off the top rope! Twisting in mid-air, Grande connects with a ridiculous plancha that obliterates all three men! The fans come uncorked as Lane once again begins the ten-count.) Jerry Andrews: This is insane! They're pulling out all the stops here tonight! (1...2...3... Stormm is the first man to stir, but they are all a bit groggy. 4...5...6... Michaels pulls himself up with help from the ring apron and climbs up onto the edge of the ring. 7...8... As he's about to enter, Nacho grabs one ankle while Metal grabs the other. With a pair of mighty tugs Michaels goes face first into the ring frame! Nacho and Heavy Metal dive into the ring. Scrambling to their feet, Metal and Nacho square off and the fans love it!) Jerry Andrews: This is the unofficial rematch from Living a Legacy III. Luchador combat! (Both men lock up and Metal sends Nacho to the ropes. What ensues is a fluid series of leap frogs, drop downs, counters, reversals, and arm drags that end in a stalemate with both men kipping up to their feet. The fans give an appreciate round of applause, but the action continues. Metal cartwheels out of a hurricanranna attempt, Grande rolls out of a bulldog attempt, and Nacho reverses Metal's flying neck breaker into a vicious side slam! With Metal down on the mat, Nacho grabs his waistband with one hand while twirling the finger from his other hand high in the air. After spinning a few times, Grande points to the top turnbuckle. The fans come to their feet in applause.) Jerry Andrews: This looks very familiar. (Nacho climbs to the top rope and looks down at his fallen foe. Raising both fingers high in the air, he takes flight with a picture perfect leap. Cameras flash across the arena as he connects with a MACHO Grande elbow! The burst from the crowd is deafening. Nacho quickly makes the cover.) Al Laiman: We're gonna have a new champion! (1...2...) (Justin Michaels storms the ring and lays a heavy boot into the side of Nacho's head to break up the pinfall attempt! The fans boo mercilessly and Michaels loves it. Michaels begins stomping away on the masked luchador. Metal rolls onto the ring apron to regroup. Michaels unloads some heavy artillery: A double underhook suplex scores a two-count and his full nelson slam garners another near fall, but it's the Flash Flood that inflicts the most damage. With Nacho prone on the mat, Michaels places a triumphant foot on his chest. 1...2...) Jerry Andrews: Nooooooo... (Metal blindsides Stormm with a missile dropkick from the top rope and the fans roar their approval! Nacho crawls towards the corner as Metal sets his sights on Michaels. Michaels brings it full force and both men begin trading lefts and rights! The fans are rocking and rolling with every punch until Stormm begins to gain the advantage. With the champion on his heels, Stormm throws a giant right hook...but Metal ducks, locks his opponent in, and drives him into the mat with the Metalplex! The fans are going wild as Metal makes the cover and hooks the leg!) Jerry Andrews: This has gotta be it! (1...2...) Kickout! (Metal can't believe it. As Michaels wills himself to his feet, Heavy Metal shows off his leaping ability by going for his Guillotine Face Driver. Somehow Michaels counters with a snap powerbomb that splatters Metal all over the canvas! Exhausted, Stormm drops to his hands and knees. All three men are running on empty as the fans begin stomping and clapping.) Jerry Andrews: This is simply amazing. It's gotta be neck and neck and neck on the scorecards. (Looking to take advantage of a weakened Justin Michaels, Nacho charges. With a burst of his own, Stormm meets him with a lunging clothesline! Pulling Nacho off the mat, Stormm plants him with the Force of Nature! The fans let out a groan as Michaels slowly stands and hovers over Nacho. A cocky grin spreads across Michaels sweaty face. Rather than go for the cover, Stormm bends down to pull Nacho back off the mat. Unfortunately for Stormm, Heavy Metal has used this time to climb to the top rope. Unfortunately for Heavy Metal, Michaels sees him soaring through the air and ducks the missile dropkick. Unfortunately for Stormm, Heavy Metal maneuvers in mid-air and drives moneybags into the mat with the Guillotine Face Driver!) Jerry Andrews: Unbelievable! (With all three men down, Metal is able to drape an arm over the chest of Michaels. Nacho rolls over to break up the pin attempt, but he's too late. 1...2...3! The fans explode into cheers as "Metal Militia" blasts over the speakers again!) Mark Long: The winner of this match...and STILL PCW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION...HEAVY METAL! Al Laiman: That was an amazing contest. It could have gone to any one of those guys. (Metal cradles his championship belt in his arms as he rolls out of the ring. Clearly spent, he hobbles to the back while the fans give all three men a standing ovation.) Jerry Andrews: What a match! All three of those guys pulled out all the stops, and although Heavy Metal came out victorious, all three men really put on an amazing performance. Al Laiman: These three men deserve match of the night consideration there. Just an overall great performance. Jerry Andrews: Indeed. But fans, the time we’ve been waiting for is at hand. This bout has been a long time in the making and in just a moment the Pure Class World Championship will be up for grabs. Al Laiman: I’m telling you right now, Jerry, there’s going to be bad blood in that ring tonight, and possibly all over the Big Easy. The… ahem… “titleholder” has already forfeited, and with no disqualifications NOTHING is going to stop one of these three men from becoming the new champion! They’re driven by their hatred of each other and the desire for that belt, not necessarily in that order. Jerry Andrews: No doubt there are scores to settle and debts to repay, and Tyrone Little is only there to count the pinfall. |
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Falls Count Anywhere |
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Mark Long: Ladies and gentlemen… It is time for the MAIN EVENT! (The PCW Faithful in attendance let out a huge PCW Chant.) PCW Faithful: P-C-W! P-C-W! P-C-W! Mark Long: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Pure Class Wrestling WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! There will be NO count out, NO disqualification, and FALLS WILL COUNT ANYWHERE IN THE BUILDING! Jerry Andrews: Listen to this crowd, Al! Al Laiman: They’ve been waiting for this as long as I have! Before the night is over there will be a new World Champion. I know it, you know it, the fans know it… and most importantly, Murdoc, Lantlas, and LoKi know it. ('Fiend' by Coal Chamber begins, and a long, guttural growl prompts a ring of fire to burst to life on the main stage.) Jerry Andrews: Speak of one of the devils… The "IT" it comes and it takes me there (As if right on cue, from underneath the edge of said flames, Murdoc begins to ascend. Still. Unwavering. Resolute. At least until he has reached the top, at which point he begins his slow walk towards the ring. The edge of the hood hanging over his face, he walks steadily towards the ring.) Mark Long: Now making his way to ringside, standing six feet seven inches and weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds… He is MURDOC! Jerry Andrews: There he is, that huge monster. He’s long been denied the grandest prize, but tonight he’s in his element. I shudder to think what he may have planned now that the gloves are off. (Standing at ringside for a brief moment, Murdoc turns to the ring steps and begins to ascend them. Wiping his feet on the apron, he steps through the ropes and enters. Turning to his immediate left, he goes to one of the far corners, disrobes and begins stretching out in anticipation. Coal Chamber fades, and Hans Zimmer's "Dream is Collapsing" takes its place. A tall, lanky figure, dressed in battle armor, steps onto the stage. He stands motionless, and then raises the face guard to reveal the face of “The Elven Warrior” Lantlas.) Mark Long: His opponent, from Munich, Germany… Standing six seven and weighing two hundred forty pounds… He is “The Elven Warrior” LANTLAS! Al Laiman: Look at his eyes, Jerry! Look at those eyes; they’re completely… cold! It’s like something’s gone bad inside! Heartless, that’s what he is! (Lantlas walks down to the ring, with his sword dangling at his side, and his bow over his left shoulder, and his quiver of arrows strapped to his back. After walking off the stage, he removes his helmet and places it on the corner of the ring. He strips himself of his accoutrements and removes his armor, his dark gaze never wavering from the savage and sneering Murdoc.) Jerry Andrews: Something has broken inside that man, no doubt about that. The Dark Elf is one of the most accomplished wrestlers in Pure Class, not to mention one of the biggest. He’s eye to eye with Murdoc; they’re giants, both of them! (The crowd erupts as the Arena goes dark and multi colored lights flash in time with the music. An explosion rocks the stage as the music picks up and as the lights come back Loki stands on the stage with his fists pumped in the air.) PCW Faithful: LOKI! LOKI! LOKI! Jerry Andrews: The fans have come alive! No guesses as to where THEIR loyalties are, the noise is deafening! Mark Long: Their opponent… standing six feet tall and weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds, he is the Fallen Angel! LOKI! (Loki starts slowly down the ramp, slapping hands with fans as he goes. Getting to the ring he slides under the bottom rope and kneels in the center of the ring. Jumping back to his feet with his fists once again pumped in the air, the turnbuckles begin shooting golden sparks around the ring.) Al Laiman: LoKi may be in serious trouble, Jerry; he’s got TWO Goliaths to contend with tonight. Not that Lantlas and Murdoc will be exchanging any love letters, but just getting in between them is hazardous to your continued health. (All three men are in the ring. The Elven Warrior looms stoically in the corner while the monstrous Murdoc glowers from the far side. The Fallen Angel occupies a third, narrowly eying his opponents, and pulling on the ropes. The Pure Class arena explodes into cheers again when Tyrone Little steps into the ring with the shining belt in his hands and holds it up for all to see.) Al Laiman: That’s what it’s all about, Jerry! THAT’S what every athlete in Pure Class goes to sleep thinking about! Jerry Andrews: It’s the Pure Class World Championship! It’s the grandest prize in the sport, and you can bet these men will do anything and everything to be the one who takes it home. (The bell sounds and the three competitors prowl the ring, feinting back and forth a few times. LoKi is showing special care not to get caught between his two monstrous opponents. He and Murdoc are the first to tie up, and the behemoth takes the advantage with a knee to the gut and a series of hammer blows across the back. The massive brute powers LoKi into the corner and delivers a vicious chop across the chest. The Dark Elf steps into the fray and delivers one of his own, rocking the Fallen Angel back against the turnbuckles. Not to be outdone, Murdoc measures LoKi for a devastating shot that can be heard over the jeers of the capacity crowd. Lantlas draws back for yet another…) Jerry Andrews: LoKi is fighting back! Hard shot to Lantlas! A harder one for Murdoc! LoKi is trapped in the corner battling against two men! (Murdoc tries for a handful of hair and gets the point of LoKi’s boot as a reward. The Fallen Angel uses fists and feet, striking back at his opponents, then goes quickly up to the second rope…) Al Laiman: Double clothesline! Murdoc and Lantlas are down and LoKi is standing tall in the ring! PCW Faithful: LOKI! LOKI! LOKI! Jerry Andrews: LoKi has exploded out of the gate! This man has so much heart, so much desire! He’s got nothing to lose and everything to gain! (LoKi goes straight for Murdoc, and has him tied up when Lantlas intervenes with a kick to the gut. Murdoc elbows LoKi, escapes the headlock, and the Fallen Angel once again finds himself between two of the most powerful forces in Pure Class. LoKi is hoisted high high HIGH in the air… Double gutbuster!) Jerry Andrews: Good lord! Did you see the elevation on that? Al Laiman: That could have broken something, a move like that will tear your insides up and knock all sorts of things out of place! LoKi is rolling around on the mat; he’s in big trouble already… Jerry Andrews: Wait! Lantlas just nailed Murdoc out of nowhere! (Any hint of an alliance vanishes and the two men trade blows. Equally matched in size and power, it’s Murdoc’s barbarism up against the Dark Elf’s cold ferocity. They struggle back and forth and Lantlas is sent for a ride. He reverses and Murdoc bounces off the ropes. Lantlas seizes him around the neck on the rebound, and carries the big man up and over in a modified cravate suplex!) Al Laiman: Murdoc landed right on his neck! I felt that impact through the floor, Jerry! Jerry Andrews: Gigantic move by the Dark Elf! Lantlas hooks the leg! (1...2...) Al Laiman: Only a two! Lantlas pulls Murdoc up… out over the top and all the way to the floor! They’re taking this show on the road! Jerry Andrews: LoKi just rolled Lantlas up from behind! (1!) Al Laiman: One only. (LoKi is back in the game. Lantlas springs to his feet, but LoKi targets a dropkick with pinpoint accuracy to his left knee. Lantlas drops to a kneeling position, and before he can recover, LoKi uses the ropes for momentum and executes a swinging neckbreaker on the Dark Elf. A fast cover and a hook of the leg…) (1…2…) (No good. LoKi tries to keep the big man on the mat, but Lantlas forces himself back to a vertical base. The Dark Elf gains the advantage and throws LoKi hard into the turnbuckles. Lantlas makes as if to whip him to the opposite side, but holds on and swings in a full circle, driving his opponent back into the corner with thunderous force. Lantlas comes in like a six foot seven battering ram and the spear folds LoKi in half as the crowd groans! The big man makes the cover…) (1…2…) Al Laiman: LoKi gets the shoulder up! Jerry Andrews: Lantlas is on the attack; he’s got LoKi on his feet. He hooks both arms… Tiger suplex! (1…2…) (LoKi barely escapes the bridging pin, and lies face down on the mat. No respite is forthcoming as Lantlas hooks both arms and flips forward over his opponent.) Jerry Andrews: The Elven Marksmanship! Lantlas has the Elven Marksmanship locked in! This could be all over right now! Tyrone Little checking for the submission… Al Laiman: NO! Murdoc is back in! Lantlas was bridged and as exposed as you can get, and Murdoc dropped a huge fist WAY down south! (The bearded brute seems to have a bone to pick with the Dark Elf, and drives the point of his elbow right in his opponent’s throat. Twice. And once more for good measure. Murdoc drags him to the ropes and sets about choking the life out of him. Lantlas is hung with his neck across the middle rope, and Murdoc charges the ring to drop his full two-fifty across the back. Lantlas is left thrashing on the mat, clutching his throat, as Murdoc exits the ring.) Jerry Andrews: Murdoc just grabbed a speaker cable! He’s got it wrapped around Lantlas’ neck! Al Laiman: He’s strangling the life out of him! The Elf is trapped with his head over the apron, and that monster is strangling him! He’s got nowhere to go, and Murdoc is putting every bit of weight into it! Jerry Andrews: LoKi with a flying axe handle on Murdoc! LoKi is back in the fight! Al Laiman: I would have let him go for another minute, myself. LoKi essentially made the save, although the damage has been done and then some. (The Fallen Angel has a second wind and some damage he intends to do himself. The PCW faithful give LoKi their full-voiced support as he beats Murdoc all around the ringside area, smashing him into anything solid he can find. Guard rail, ring post, it all works. LoKi winds Murdoc up and slings him into the ring steps so hard they go flying, then drops across his opponent...) (1…2…) Jerry Andrews: Referee Little was a LOT slow getting into position there. Wait! Lantlas just came flying off the apron with that speaker cable in his hands! (LoKi takes the cable right across the throat and drops like a stone. Lantlas is still having trouble breathing himself, and all three men are down on the outside. The Dark Elf is first to his feet and smashes LoKi’s back against the unforgiving steel guardrail. LoKi slumps, exhausted, and Lantlas climbs back to the ring apron for another aerial assault…) Jerry Andrews: NOBODY HOME! Al Laiman: LoKi didn’t move so much as collapse! Lantlas hit face first, I think he knocked himself out! If the Fallen Angel can make the cover… Yes, there it is! (1…2…) Jerry Andrews: NO! Al Laiman: LoKi can’t believe it! I can’t believe it either! Lantlas has GOT to be out cold, that was nothing but sheer instinct! CRACK! Jerry Andrews: MURDOC WITH A CHAIR! Murdoc just nailed LoKi right over the head! Al Laiman: And again, across the back! LoKi is down! Jerry Andrews: I think… oh God, that shot busted LoKi open! Yes, I’m seeing red, I can’t tell how bad it is. Murdoc turning his attention to Lantlas now, the Elf is still down... a vicious series of blows and he lays the chair across his face… DOUBLE STOMP! Ugh, I don’t want to look! Back to LoKi… CRACK! Al Laiman: Oh, right in the head! There’s blood all over the chair, I don’t know how much is whose! (With eyes ablaze, Murdoc slides the chair into the ring. LoKi’s face is smashed into the ring apron, leaving behind a gruesome smear of red. Murdoc rolls him inside and stands over his bloodied opponent, as if taking a moment to relish what is to come.) Jerry Andrews: He’s going to piledrive him on the chair! Al Laiman: He’s allowed! If he lands this, we’ve got a new World Champion! Oh God, LoKi is a mess! Jerry Andrews: Murdoc has it set up! I don’t know if I can watch this! Al Laiman: NO! (The crowd erupts as the Fallen Angel, his face a gory death mask, escapes the piledriver via a backdrop and collapses to his knees. Murdoc regains his feet as LoKi struggles to find his. Murdoc swings… LoKi ducks and seizes him from behind…) Jerry Andrews: Can he…? Al Laiman: RAGNAROK! RAGNAROK ON THE STEEL CHAIR! Jerry Andrews: He got the big man up! Where did he get it? How did he find the strength? Al Laiman: He hooks the leg! PCW Faithful: 1…2…3!! DING DING DING! Jerry Andrews: WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION! Al Laiman: He did it! LoKi fought through hell and back! He can barely stand, but he did it! Mark Long: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this bout and NEW Pure Class Wrestling World Champion... LOKI! (“Unstable” blasts from the speakers, but unknown beknownst to anyone in attendance, Justin Michaels is at ringside and snatches the brand new PCW Championship from Mark Long. He also snatches the microphone from him as well and begins to speak.) Justin Michaels: Cut that crap off! (“Unstable” cuts off and Justin continues talking.) Justin Michaels: Much better! I was not victorious in my match earlier in the evening...because I had way more important matters on mind. You see, earlier in the evening, I was able to broker a deal with PCW President Skylar Marshall. Mr. Marshall and I was able to come to an agreement. Although LoKi just won the PCW World Championship...I own this title! Jerry Andrews: WHAT?! (The PCW Faithful are stunned at the news.) Justin Michaels: LoKi, you may be champion in name, but I am champion by possession. But not only am I a business man, I am a very competitive man. So LoKi, I'll give you a chance to win this championship at Return to Glory. You vs. Me. If you can beat me, I'll hand over this championship to you. But until you can defeat me, the title is mine! (LoKi, exhausted after his battle, looks on as Justin Michaels raises the PCW Championship high in the air.) |
Grimm & Sadistic d. Usali Basilisk & Pegasus via pinfall after Grimm pins Pegasus Non Compos Mentis d. Johnny Vivacious via pinfall Heavy Metal d. Justin Michaels & Nacho Grande via pinfall after Heavy Metal pins Justin LoKi d. Lantlas and Murdoc via pinfall after LoKi pins Murdoc |