


8:00 p.m.


Greenville, SC


Pure Class Arena

Scheduled Matches
Match Type:
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
Heavy Metal vs. "The Kumquat Kid" Ryan Lewis

Referee: Nolan Burke
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
Non Compos Mentis vs. Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith

Referee: AJ Bennett
Battle Royal
Areas vs. Mark Spurlock vs. Desy Extreme vs. Shane Sparx vs. Nacho Grande vs. Trevor Massenburg vs. The Fifth Column vs. Phantasy Inc.

Referees: Melina Cruz, Marcos Cruz, Manny Cruz, Roberto Garcia
Laura Seton vs. Arik Ash

Referee: Joseph Buckland
"The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk [w/Jacob] vs. Donny J. McNasty

Referee: Steve Shaw
Tag Team
Ace Anderson & Jason Scene vs. Mike Park & Grimm

Referee: Eric Russo
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
LoKi vs. Pegasus

Referee: Eddie Lane
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
Murdoc vs. Lantlas [w/Devon Drake]

Referee: Tyrone Little
Details: The feed opens up with a recap of PCW's, "Revival III" Trauma special. The highlighted clips are scenes of: Pegasus shaking the hand of the defeated Drew White; The Kumquat Kid debuting as the tag team partner of Crazy Boy; Lantlas trapping Donny J. McNasty in The Elven Marksmanship; Heavy Metal getting darted face-first into the guardrail by Jason Scene; Ace Anderson and Mike Park exchanging blows; Usali Basilisk backpedaling up the aisle; Grimm giving Non Compos Mentis The Harvest from the top ropes. The final highlight shown is of Murdoc slowly applauding the outcome of his triple threat match.

After the video package ends, we're greeted to a rotating live shot of the Pure Class Arena in Greenville, South Carolina and it appears to be another sold-out house. Saliva's, "Survival of the Sickest" is playing and, while that was going on, a massive pyrotechnics display is shown. Once the pyro dies down, Jerry Andrews and Al Laiman welcomes the viewers to the show and gives a quick card rundown. Following that, with Mark Long already standing in the ring, the first match is introduced.
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
Heavy Metal vs. "The Kumquat Kid" Ryan Lewis

Referee: Nolan Burke
Match Details: The first match of the night, which happens to also be the first match in The Icemann Invitational Tournament, pits PCW fan favorite Heavy Metal against the man who made his debut in exciting fashion last week as the partner of Crazy Boy, "The Kumquat Kid" Ryan Lewis. And what a match it should be, as both men share similar skill-sets; both relying on fast-paced, aerial-like maneuvers. Although, to his benefit, Heavy Metal does have a slight weight and height advantage.

The Kumquat Kid was the first to stroll from behind the entrance curtain, making his entrance first. The fans responded well, especially when Dunk, Ryan's manager, started handing out kumquats as they walked the entrance ramp. Ryan garnered a large number of cheers, which increased even more when he hit a back-flip off the ropes and landed on his feet, after he entered the ring.

It was then Heavy Metal's turn to step out onto the entrance stage, and when he did, the fans in arena (and probably more than a few at home watching on TV) exploded with cheers! Heavy Metal soaked in the cheers for a second on the entrance stage, then he threw back his head and let out a primal scream, as he also held his arms outstretched in the air while making signs with his hands, before sprinting to the ring. He too hit a back-flip off the top turnbuckle when he entered the ring, although as he landed on his feet, he also rocked out to a little bit of air guitar. Not one to be outdone, The Kumquat Kid rocked out with some swing dancing. The fans appreciated this, and laughter was heard throughout the arena.

When both men were done air guitaring and swing dancing, referee Nolan Burke came over to Kumquat and informed him that, due to the nature of the tournament and what was at stake, he was told that Dunk had to leave ringside. Ryan looked as if he was going to protest, but didn't in the end. As Dunk was exiting to the back, the bell was sounded and the match was underway.

The two competitors started the match getting close enough to extend a hand, and in a sign of sportsmanship, the two did a quick handshake. The fans showed their appreciation of the mutual respect by applauding. After the handshake, they both started circling one another. Ryan was the first to try and strike, diving at HM's legs for a take-down. Heavy Metal was able to dodge it and came down on top of Ryan's back, holding him in place with a headlock. Heavy Metal then pushes off of Ryan, got back to his feet, but then allowed Ryan to again get to a vertical base.

The two continued on having a very equal match, but around the 19 and 58 second mark, Ryan went for a school-boy. Three seconds later and the bell is sounded. Ryan tried the pin just one second two late, as he received a two-count before the bell was heard signaling a time-limit draw.

Winner: Time-Limit Draw
Details: [The Kumquat Kid raises his arms in victory, but Nolan is shaking his head 'no.' Kumquat pays no mind to the referee, running around the ring, happy with his presumed victory. Again Nolan is trying to inform Kumquat that he did not win, that the match was ruled a time-limit draw, but Kumquat pays him no mind. It was only when "Back in Black" by AC/DC began to play that Kumquat stopped his celebration and looked towards the entrance ramp.]

Jerry Andrews: We know that music is associated with only one man- PCW President Skylar Marshall!

[Skylar walked right down to the ring, purposely, ignoring the jeers from the crowd as he did so. Before he gets inside the ring he snatches the microphone right from the hand of Mark Long. With the microphone in hand, Skylar enters through the middle and top ropes, and steps right in the middle of the ring. He walks over to Nolan and begins to say something in his ear. Then he turns his attention to the two men in the ring.

Heavy Metal is sitting on the mat, back against the bottom turnbuckle. His hair is sweaty and matted over his face, and his mouth is wide-open as he sucks in wind. Ryan, on the other-hand, is also winded, but he is standing closer to referee Nolan Burke, hunched over.

Skylar actually motions for Heavy Metal to get closer to the other two, and even helps Heavy Metal do so by extending his hand and pulling him out of the corner. Skylar, with his hand on Heavy Metal's shoulder, walks HM over to where the other two are and then begins to speak.)]

Skylar Marshall: I want to say, that match you guys just had was a great way to start off The Icemann Invitational Tournament. Give yourselves a round of applause.

[Neither man seems to be in any shape to applaud, as Heavy Metal is taking deep breaths with his hands on his hips, while Kumquat is still hunched over taking deep breaths.]

Skylar Marshall: And although that was a great way to start the tournament, I will not have this match end on a draw.

[Fans cheer.]

Skylar Marshall: No. There has to be a winner. So I am erasing the draw from the record books, and saying this match will continue with overtime!

[Fans cheer again.]

Skylar Marshall: And it!

[Skylar isn't even completely able to step out of the way before Heavy Metal strikes down on The Kumquat Kid with his Guillotine Face Driver maneuver. Skylar nods approvingly as Heavy Metal quickly makes the pinfall.]

Nolan Burke:!

[Just as Nolan was bringing his hand down to make the three-count, The Kumquatian One was able to kick-out. Heavy Metal has his mouth open in a state of pure shock. Skylar also looks a bit perturbed, and he exits the ring via the ring ropes and stairs.]

Jerry Andrews: I thought it was over right there!

[Heavy Metal slowly gets into a crawling position, and then gets crawls his way over to a corner. He pulls himself up using the ring ropes and then looks out into the crowd. The crowd is on their feet, and Heavy Metal knows what he has to do to win this; HM begins to slowly scale the ropes. Perched high on the top-rope, Heavy Metal looks into the crowd.

The crowds cheering and chanting of, "HEAVY MET-AL!" surges through the arena like a gust of wind, pushing Heavy Metal off the ropes. HM leaps off with his Air Guitar finishing maneuver, but at the very last possible second, KK instinctively rolls out of the way, leaving Metal crashing and burning on the mat.]

Jerry Andrews: Heavy Metal just crashed and burned!

Al Laiman: That's why they're called high-risks maneuvers! If you hit them, it pays off. But if you fail, you've just risked your entire body, let alone the match!

[KK leaps up to his feet, as if the crashing of Heavy Metal brought a blast of cold air, and runs and jumps up onto the ropes. He doesn't waste as much time as HM, and quickly leaps off with Five Alive Frogsplash. Even quicker does he grabs his ribs upon impact, and then gets on-top of Metal for the pinfall.]

Nolan Burke: One...two...three!

[The bell gets sounded and Ryan Lewis is helped to his feet by the referee.]

Jerry Andrews: The Kumquat Kid advances in The Icemann Invitational Tournament and is one step closer to becoming the new PCW World Champion. Valiant effort on Heavy Metal's part though!

[Ryan, exhausted after a physical, fast-paced thirty-five minutes of action, raises his arm in the air, as the fans are on their feet cheering. He then rolls out of the ring and starts heading back up the ramp.]

Jerry Andrews: Well-earned victory for Ryan there.

[Skylar, who is now in the ring, reaches down and offers to help Heavy Metal up to his feet. Heavy Metal looks up at Skylar, unsure what his motives are, and decides not to accept the extended hand.]

Jerry Andrews: Doesn't look as if Heavy Metal trusts Skylar.

Al Laiman: Could you blame him? Skylar hasn't always been the most honorable of men.

[Instead, Roth gets up on his own feet. Skylar seems disappointed, turning his lip up with a bit of a snarl. But even though he looks a bit disappointed, viewers can hear Skylar state, "You did a good job, kid. Better luck next time." Skylar then exits out the ring- Heavy Metal stares off in confusion for a second, and then the feed fades into the backstage area...]

Winner: The Kumquat Kid via pinfall
Interview with a Schizo
Details: [The PCW cameras move backstage to the image of new interviewer Shane Dodge, grinning from ear to ear and staring into the screen. With the crowd still roaring after the previous action he takes a few moments before it dies down and then begins.]

Shane Dodge: Welcome to PCW Trauma 87, I’m Shane Dodge and I have a very special guest with me for his very first interview since returning to Pure Class Wrestling. He is Non Compos Mentis.

[A chorus of boos and jeers can be heard throughout the arena as former North American and Tag Team Champion Non Compos Mentis walks into shot from the right of the screen. He is wearing a denim jacket over a sleeveless T-Shirt with the words "Born Psycho" across the front and knee length dark blue denim shorts. He looks bedraggled and confused as he glares first at Shane Dodge, then at the microphone he's holding and finally back up at Dodge who is now clearly unsure what to do. There's silence for a moment as NCM continues to stare into the face of Dodge and then attempts to walk off back to the right.]

Shane Dodge: Whoa, Mentis, we've got an interview to do here.

[Mentis turns back and now seems even more confused and looks back at the new PCW interviewer. Very hesitantly he walks back and stands right in front of Dodge who is visibly intimidated. Again there's silence until Mentis finally speaks.]

Non Compos Mentis: Interview?

Shane Dodge: Yeah, I'm Shane Dodge, the new interviewer.

[Mentis is still perplexed and looks Dodge up and down as if measuring him. Returning to glaring at Shane's face, Mentis speaks once more.]

Non Compos Mentis: Shane Dodge...Where's Miguel?

Shane Dodge: Miguel...Malone? He got a promotion.

[A wry and creepy smile escapes onto the lips of NCM and he stops looking so critically at Dodge who relaxes also. Clearly he was expecting to see his old acquaintance Miguel Malone with the microphone and engage in another war of words but his absence was a pleasant surprise.]

Non Compos Mentis: Talk about failing upwards.

Shane Dodge: Well, Non Compos Mentis, the question that's been on everybody's lips over the last two weeks is this...after your breakdown toward the end of your Triple Threat match last week, what is your mental state going into your Icemann Invitational match tonight against Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith?

[Mentis lifts up his hands and pushes his straggly hair back slowly, stopping half way as though clutching his head in pain. When he looks back at Shane, his eyes are somehow more intense and maniacal.]

Non Compos Mentis: My mental state? I'm here and ready to beat Tyrone Smith into the ground, that's my mental state. Last week I came within a matter of seconds of pinning Phinehas Grimm and proving I can beat anyone in his company.

Shane Dodge: Be that as it may, there are many people saying that a man with your mental condition should not be in a wrestling ring, let alone potentially fighting for the PCW World Title.

[A look of anger begins to emerge on the face of Mentis who doesn't like the tone of Dodge and he suddenly rips the mic from the hands of the interviewer. Dodge backs away in surprise and allows Mentis to take it.]

Non Compos Mentis: I am in the perfect condition to step into that ring and decimate Tyrone Smith, and go on to win the Icemann Invitational Tournament. I will tear the whole roster apart, limb from limb until I hold the PCW World Title. Grimm, Lantlas, Heavy Metal, Ace Anderson...uuurgh Loki...I don't care who I have to go through, who I have to beat, who I have to destroy, I will go through everyone until I reach my goal of being the PCW World Champion.

[NCM throws the microphone down to the floor and looks Dodge straight in the eyes, frightening him clearly. Finally Mentis turns to leave but hesitates for a moment and looks back.]

Non Compos Mentis: Say Hello to Miguel from me.

[The feed then fades into a commercial.]
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
Non Compos Mentis vs. Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith

Referee: AJ Bennett
Match Details: This is another first round match for The Icemann Invitational Tournament. At Trauma 86, Non Compos Mentis showed the world he could compete with the big dogs in the PCW, nearly defeating Grimm (and Murdoc, who also in the match) before a mental breakdown derailed him from attaining that victory. On the flip-side, Crazy Boy showed two weeks ago that he can find a way to win in the face of adversary. With this match, we'll see if Crazy Boy can tap into his craziness to gain a victory, or if Non Compos Mentis can hold his own craziness off to prevent an upset. Before the match starts, Al Laiman and Jerry Andrews informs the viewers that based on what happened in the previous match, Skylar Marshall has ordered that the rest of the tournament be contested under no time-limits.

Non Compos Mentis is the first man out, and just as his sleeveless shirt proclaims, he indeed appears to be "Born Psycho." It's clear that the fans don't care for NCM and it's also clear that the feeling is definitely mutual. Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith is out next and he receives a warm reception from the PCW faithful. Smith enters the ring and Non Compos Mentis is on him immediately, prompting referee AJ Bennett to quickly start the match.

In what was essentially a singles match against Grimm last week, NCM looked to have things well in hand when an apparent migraine gave Grimm a big enough opening to pick up the win. This week, with an opportunity to move on in the Icemann Invitational Tournament, NCM looks to be taking out his frustrations on Tyrone Smith. After laying in some stiff looking offense, NCM connects with Blunt Trauma and nearly picks up the three-count. A reversed Irish whip followed by jumping heel kick puts "Crazy Boy" on the offensive. Smith has the schizophrenic reeling with some high impact, high flying offense that has the fans cheering his every move. After several near-falls, Smith looks like he's about to put NCM away for good.

A vicious punch to the throat stops Tyrone's comeback in its tracks. The "Crazy Boy" falls to the mat gasping for air and NCM goes to work on him with some heavy stomps. Non Compos Mentis has Smith right where he wants him after connecting with a solid Yakuza kick. It's time for the Fractured Mind, and NCM hits it, then pins Tyrone, at the 12 minute and 36 second mark.

Winner: Non Compos Mentis via pinfall
Battle Royal
Areas vs. Mark Spurlock vs. Desy Extreme vs. Shane Sparx vs. Nacho Grande vs. Trevor Massenburg vs. The Fifth Column vs. Phantasy Inc.

Referees: Melina Cruz, Marcos Cruz, Manny Cruz, Roberto Garcia
Match Details: Out of all the competitors in the match, only Nacho Grande has been in more than one PCW match. This will be the debut event for Desy Extreme, Phantasy Inc., Shane Sparx, Trevor Massenburg, and the team of The Fifth Column- Jeremy Bagwell and Diligence. This is Mark Spurlock's and Areas second match. Which superstar will pick up the victory and impress the PCW front office?

As per the norm in the PCW, the battle royal starts with all nine competitors in the ring. The action is immediate when the bell is heard, and everyone goes after everyone. Some of the more noticeable pairings come from the likes of Nacho blasting Phantasy Inc. in the corner and Areas and Mark Spurlock, partners last week, exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Diligence is standing back to corner, with Jeremy standing in-front of him, protecting him of sorts.

A lot of nothing important happened in the first few minutes of the match. The first man to get eliminated, at the 4 minute and 33 second mark, was Trevor Massenburg. Trevor was eliminated by Diligence, although it was Jeremy who worked on Trevor to get him to the point of being elimination-worthy. Phantasy Inc. was soon eliminated moments later, when Nacho Grande and Shane Sparx both tossed him over the ropes at the 5 minute and 2 second mark. The teamwork was short-lived, for Nacho then tossed Shane over the ropes immediately after- 5 minute and 4 second mark.

This left six men in the ring.

Areas, Desy Extreme, Mark Spurlock, and Nacho Grande, noticing Diligence and Bagwell working together, then rushed the two men, in attempt to eliminate the team game they had going on. However, that plan was poorly executed. Desy and Mark first tried rushing at the pair, but both Jeremy and Diligence use their opponents' own momentum against them, and guided their heads and tossed them over the ropes and onto the arena floor.

That left four.

Nacho and Areas were more cautious in their approach to take on the two men, and it was much more of an even contest than what Desy and Spurlock attempted. Nacho worked on Jeremy as Diligence worked on Areas. Jeremy actually had the upper-hand on Nacho, but Areas had the upper-hand on Diligence. When Jeremy noticed this, he quickly left his initial target and started helping his team mate with Areas. It was this double-team that allowed Jeremy to eliminate Areas.

Diligence and Bagwell started stalking Nacho. Bagwell is the one who charges in first, and Nacho easily fends him off and then levels Diligence with a clothesline. With Diligence down, Nacho goes back to work on Bagwell. Just as Nacho Grande is about to dump Bagwell over the top rope, Diligence attacks out of nowhere. He lifts Nacho's legs off the mat and heaves both men to the outside. Nacho and Jeremy Bagwell land on the arena floor in a heap as the bell rings.

Diligence, after eliminating his own partner, wins the battle royal at the 14 minute and 22 second mark.

Winner: Diligence after last eliminating Nacho Grande & Jeremy Bagwell
SkaFace Coming Soon
Details: A short video aired hyping the debut of SkaFace. They will be appearing at Trauma 88
Laura Seton vs. Arik Ash

Referee: Joseph Buckland
Match Details: Based on what happened at Trauma 86, we know that Laura, the PCW's newest female superstar, was looking to seek revenge against the man who cost her the victory in her first match in the PCW. However, she was not given the chance to do that here tonight.

After Laura made her entrance, the PCW-Tron sprang to life. On it was Arik Ash, standing outside Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Arik cut a promo on how wrestling was just too violent, and that he made a career mistake. He insisted that he needed to get back in the good gracious of the Disney company, and competing against a woman definitely wouldn't help his chances. Instead, he has decided to forfeit all the money he made by signing with the PCW, and has announced that if any of the PCW fans wanted to see him, they could come down to Disneyland, for he will be working there singing three days a week.

The PCW-Tron then faded out, and it left Laura standing in the ring, fuming at not getting her chance for revenge. But even without getting a chance to compete, she did make up her lost from the previous week. One thing is for certain, whoever stands in Laura's way next week, better be prepared. She's anxious for battle.

Winner: Laura Seton via forfeit
"The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk [w/Jacob] vs. Donny J. McNasty

Referee: Steve Shaw
Match Details: Donny J. McNasty was well stocked with his favorite beverage and the crowd gave the brawler a decent welcome. He circled the ring pretending to offer the fans some Guinness before climbing in and chugging it down himself.

Things took a turn for the bizarre as Usali Basilisk entered, accompanied by the Kool-Aid Man. It certainly hasn't taken long for the PCW faithful to turn on the Exalted One. He appeared to relish their hatred as he stalked down the aisle and posed on the turnbuckles to showcase the sinister Book of the Ascension.

McNasty wasn't impressed with the display and tackled Basilisk before the bell. He pummeled his opponent with closed fists and dropped three elbows in rapid succession as the crowd urged him on. Basilisk was thrown to the corner, but caught the ropes and leapfrogged his charging opponent, teaching him what a turnbuckle tastes like. Trapped, McNasty endured a devastating barrage and then was monkey flipped out of the corner.

The Exalted One had a head of steam and was all over the ring, making heavy use of the ropes and turnbuckles. A diving elbow drop won him a two-count but when he went for a second aerial assault, he found nothing but the mat waiting for him. The fans went crazy as McNasty got on the offensive, showing off both his power and some undiagnosed anger management problems.

The brawler's main focus was the knee, and a figure-four leg lock after a brutalizing like the Exalted One took should have ended the match. Basilisk somehow endured and snagged the ropes, much to the crowd's disappointment. McNasty decided to go hardcore and threw his opponent to the floor. The match was almost tossed out several times, but McNasty always broke the count at the last second. He continued to hammer his opponent until Jacob (a.k.a. the Kool-Aid Man) distracted him long enough for Basilisk catch him from behind with a crippling reverse DDT on the floor.

Finally back in the ring, Basilisk began acting even stranger than usual, as if hearing an invisible voice tell him what move to execute. It slowed his pace, but he got off several high impact maneuvers, culminating in a tornado DDT that spiked McNasty hard enough to make the crowd wince. The Exalted One mounted the turnbuckles for the Ascension Dive. With that, he was able to connect, and then pick up the pin, at the 11 minute and 56 second mark.

Winner: Usali Basilisk via pinfall
Bending the Trust, Asking for Favors
Details: [The camera catches up to the Fifth Column walking down a hallway somewhere backstage. Both men are still sweaty from participating in the battle royal. Jeremy Bagwell looks like he's got something on his mind.]

Jeremy Bagwell: Hey D, did you eliminate me from the battle royal?

[Diligence stops in his tracks and pauses, trying to figure out the best way to answer.]

Diligence: Nope. Nacho threw you out. I tried to come over and help, but he'd already thrown you out. I did the next best thing and tossed him get revenge for him throwing you out. You know?

[Diligence waits to see whether or not Bagwell buys it. Jeremy slowly nods his head.]

Jeremy Bagwell: Oh. Okay. Thank you, then.

Diligence: Not a problem. Hey, I still need you to help me out with something a little later tonight. Think you can manage that, big guy?

Jeremy Bagwell: Yup.

[Diligence pats him warmly on the shoulder as they continue on down the hallway.]
Tag Team
Ace Anderson & Jason Scene vs. Mike Park & Grimm

Referee: Eric Russo
Match Details: Last event proved a few things: Mike Park is not to be taken lightly; Jason Scene is looking to impress; Grimm is still The Abomination of Desolation; Ace Anderson is still one intense, arrogant bastard. This match pits Park and Grimm against Anderson and Scene, with momentum heading into The Icemann Invitational Tournament on the line.

Jason Scene is the first man out for the tag team match and judging from the smattering of boos, it's fairly clear that the crowd doesn't like the former reality star. Ace Anderson, one of the most decorated and dastardly competitors in PCW history, is out next. Judging from the crowd's reaction, the fans just love to hate the man. Ace glares out into the crowd before climbing into the ring. Mike Park is the next grappler to make his entrance and he is the recipient of a fair crowd pop. It's obvious that he's gained some respect from the fans after taking Ace Anderson to a draw in singles competition last week. Out last is Phinehas Grimm. The fans come unglued as Grimm walks down the aisle, not seeming to notice. Once in the ring, both teams head to their respective corners and referee Eric Russo calls for the bell.

Jason Scene and Mike Park start things off and there is no need for a feeling out process. Scene and Park lock up immediately Park quickly takes advantage with a headlock. Both men execute a series of counters and reversals but neither can gain a definitive upper hand. Locking up again, Scene finally gains the advantage with help from his technical expertise and a handful of hair. Scene wears down his opponent as Grimm and Ace wait in their corners. Park connects with a headbutt and turns the tables. Now it's Mike Park dishing out the punishment and the fans are getting behind him as he builds momentum. Park charges with a clothesline and Scene throws a clothesline of his own. Both men are down! Scene reaches out to Ace as Park crawls towards Grimm. Scene makes the tag! As Ace climbs into the ring Mike Park makes the hot tag to Grimm and the crowd erupts!

Grimm ducks a charging lariat and begins peppering Anderson with rights, lefts, and stiff leg kicks. Each blow lands with pinpoint accuracy as Anderson tries to cover up. Grimm attempts a cross body block but Ace catches him and shifts the momentum with a T-Bone suplex, sucking the life out of the crowd. Ace takes control and begins landing some damaging slams on his longtime foe. Grimm looks a bit wobbly and Ace moves in for the kill. Anderson lifts Grimm for the Exemplifier, but somehow Phinehas counters in mid-air and connects with the Lament Configuration and the crowd goes wild! Mike Park reaches over the top rope and slaps Grimm on the shoulder, tagging himself in.

Park hops up onto the top rope and connects with a moonsault. Hooking the leg, Mike's pinfall attempt only garners a two-count. Ace makes his way back to his feet and the two begin trading blows in a rematch from last week. The crowd is on their feet! Ace uses his size to his advantage and begins to out-muscle the smaller Mike Park. In a last ditch effort, Park hits the ropes to try and get something going but Anderson catches him cleanly with the Maple Syrup Slam. Anderson is on fire and the crowd loves it; with one man in the front row being especially enthusiastic! Ace takes exception to this bellowing buffoon and bails to the outside of the ring. Ace grabs the man by the throat, and referee Eric Russo begins the mandatory ten-count. Jason Scene, standing on the apron, cannot believe what is going on. He jumps down off the apron and runs over to Ace Anderson, to tell him to get back in the ring, but Ace just changes focus and NAILS Scene. A few seconds later, Park and Grimm win the match via count-out. Much to the disapproval of the fans.

Winners: Mike Park & Grimm via count-out
After the match...
Details: Referees and backstage personnel come flooding from the back. It must be a big issue, even former PCW President Alejandro Walker can be seen coming to help out. They rush over to where Ace Anderson has seemingly snapped, still holding the fan by the throat. After numerous attempts, they succeed in convincing him to let go. Ace stares at the carnage, but just out of camera frame is Jason Scene, back up to his feet. All the viewers at home can see is Scene jumping at Ace, hammering away with fists as he lands on Anderson with a Lou Thesz Press. The officials then try pulling the two apart, and succeed enough before the feed fades to commercial.
During the break...
Details: [After the feed fades in from commercial, the PCW-Tron once again springs to life, detailing what happened during the break.

Jeremy Bagwell can slowly be seen walking around in the back, just as The Lord of Misrule, Grimm, is walking his way towards the backstage area. Jeremy Bagwell walks out through the curtain. Bagwell begins applauding as Grimm approaches cautiously. Once Grimm is within reach, Bagwell begins patting him on the back enthusiastically and attempts to shake his hand. Taking exception to Bagwell's physical advance, Grimm launches the youngster violently into the guard rail and continues to the back. The fans cheer as Bagwell is left on the ground writhing in pain.]

Al Laiman: He might be young, but even he should know not to mess with a guy like Grimm. Consider it a lesson learned.

[The feed then fades out to Mark Long, as he is about to announce the next match.]
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
LoKi vs. Pegasus

Referee: Eddie Lane
Match Details: This is another First Round Match of The Icemann Invitational Tournament and pits two friends against one another. These two have a very storied history in the PCW, competing in the first ever PCW Arm Wrestling Match, as well as the much talked about Pain of Glass Match I. But during their feud, a strong friendship had formed, and the two remain close to this day. It should be noted that LoKi had to end his first tenure in the PCW due to injury sustained at the hands of Pegasus during a vicious Tables Match. This is their first match since that encounter.

LoKi is out first and he makes his way to the ring with a slight limp receiving a nice reception from the crowd. Out next is his opponent, Pegasus, the man responsible for said limp after tearing his leg up in a grueling tables match. Peggy also receives a generous ovation from the crowd. He climbs into the ring and in a show of sportsmanship, Pegasus and LoKi shake hands before the referee starts the contest.

The two friends spend a couple of minutes feeling each other out before getting down to business. Any ring rust either man may have accumulated in their time away from the ring seems to have vanished as what follows for the next five minutes is some of the finest technical wrestling the PCW has seen in a long time. Counters! Reversals! Near-falls! When both men face off in a stalemate, ready for more, the crowd praises them with a standing ovation. Circling each other, Peggy and LoKi lock up and it's the "Fallen Angel" that clamps on an armbar. The ten-minute mark approaches with LoKi trying to wear down his adversary.

Pegasus reverses and goes to work on the on LoKi's arm. The momentum shifts back and forth as the fifteen-minute mark comes and goes with neither man able to obtain a distinct advantage. With under two minutes left in the match both men are running on empty. LoKi attempts to hit Ragnarok, but Pegasus slips over his shoulder. The "Fallen Angel" spins around and Peggy catches him with a Northern Lights suplex! The crowd comes to their feet as Pegasus goes to the top rope and comes off with the Leap of Faith! LoKi rolls out of the way at the last possible moment, then locks in the Broken Wings! Fortunately for Pegasus they are near the edge of the ring and he grabs the bottom rope! Eddie Lane forces LoKi to release the hold and the fans are still on their feet. Both men slowly stand and LoKi hits the ropes. As he rebounds, his bad leg looks to falter, causing him to stumble. Peggy capitalizes by catching him in a small package. However, an older, wiser, and more aware LoKi was able to roll the small package attempt at the two-count, and secured a three-count for himself at the 26 minute and 44 second mark. LoKi has defeated his friend and advances in The Icemann Invitational Tournament!

Winner: LoKi via pinfall
Icemann Invitational Tournament First Round Match
Murdoc vs. Lantlas

Referee: Tyrone Little
Match Details: This match could headline any Pay-Per-View, and before PCW last closed down, this WAS the headline match for a PCW PPV. What was supposed to be for the World Championship then, is only for a chance to advance in a tournament to crown a World Champion. Oh how time, and stakes, have changed.

Murdoc made his entrance first, and lots of the fans in the crowd booed the man. However, as has always been the case for Murdoc, some fans seemed to cheer for him- probably agreeing with his philosophy on life. Out next was Lantlas, minus Devon Drake, due to the order Skylar Marshall had made earlier about managers or valets not being allowed at ringside during tournament matches.

[The commentators do a good job mentioning how Usali Basilisk was the only man allowed to have a manager at ringside with him, and questioning such decision.]

Although Murdoc's entrance was par for the course, Lantlas's usually unanimous fan cheering, was not as unanimous as times of past: small, yet audible, jeers were heard as he made his way down the ramp. Lantlas seemed unimpressed either way- appearing as if the jeers, and the cheers for that matter, meant nothing to him. Murdoc slid out of the ring as Lantlas entered. When Tyrone insisted that it was safe to re-enter, Murdoc climbed up the ring-steps and entered the ring; the bell was then rung.

The two tangled to start the match, and it was Murdoc whipping Lantlas into the ropes- Lantlas flew back with a flying shoulder tackle. Lantlas controlled the next few minutes of the action, but it was around the eight minute mark that Murdoc was able to reverse the tides of the match when, while in the corner following an Irish whip, he countered a spear attempt by Lantlas- sending him shoulder first into the steel post.

As it was now Murdoc's turn to dominate the action, and he was quite impressive with his offensive skill-set; much different of the Prophet of old, who use his wit defensively to out-smart opponents into making mistakes. Murdoc's offensive arsenal featured eye rakes, eye pokes, snakes eyes into a big boot, and even a heart punch that got him a two-count on a pin attempt.

It was around the seventeen minute mark that Lantlas started to make a comeback, and he started relentlessly attacking Murdoc after a failed back-body drop (when Murdoc lowered his head to make the attempt, Lantlas just started wailing on hims with blows to the back). Lantlas started stomping on Murdoc. Murdoc, rolled away from a few of the stomps, and was able to get to his knees. He started begging off as he crawled back. Lantlas, who in years of past, would possibly allow Murdoc a chance to get back to his feet, was unrelenting in his approach.

This bit of aggressiveness was the beginning of the end for Lantlas.

As if the aggression was something new for him, he made a mistake by trying to deliver a big boot to the face of Murdoc. However, Murdoc grabbed Lantlas's leg, stood on his own feet, spun Lantlas around, and then dropped Lantlas with an iron claw he dubs The Beginning. Lantlas fought it off, and refused to give up. Murdoc, however, didn't cinch in the hold for long, and when he released it, he nailed Lantlas out of nowhere with the Temporary Oblivion- a knockout blow.

Lantlas went down hard, and Murdoc made the pin. Three counts later, at the 19 minute and 56 second mark, Murdoc did what very few have done in the PCW- defeat Lantlas.

Winner: Murdoc via pinfall
A Meeting of the Minds?
Details: The PCW-Tron sprung to life following Murdoc's victory and on it showed Jason Scene exiting a room. As the door wasn't completely shut as the camera got a quick view as to who was on the other side of the room- Skylar Marshall.


Ryan Lewis d. Heavy Metal via pinfall in overtime

Non Compos Mentis d. Tyrone Smith via pinfall

Diligence d. Jeremy Bagwell, Nacho Grande, Areas, Desy Extreme, Mark Spurlock, Shane Sparx, Phantasy Inc., & Trevor Massenburg in a battle royal via last eliminating Jeremy

Laura Seton d. Arik Ash via forfeit

Usali Basilisk d. Donny J. McNasty pinfall

Mike Park & Grimm d. Ace Anderson & Jason Scene via count-out

LoKi d. Pegasus via pinfall

Murdoc d. Lantlas via pinfall

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