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Details: The feed opens up with a recap of PCW Trauma 87 that took place two weeks ago. One of the clips that is shown is of Ace Anderson and Jason Scene having to be pulled apart by PCW officials and agents, and a second clip is of Murdoc hitting Lantlas with the Temporary Oblivion, followed by a pin and the subsequent three-count. The final highlights shown are of Skylar Marshall walking down to the ring and restarting the match between "The Kumquat Kid" Ryan Lewis and Heavy Metal. The feed shows Heavy Metal, completely exhausted, attempting, and failing to hit, his Air Guitar finishing move. It then shows Kumquat landing his Five Alive Frogsplash on Metal, and securing the victory. The video concludes with Skylar Marshall offering his condolences to Heavy Metal. After the video package ends, the feed focuses on Mark Long standing in the ring with a microphone in hand. |
Details: Mark Long: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Pure Class Wrestling's President...SKYLAR MARSHALL! ...I Hit the Sack... ...It's Been Too Long... ...I'm Glad to Be Back... ...Yes, I'm Let Loose... ...From the Noose... ...That's Kept Me Hanging Around... [...the opening of AC/DC’s, "Back in Black" begins to play. Fans familiar with Pure Class Wrestling are sure to know that it could only mean one man is making his way out to address the crowd...] ...And It's Getting Me High... ...Forget The Hearse Cause I Never Die... ...I Got Nine Lives... ...Cat's Eyes... ...Abusin' Every One Of Them, Runnin' Wild... [...from behind the entrance curtain, dressed in a customized, fully-tailored pin-stripped black business-suit, and sporting his usual ponytail and glasses, PCW President Skylar Walker emerges. In his hand, he holds a clipboard.] ...Yes I'm Back... ...Well, I'm Back... ...Yes, I'm Back... ...Well, I'm Back... ...Well, I'm Back... ...Yes, I'm back... [The PCW Faithful boo Skylar, but he completely ignores the jeers and purposely walks down the entrance ramp; he doesn't speed walk, but he doesn't waste any time either, as he reaches the end of the ramp and begins walking up the steel stairs. Skylar steps through the ropes and then shakes the hand of Mark Long, before receiving the mic from his hands. As Mark is exiting the ring, Skylar flips through the notes he has clipped to his clipboard, and then speaks.] Skylar Marshall: I have some important news to make. The first bit of news is that Laura Seton and Donny J. McNasty were both unable to make it here for the event. I'm not going to bother you with details, but I will say that their absences left a hole in The Icemann Invitational Tournament. Instead of awarding a bye to either Areas or...*shudders*...Grimm...I will be awarding the spot to an individual that was not originally entered in the tournament- Nacho Grande! [The fans cheer at the announcement that their favorite fast-food employee will be getting a chance to compete for the World Title.] Skylar Marshall: I'm sorry, my choice of words were a bit misleading. I'm not just going to award Mr. Grande a spot in the tournament without earning it. Just like every other PCW Superstar that is competing in The Icemann Invitational Tournament, Nacho will have to prove himself to advance. So tonight, if Nacho can defeat the three other PCW Superstars he is competing against, I will begrudgingly insert him in the tournament, and he'll square off against the winner of the Grimm-Areas Match. [The fans turned their cheers to groans when thinking that Nacho may have to square off against Phinehas Grimm.] Al Laiman: As much as fans may not like our PCW President, his reasoning is very understanding. There are no hand-outs on the path to the PCW World Title. Skylar Marshall: The second bit of news needing to be addressed is the outcome of the match between Heavy Metal and The Kumquat Kid. Over the course of the past two weeks I have been receiving a ton of hate mail; all of them saying the same thing- forcing overtime wasn't "fair" to The Kumquat Kid, and specifically, Heavy Metal. The mail was so overwhelming, that I had no choice but to bring up your, the PCW Faithful's, concerns with The Icemann himself. And, after a meeting between him and I, it has been decided that Heavy Metal will get a chance to rectify that lost against Ryan Lewis. Their match here tonight will be a rematch, with the winner advancing in The Icemann Invitational Tournament! [Heavy Metal's Army of Headbangers cheer boisterously at this announcement, but Lewis's Kumquatian Viewers are plentiful enough that their bemoaning of this announcement is clearly audible.] Skylar Marshall: I can hear Kumquat's fans booing. And I want to tell you all that because I am a fair and just man, Heavy Metal will be risking something in this match as well- HIS HAIR! [Kumquat's followers are silent, but Heavy Metal's fan let out a huge gasp of disapproval.] Skylar Marshall: To make matters more interesting, the match will now be contested in an Air Guitar Challenge! The winner will be the man who out-air guitars his opponent! [Now Kumquat's fans are levid- Kumquat doesn't air guitar, he swing dances! How can he compete with the PCW's first and only Air Guitar Challenge winner?!] Skylar Marshall: And to make matters fair, I'm going to give Steve Shaw the night off, and I am going to judge the match. [Even the Heavy Metal fans are starting to understand the injustice going on.] Jerry Andrews: I thought there was no hand-outs in the path to the World Championship? Skylar basically did everything he could to make sure Heavy Metal will be victorious. I am sensing some favoritism here. Al Laiman: I'm wondering if Heavy Metal is in-cahoots with Skylar. Many people have sold their soul to that man...I thought Metal had more morals than that. Skylar Marshall: Last but not least, I want to announce that at our upcoming Pay-Per-View- Living a Legacy III!- The Icemann Invitational Tournament Finals will be concluded. The International Championship Match, and both the semi-finals and finals of The Icemann Invitational Tournament will all be taking place on the same night. And at Trauma 89, I will be making an announcement concerning the North American Championship. Business is about to pick up. [Skylar lowers the mic, and then starts heading out of the ring; the feed changing to a commercial for...Taco Bell.] |
Match Details: On the last edition of Trauma, Areas came within two people of winning the big battle royal, while Grimm was involved in the tag match which ended in the count-out due to Jason Scene and Ace Anderson's brawl. Areas comes into this match looking for an upset, while Grimm is looking to move on towards the next round of the Icemann Invitational Tournament. Grimm made his entrance first, the fans adoring him with admiration, even though he tries to ignore them as he enters the ring, his hair covering his face. He stood on the middle turnbuckle and peered out into the crowd. His attention was drawn towards the stage, but instead of Areas, Jeremy Bagwell, of The Fifth Column, slowly strolls out from the back. Locking eyes with the Abomination of Desolation, Bagwell deliberately points at him before drawing his thumb across his throat. Then, just as suddenly as he appeared, he disappears behind the curtain leaving Grimm watching with an arched eyebrow. When Bagwell disappeared, Areas' music hit and the hooded star appeared. Areas removed his hood before entering the ring, even making his gun shot gesture on his way up the steps. The moment he entered the ring, it was all business as Marco Cruz rang for the bell and the match was underway. Grimm seemed monastical with his immediate movements and expressions. Trying to psych the young star out, but Areas showed guts, meeting Grimm in the middle of the ring and slapping him across the face. Grimm fell to the mat as the fans came to their feet, not expecting that. Grimm slowly came to his feet, Areas not jumping on his downward opponent, showing a lack of experience as the camera got a close-up of Grimm's face. Blood trickling from his cheek, redness, and a hand print embedded on his skin. Grimm snapped. Phinehas drilled Areas with punches, seizing him up in rapid succession, planting Areas neck and head first with a Snap DDT. Grimm's calculating ways came to fruition, as he stomped away at Areas. Throwing him around the ring, hitting him with big impact clotheslines, back-breakers and even a superplex. Areas was in trouble. Grimm whipped Areas against the ropes, going for a Samoan Drop, which Areas miraculously blocked by somehow getting off Grimm's shoulders, falling behind him and planting him with a German Suplex as both men took a breather. Yet still, Grimm was first to his feet. He seized Areas up, but as Areas rose from the mat, he connected rapidly with a superkick. The fans popped with cheers, enjoying the fight Areas was putting up against someone as decorated and revered as Grimm, and Grimm fell backwards, landing against the ropes, the superkick rocking him. Areas pulled Grimm into the middle of the ring, for the count, but only got two. Areas went to the top turnbuckle, but he took too much time and Grimm caught him, shoving his legs from under him as Areas landed down crotch first on the turnbuckle. Grimm was now bleeding from inside the mouth as well as his cheek. Grimm thought for a moment about what to do, before rising to the second turnbuckle. He looked over his shoulder before moving Areas around and moving in front of him, Areas back to the mat and Grimm in front, as everyone wondered what he'd do. And, as the fans screamed in awe while he was performing it, Grimm drilled Areas into the mat from the top turnbuckle with The Harvest. That seemed to be all she wrote, as three counts of the mat later by Marcos Cruz, and Grimm was victorious at the 9 minute and 58 second mark. Winner: Grimm via pinfall |
Match Details: Jeremy Bagwell is the first man out from the back for this tag team match, and he's greeted with a smattering of applause. Immediately following Bagwell is his partner, Diligence, fresh off his battle royal victory two weeks ago. Judging by the hiss from the crowd, it's safe to say they don't care for this guy. SkaFace, the team of Richard Fairplay and Matt Davis, are out next. The former members of an indy Ska band receive a mixed reception from the PCW Faithful in their debut match. Once in the ring, Melina Cruz checks both teams before starting the match. Fairplay and Davis play paper, rock, scissors to see who starts the match and Fairplay wins. Diligence forces Bagwell into the ring to start the match. Jeremy confidently goes after Fairplay to start things off but is leveled by a running clothesline. Things go downhill from there as the experience of SkaFace begins to show. Quick tags and seamless teamwork have Bagwell on the verge of defeat after about the five minute mark as Diligence watches nonchalantly from the corner. Fairplay tags Davis back in and they obliterate young Bagwell with the Superstar Combination, a simultaneous clothesline/chop block, and the fans can sense that the end is near. Davis makes the cover but Bagwell somehow kicks out at the last second! Sending Bagwell into the corner, Davis goes for a running splash...and comes up empty as Jeremy drops out of the way. Crawling towards his corner, Bagwell reaches desperately for the tag. Diligence just watches his young protege, refusing to reach for the tag. Bagwell is so close...but Davis latches onto an ankle and yards him back over to his side of the ring. A quick tag later and the end is within sight. Diligence shakes his head in disgust on the ring apron. Matt connects with the Product which sends Bagwell staggering across the ring. As he does so, Diligence tags him blindly on the shoulder. Bagwell stumbles back around and walks right into Fairplay's Unfair Advantage! Bagwell is out cold and Fairplay quickly covers him, hooking the leg. Diligence hops into the ring as Melina Cruz explains to Fairplay that Bagwell is no longer the legal man. Diligence sprints across the ring and clotheslines Davis over the top rope. Still a little confused, Fairplay stands and goes after Diligence. Cruz attempts to usher Bagwell out of the ring while Fairplay comes at Diligence with a double axe handle. With the referee's back turned, Diligence scores with a kick to the groin, followed by the Diligent DDT in the center of the ring. He falls on top of Fairplay and hooks the leg just as Melina turns around to count the pinfall at the 7 minute and 16 second mark. Winners: The Fifth Column via pinfall when Diligence pins Richard Fairplay |
Details: With Diligence still in the ring, Bagwell begins making his way towards the back. As he approaches the curtains, Grimm steps out from the back with a shovel in hand. The fans erupt. Clearly caught off guard, Bagwell begins to backpedal. Diligence watches intently from inside the ring. Desperate to escape, Jeremy hops the guardrail and begins wading through the sea of fans. Grimm follows, stalking his prey. Moments later, both men have disappeared to the backstage area. |
Details: [The feed switches over to the backstage area, where Nacho is appearing to be a bit more serious than normal. Noticing the camera as he's about to head out for his match, he speaks.] Nacho Grande: Some people think a guy who has fun and isn't afraid to make a fool of himself can't be taken seriously. Some people think a masked character who cracks references and works at Taco Bell must not be a championship-caliber wrestler. Some people think that because a wrestler is fond of a certain move that it's the only one he can do. Some people are wrong. [Nacho Grande steps a little closer.] Nacho Grande: Tonight, I've been given the first real chance of my career, and I'm going to take it. I'm going to show PCW that I can have a great time and deal out a sense of humor, but when I get in that ring, I'm just as good at wrestling as anyone here. I will not be looked down upon because I happen to enjoy working with the public, or because I'm a total pop culture nerd. [Nacho Grande is about to walk away, but stops one more time.] Nacho Grande: Tonight, I will show all of you who doubt me what an underdog can really do when he's sick of being everyone's running joke. It doesn't matter if you put me in there with Grimm himself, I will give everything I have, and no longer will Nacho Grande be PCW's running gag, but someone that finally, nobody wants to face! [Nacho storms away, pumped for his showdown with great implications.] |
Match Details: Numbah One enters first, walking out with punchy, kicky, and...um, eye gougey. He is joined in the ring by Noish, also making his Pure Class debut, and both men are ready to start the match early. Referee Buckland forces them apart, but is only barely able to keep them restricted to trash talk and finger pointing. "Seek and Destroy" blasts from the loudspeakers signaling that Blade Lionheart is about to make his anticipated return. How anticipated depends on whether he's been in your dressing room lately. One of the most physically imposing specimens on the PCW roster, the huge man charges the ring swinging his silver bat, sending Noish, Numbah One, and the referee all scrambling for cover. Blade holds court in the ring, swinging wildly at anyone who tries to interrupt, opponent and official alike. Who ever thought people would go nuts when New Kids on the Block started playing? Blade stands alone in the ring, bat in hand, and motions in the direction of the stage for Nacho Grande to come get his 'stuff' broken. The erstwhile luchador doesn't appear, however. Blade does a chicken impression, then swings his bat at Noish who is trying to slip back into the ring. The call goes up once more as Nacho Grande appears out of the crowd opposite the entrance ramp, and slides into the ring behind Lionheart. Blade is perplexed by the chants, and walks right into a hurricanrana and cradle pin! The match hasn't even officially started, but if Buckland had been in the ring, Nacho just might have taken this one home. Before the bell is sounded and a one count is made, Blade has kicked out and joins Noish and Numbah One in mercilessly punishing the luchador for almost stealing the match. It's every man for himself, ensuring that chaos shall reign here tonight. Blade Lionheart is well inside his element, dominating in the power department by a clear margin. But bar brawls have nothing on rush hour at Taco Bell, and Nacho has apparently loaded up on Baja Blast Mountain Dew (gotta get those product placements in somewhere). After the fifth or sixth arm drag, Blade gets frustrated and goes low, then powers the masked man back into the corner for a good old-fashioned mud hole stomping. Meanwhile, newcomer Numbah One is punching, kicking, and eye-gouging his best and gets a brief advantage over Noish with a thumb to the eye. Noish retaliates with solid grappling skills, and scores a two count with a German suplex pin before Blade intervenes. It's still anybody's game, and the ref is racing to keep up with all the pin attempts. After several minutes, Blade Lionheart gets off a major hit on Numbah One with a brainbuster DDT that probably rendered his opponent three inches shorter. He tries for a lateral press, but at the two, Nacho springboards off the ropes with a leg-drop across the big man's back. Blade rolls to the side and Nacho throws himself across Numbah One himself, but Noish breaks it up in the nick of time. The battle goes on, although Numbah One is still suffering the effects of that devastating brainbuster. The turning point of the match comes when Numbah One sticks his thumb in Blade's eye and sends him to the ropes. Or he tries to anyway; Blade reverses and drills him the Blade Hole Slam! The big man makes the cover, but once again, Noish is on the ball and drops an elbow to break it up. Blade pops up and crushes him with the Emo Blaide Aide, and throws him out of the ring with air to spare. Nacho seizes the opening and jumps out over the top, catching Blade's head on the way down like he wants to take it home with him. Lionheart is nearly decapitated on the top rope, and collapses inside the ring. Nacho quickly capitalizes on Blade's current situation by jumping back onto the apron, and then leaping up on the top turnbuckle. Although his face is covered by the mask, Nacho's facial expression cannot be hidden. He knows he is just moments away from proving to everyone that he belongs in the PCW. And with that, he leaps off the top and hits the 2AM Drive Thru on Blade. He quickly makes the pin, hooks the leg, and, at the 11 minute and 55 second mark, is awarded the victory. Nacho Grande will fight Grimm at Trauma 89 for a chance to advance in The Icemann Invitational Tournament. Winner: Nacho Grande via pinfall after pinning Blade Lionheart |
Details: The PCW-Tron comes on and shows a split-screen of Heavy Metal, Skylar Marshall, and Ryan Lewis all walking in the back towards the ring. Heavy Metal is on the far left, wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket. Skylar is in the middle, with his hair uncharacteristically let down his back, and he is wearing a referee shirt. On the right side of the screen is Kumquat, who is wearing a lime-green T-Shirt, sneakers, and wind pants. As all three walks to the ring, the feed then fades to a commercial. |
Match Details: When the feed comes back from commercial, Skylar, Kumquat, and Metal are all in the ring. The camera picks up on a pair of hair clippers propped at ringside, in case Heavy Metal loses. Mark Long then explains the rules of the match- each competitor will have thirty-seconds to perform their best air guitars to Skylar Marshall's theme song. When both competitor are done, Skylar will decide who performed the best and award them the match. Up first was Heavy Metal. As "Back in Black" by AC/DC played, Heavy Metal unleashed an awesome air guitar. Words could not describe how awesome it was. After Heavy Metal finishes his air guitar with a back-flip into a split and his arm extended as if he was Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat, the PCW Faithful cheered enthusiastically. Metal comes up with a huge smile on his face, looking as if he knows that was the best air guitar ever done ever. In the history of ever. Even Skylar looks impressed. Up next is The Kumquat Kid, and it appears as if he is a bit unsure of himself. He wastes the first ten seconds of the song looking around nervously, before he fumbles around with some decent, but nowhere near impressive, air guitar. The last ten seconds of his performance, however, he breaks out a swing dance air guitar, and the fans immediately fall in-love with it. When his time is up, the fans cheer for him nearly as loud, if not louder, than they cheered for Heavy Metal. Now with both performances over, Skylar takes a second to ponder and then walks over to the ropes. He sticks his head out and talks to Mark Long. Mark walks over to the clippers and grabs them; the camera catches a shot of Heavy Metal looking a bit uncomfortable at the notion of the clippers being brought over to Skylar. Mark hands both the clippers and the microphone to Skylar. With both objects in hand, Skylar walks over to both competitors. He then announces that the clippers will not be needed as Heavy Metal wins the contest! Winner: Heavy Metal via referee decision |
Details: With the news, Heavy Metal climbs the ropes and the fans cheer. The Kumquat Kid does not look pleased and he snatches the microphone from Skylar's hand. He informs the PCW Faithful that he came here to have fun and to promote the joys of kumquats, but he did not come to the PCW to be screwed over. Based on the outcome of this match, he is taking his leave from the PCW. He drops the mic and leaves. The feed then fades to commercial. |
Details: [The feed comes back from commercial with the the PCW-Tron showing the image of Grimm exiting the Pure Class Arena, and the fans go wild. He's still wielding the shovel with the wooden handle. He gazes around, scanning the parking lot for any sign of Jeremy Bagwell.] Jerry Andrews: This is really puzzling to me, Al. I mean, of all the guys in the PCW to start something with...why Grimm? Al Laiman: Uh...because Jeremy Bagwell is young and stupid? [A car engine thunders to life, followed by the long, high squeal of its serpentine belt. Grimm hones in on the sound and heads in that direction. Rubber peels pavement as an old '80s style Buick with rusting yellow paint fishtails around a long row of cars and heads straight for Grimm. In the driver's seat is a maniacal looking Jeremy Bagwell. Beside him, an unknown man with long hair. Grimm attempts to dive out of the way, but it's too late! The left corner of the car clips the Lord of Misrule and he's sent spiraling into a group of garbage cans! The shovel goes flying!] Jerry Andrews: Good Lord! Jeremy Bagwell just ran over Grimm! Somebody call an ambulance! [A hushed worry overcomes the fans inside of the arena as Bagwell speeds off. The camera follows the old Buick as it whips a quick turn and drives off into the night. Rustling can be heard somewhere off camera. The scraping of metal on pavement can be heard and moments later, Grimm is standing in front of the camera with shovel in hand; his eyes fixed in the direction of his assailant. Letting out an irritated grunt, Grimm slowly twists his neck to the side, his spine emitting an audible pop. The camera fades back into the arena.] |
Match Details: At Trauma 87, two of the men on each teams faced off in one-on-one competition, with Loki defeating Pegasus and Non Compos Mentis defeating Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith, in two great matches. This week along side the evolving Lantlas and the in-form Murdoc, these six men face off in what is guaranteed to be an excellent six-man tag team match. The arena lights fall to darkness, and as pyro goes off on the stage and the music hits, Loki appears on stage and the fans give him a warm reception as his limp from last weeks show seems to have healed away. Loki slides into the ring and performs his trademark taunt as the pyro shoots from the turnbuckles, as the fans get behind "The Fallen Angel". His opponent from last week is out next, the spotlight shines on Pegasus as he high-fives the fans, pointing into the crowd as the cheers sound out over his entrance music. Pegasus enters the ring, and much like last week he and Loki show their alliance by shaking hands as Pegasus leans against the corner. The third member of the team Lantlas is finally out, and staying true to his strange behavior "The Elven Warrior" makes his way straight to the ring, entering and standing adjacent from his partners only nodding to them as they await their opponents. Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith is out next, walking through the smoke as he goes straight to the ringside area. His opponent from last week, Non Compos Mentis is out immediately after him, Tyrone looks over his shoulder as NCM makes his way to the ring, the fans jeering him as he laughs off their flawed attempts. NCM and Tyrone meet outside the ring, staring down for a brief second before looking into the ring at the task at hand. And finally the third person out is Murdoc. The cheers could be heard in the crowd, but the negative response to Murdoc was overwhelming as he begins to remove his hooded robe half-way down the ramp, wanting to get right into this, but he wasn't the only one with the idea as a brawl between five of the six men ensues out on the aisle way, as Lantlas slowly makes his way out, not showing much speed. Roberto Garcia attempts to break the fights up, before finally restoring order as Pegasus and Murdoc are the first two to go at it in the ring. All other participants take their positions on the apron. Murdoc and Pegasus went at it in the ring, fast paced action as Murdoc hit some impact moves on Pegs, who seemed to get even more motivated coming back for more before Murdoc hit a powerful and methodical Clothesline on Pegasus. Murdoc brings NCM into the frey who began to work over Pegasus, hitting him with hard Jabs and Gut Kicks, running off the ropes and hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker for a only a one count. Eventually, Pegasus crawled to the corner and tagged in Loki, who seemed ready for NCM. They tangled in the middle of the ring, performing a back and forth exchange before Loki hit a big Spinebuster on an oncoming NCM. NCM retreated and tagged in Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith. Tyrone seemed full of energy as he came in swinging, catching Loki with a couple of Clotheslines followed by a big-time Heel Kick, the connection echoing throughout the arena. Tyrone had the upper-hand for a couple moments after this, locking in a tight Sleeper-Hold until Loki fought his way out, before hitting Tyrone with a Backdrop Suplex. Loki got to the corner and Lantlas made his way into the match, entering slowly, coming into the center of the ring as Tyrone regrouped. Lantlas showed his freshness, performing a wide variation of Arm Drags and Dropkicks to Tyrone who retreated to the corner of the ring, Lantlas seized the opportunity and performed an Incoming Floating Double Dropkick on Tyrone, the fans getting a great seeing from the maneuver. Lantlas went for the pin, and probably could have had it, if it wasn't for Murdoc placing Tyrone's foot on the bottom rope when the referee wasn't looking, breaking the attempt. Lantlas attempted to capitalize, but Tyrone got a stiff shot into Lantlas's gut, who reversed backwards, tagging in Pegasus who jumped onto the top turnbuckle, waited for Tyrone to get up before driving him across the ring with a Missile Dropkick. But Murdoc was in-reach and got the sneak tag, coming into the match and pouncing on Pegasus who was getting up, mounting him and striking him with blows. This prompted a reaction from Loki who interfered, taking out Murdoc with a stiff kick to the head of Murdoc who fell to the mat. Loki was taken out by NCM, who tackled him, both men rolling to the outside. This left only Lantlas on the apron, who is on his knees, holding his gut from the hard shot he received. In the middle of the ring, Murdoc and Pegasus come to their feet, and begin exchanging punches, one after the other, the fans cheering each time for Pegs and booing each time for Murdoc. Pegasus takes a wild swing; missing, Murdoc shows his sixth sense and capitalizes, hitting Pegasus with a closed punch, straight below the heart of Pegasus who is sent backwards. Pegasus, falls into Lantlas, inadvertently knocking him off the apron. Lantlas falls back and lands, shoulder first into the barricade as the fans react by coming to their feet. Pegasus, leaning against the ropes holding his ribs with a look of bemusement on his face, watches as Loki crawls over to Lantlas to check on the elf. Back on the apron is Non Compos Mentis and Tyrone Smith, and Smith, not appreciating Murdoc blind-tagging himself into the match, blind-tags Murdoc to be the legal man. Murdoc coolly exits the ring onto the apron, then down the ring-steps, and then he starts heading up the aisle. Non Compos Mentis begins calling for Murdoc to come back, and Tyrone, distracted, doesn't notice that Pegasus is behind him. Pegasus grabs Tyrone and hits him with a well-placed Guiding Light. LoKi leaves the side of Lantlas to grab NCM off the apron, making sure he doesn't get in the way as Pegasus makes the pin. At the 19 minute and 25 second mark, Pegasus has won the match for his team. Winners: LoKi, Lantlas, & Pegasus via pinfall when Pegasus pins Tyrone Smith |
Details: Following the match, Non Compos Mentis had taken Murdoc's cue and headed up the ramp. Tyrone also rolled out of the ring, and made his exit. Inside the ring, LoKi is checking on Pegasus, who is leaning in the corner, and whose ribs still seem to be bothering him. Lantlas, who collided with the guard rail, ignores his pain and enters the ring. He walks to where LoKi and Pegasus is and, after pushing LoKi out of the way, begins questioning Pegasus as to why he 'shoved' him. Pegasus tries to explain it was an accident, but Lantlas doesn't accept that theory, and in a bit of rage, kicks Pegasus right in the ribs. LoKi tries to interject, but he is surprised by Lantlas's Written Word. With LoKi down and Pegasus reeling in pain in the corner, Lantlas grabs Pegasus and slams him to the mat. He then applies the Elven Marksmanship on Pegasus, putting extra pressure on Pegasus's already injured ribs. Officials from the back storm the ring, and after about five minutes and Pegasus passing out, finally are able to get Lantlas to break the hold. The fans jeer the Elven Warrior; long, heart-felt boos. Lantlas seethes a little as he exits the ring. The feed then fades to commercial as officials, and a revived LoKi, check on Pegasus. |
Match Details: The next match in The Icemann Invitational is about to begin and the Pure Class Arena is plunged into darkness. A single spotlight illuminates the "Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk looming on the stage, holding aloft his mysterious Book. Basilisk is coming off a big win over Donny J. McNasty and has apparently gained some new followers in the bargain. Several handmade signs declaring loyalty to The Ascension can be seen in the crowd. Kids today. Jacob accompanies him, but Senior Referee Eddie Lane orders the Kool-Aid Man away as soon as the light returns. At first Jacob isn't sure what to do, but then Basilisk himself commands his minion to depart with a single imperious gesture. The Deftones announce the arrival of Mike Park. Park also celebrated a victory at the previous Trauma, though admittedly Ace Anderson's intermittent explosive disorder played a role. A long-range stare down commences as the P.I. locks eyes with his opponent and doesn't look away once during his walk down the aisle. Park and Basilisk approach each other to exchange some private words. Expecting a clash, Lane calls for the bell, but the quiet, intense verbal confrontation continues a few moments longer. The early part of the match is a careful feeling out process, punctuated with short, furious bursts of action. Reversals, re-reversals, and re-re-RE-reversals establish each competitor's in-ring credentials, but leave them more or less where they started. Well matched in speed, strength, and endurance, neither can get the upper hand. Park is obviously the more ring-savvy of the two, but the masked madman is crafty and unpredictable. Near the five-minute mark, Park ducks a high leg clothesline and lands a Soul Super Kick right on the point of Basilisk's jaw. Finally gaining the advantage, Park plays a strict ground game, keeping his opponent near the mat while wearing him down. Park apparently paid close attention to the most recent Trauma, as much of his focus is on the same leg Donny McNasty spent so much time brutalizing. However no submission is forthcoming... yet. The Exalted One doesn't register pain the way normal people do. Several more minutes into the desperate struggle, Basilisk reverses an Irish whip and attempts to throw Park from the ring, but the P.I. lands neatly on the apron. Basilisk goes low, ducking a swing from the outside and sweeps the legs. A running knee strike right in the mush sends Park crashing nastily to the floor in a crumpled heap. He struggles upright, but Basilisk comes off the top with a cross body press driving Park backwards and cracking his head against the guardrail. The impact is such it can almost be heard over the 'divine excrement' chants. Usali Basilisk throws Park back in the ring, but only scores a two count. Regardless, Park is in an unenviable position with the madman in control. Basilisk is relishing the chance to do anything he wants to his opponent, and there are no less than four near-falls over the next two minutes. After each pin attempt, the Exalted One gets down in his opponent's face, hissing something inaudible to anyone but Park before executing another devastating maneuver. Is it intimidation? Brain washing? Only two men in the arena know and neither is in a sharing mood right now. At eleven minutes and nineteen seconds, Basilisk attempts to send Park to the ropes. Park holds on, reverses, and levels him with an out-of-nowhere STO, but immediately collapses face down himself. Eddie Lane begins the ten count and on the seven, Park manages to throw an arm over Basilisk. Too slow to capitalize, he only scores another near fall. The Exalted One tries to regain his edge, but Mike Park is shaking the cobwebs out and the match turns even rougher. Both men are tiring rapidly, and Park uses his advantage to pummel his opponent with knee and fist, taking momentary breaks for his own trash talk. Basilisk is by no means out, but Park won't give him room for any of his signature high-risk moves. The masked man suffers two short arm clotheslines and is set up for the Omega, but just barely manages to reverse it with a back body drop. Park struggles upright, and in a burst of energy Basilisk jumps to the second rope for a springboard hurricanrana. Uh oh, the voices in the Exalted One's head are back – fighting Usali Basilisk is automatically a two-on-one handicap at least. He prowls the ring, listening to something only he can hear, then raises his arm in the signal for the Ascension Dive. He mounts the turnbuckle, but Park throws himself into the ropes in desperation, causing the masked man to crotch himself on top. That kind of pain, Basilisk probably felt. Park mounts the turnbuckle himself, and it looks like a superplex. Basilisk blocks it once, twice, three times. The two men struggle for supremacy high on the top rope where any mistake ends in unmitigated disaster. Basilisk is able to get himself in position, and the two then begin to exchange blows on the top turnbuckle. After a stiff punch to the gut, Mike Park is finally able to capitalize, sending Usali crashing off the top rope with an Omega! As the two crash to the mat, Mike has enough sense to place an arm over Basilisk, and at the 27 minute and 2 second mark, Mike Park advances in the tournament. Winner: Mike Park via pinfall |
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Match Details: This is yet another First Round Match of The Icemann Invitational Tournament. But it is obviously something more than just that. After the way Ace Anderson cost Jason Scene a victory, and then attacked him after that, Jason Scene went right to Skylar Marshall and the two seemingly formed an alliance, half-based off of business, and half-based off their dislike of Ace Anderson. Ace Anderson is out first, as "Pain Redefined" by Disturbed begins to play in the PCW arena, soon followed by the boos of the fans in attendance. Ace Anderson steps out onto the entrance ramp as the booing seems to intensify, but it doesn't phase him as he begins walking down to the ring. He gives one last quick glance out over the crowd as the boos still sound out before he walks up the stairs into the ring. Next out is Jason Scene, coming out to, "Click, Click, Boom." The boos steadily lessen as Jason Scene steps out from the back. A few fans cheer, more in the hopes they get to see Anderson lose than cheering for the man that now stands before them, Skylar no doubt among the ones wishing to see Ace lose. Scene locks his eyes on Anderson and then sprints towards the ring. He starts to slide under the bottom rope but catches himself and stays outside as Ace charges towards him. Tyrone Little forces Ace to the other side of the ring as Scene finally does make his way into the ring. The two men lock eyes as the bell is rung and they quickly descend upon each other in the middle of the ring. Ace once again looking to do nothing but destroy his opponent throws a quick punch that catches Scene and staggers him. Scene quickly answers back with a punch of his own, this time Ace staggers back a step. Scene throws another punch and again catches Ace, with Ace falling down to a knee. Scene steps forward ready to throw another punch but Ace quickly stands while wrapping his hands around him and delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex. Scene rolls on the mat in pain as Ace stands, a smile on his face. Ace controls the match for the next few minutes, even trying for a pin fall at one point after hitting a T-bone suplex that only attained a one count. As Ace picks up Scene from the ground though, he quickly throws a european uppercut and knocks Ace backwards. Ace charges forward and attempts a clothesline but Scene ducks it. Ace turns just in time to see Scene leap onto the ropes and springboard into a dropkick which catches him in the chest. Scene then goes on the offensive, doing everything he can to wear Ace down over the next five minutes. He even manages to lock Ace in a sharpshooter. Ace refuses to tap though and manages to grab hold of the ropes. Scene refuses to let go as Tyrone starts to count. Scene breaks the hold at two and then delivers a boot to Ace's side once he stands. He lifts Ace to his feet and then attempts an underhook powerbomb. Ace reverses it and flips Scene over his back. Both men are down as Little begins the obligatory ten count. Ace stands well before the count is over and slowly begins stalking the still downed Scene. Scene kips up as Ace nears him and throws a quick punch that catches Ace in the chin. Another quick punch and Ace once again falls down to a single knee. Scene then turns and runs towards the ropes and bounces off them only to be met by Ace who catches him with a boot to the stomach. Ace then hits The Exemplifier and covers Scene for the three-count at the 15 minute and 31 second mark. Winner: Ace Anderson via pinfall |
Details: As Ace is celebrating his victory, much to the dismay of the crowd, Jason Scene, who had rolled out of the ring, re-enters with a chair. From behind, he whacks Ace over the back with the chair. Ace winches from the shot, but doesn't go down. Scene then yells out, "this one's for Skylar!" and this time cracks Ace over the skull with the chair- bringing the behemoth down. Jason then drops the chair and cracks a smile, as the feed fades to black... |
The Fifth Column d. SkaFace via pinfall after Diligence pinned Richard Fairplay Nacho Grande d. Numbah One, Blade Lionheart, & Noish via pinfall after Nacho pinned Blade Heavy Metal d. Ryan Lewis via referee decision LoKi, Lantlas, & Pegasus d. Non Compos Mentis, Tyrone Smith, & Murdoc via pinfall after Pegasus pinned Tyrone Smith Mike Park d. Usali Basilisk via pinfall Ace Anderson d. Jason Scene via pinfall |