


8:00 p.m.


Greenville, SC


Pure Class Arena

Scheduled Matches
Match Type:
Mike Park vs. Heavy Metal

Referee: Eddie Lane
Tag Team
Blade Lionheart & Pegasus vs. Areas & Usali Basilisk

Referee: Roberto Garcia
Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith vs. Johnny Vivacious

Referee: Melina Cruz
Tag Team
Grimm & Sadistic vs. Last Chance & Desy Extreme

Referee: Joseph Buckland
Justin "Stormm" Michaels vs Mel Lombardi

Referee: Manny Cruz
Triple Threat
Non Compos Mentis vs. Ace Anderson vs. Jason Scene

Referee: Steve Shaw
Triple Threat
World Championship #1 Contender's Match
Lantlas vs. LoKi vs. Murdoc

Referee: Tyrone Little
Details: [The show begins with, "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva playing and the camera panning around the Pure Class Arena in Greenville, South Carolina (which is not to be confused with Greenville, North Carolina). The camera picks up numerous fan signs, but the one the camera stops and lingers on is a strange one. On it is a picture of a turban and underneath it says, "Q LIVES." Not only does that sign confuse the viewers at home, another panning of the camera shows that it stops on a man in the crowd with appears to be lighting bolts on his pants.

After the camera finishes panning the arena, "Survival of the Sickest" lowers and the PCW commentary team of Jerry Andrews and Al Laiman hypes tonight action.]


"Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva

Jerry Andrews: We are days removed from Living A Legacy III, and what a show it was!

Al Laiman: Four championships were decided, and what a way for new champions to be crowned. And let's not forget the return of Justin "Stormm" Michaels and Johnny Vivacious!

Jerry Andrews: Definitely can't forget either of those two men. Not with the way they returned. Speaking of Johnny V, his rival Non Compos Mentis was able to defeat Ace Anderson and PCW newcomer Jason Scene in a triple threat match for the PCW North American Championship for a record third-time.

Al Laiman: NCM squares off again against the two men he beat at Living A Legacy III tonight, in a non-title rematch. It's a match he was rumored to ask for. I've been in the ring with NCM before, and when he's on his game, he can defeat anyone on the roster.

Jerry Andrews: I do not doubt it, Al. NCM has been truly impressive since the PCW has reopened. Another person who has been impressive has been Grimm.

Al Laiman: I would have loved to have Grimm back in the HHW days. He's a monster that strikes fear into the heart of any man. And now there's two of him!

Jerry Andrews: That's right! At Living A Legacy III we found out that Diligence, who has been orchestrating attacks on Grimm over the past few months, is really Grimm's brother, Billy Sadistic! And the duo somehow ended up winning the PCW Tag Team Championships.

Al Laiman: Let me repeat- there are TWO Grimms. I feel sorry for anyone who has to face them. Sorry Desy and Last Chance.

Jerry Andrews: And in the main event, we saw Mike Park win The Icemann Invitational Tournament after defeating Murdoc.

Al Laiman: And because of that result, it set up a few matches for tonight. Heavy Metal was robbed of his chance to win the PCW World Championship when Murdoc blasted HM with a fireball and picked up the win.

Jerry Andrews: It did, however, set-up a match between Nacho Grande and Heavy Metal for the PCW International Championship. After a fast-paced, high-risked match, Metal was able to recover enough from his earlier bought to win the PCW International Championship.

Al Laiman: Speaking of Nacho...

Jerry Andrews: ...that's right. Nacho Grande put up a valiant effort at the Pay-Per-View, but in the end, it was a piledriver on the outside that secured Metal the win.

Al Laiman: As bad as that piledriver was, it was the attack after the match by Ace Anderson that shocked everyone. Anderson's attack was so brutal, that Nacho was unable to make it here tonight.

Jerry Andrews: We here are wishing Nacho a speedy recovery. Back to Park though...although Park avoided facing Metal in the Finals, the two, at request of Skylar Marshall, will be competing here tonight in a non-title match.

Jerry Andrews: And Murdoc, after getting so close yet again to winning the PCW World Championship, he once again has to battle for contention.

Al Laiman: Always the contender, never the champion. I'm sure Murdoc is ready to change that.

Jerry Andrews: I'm sure he would want to, but he has old-rival LoKi and a distorted Lantlas to overcome first.

Al Laiman: That match is later tonight. Up next is a special champion versus champion match...Mike Park vs. Heavy Metal.
Mike Park vs. Heavy Metal

Referee: Eddie Lane
Match Details: This match marks the first time that Heavy Metal would battle Mike Park. The two have taken very different roads to the PCW and their championships. For Heavy Metal, wrestling is all he knows. Growing up in the business, Metal has traveled the world and competed extensively in Mexico, where he gained his biggest success outside of the PCW. Park, on the other hand, uses wrestling as an outlet from his day job of detective. But despite their different paths to becoming a PCW champion, they both are adored by the fans, and are deserving to be champion.

Heavy Metal made his entrance first. The PCW Faithful have never shy-ed away from expressing how much they love him. As he strutted out, he used his PCW International Championship as if it was a guitar, and the fans just ate it up. When in the ring, he draped the championship over his shoulder and awaited his opponent.

Out next was Mike Park, and it had to be a little unsettling for the newly-crowned PCW World Champion to receive a lesser crowd response than his opponent. That said, Park was still highly over with the crowd. He walked to the ring, determined, but slapped a few of the fans hand at ringside. Once he got into the ring, he climbed the middle turnbuckle pad and raised his championship in the air. After jumping down, he and Metal walked towards the center of the ring, but stayed a bit of a distance away.

Mark Long then went into super special ring announcing mode. When he announced Heavy Metal as International Champion, Metal again played some guitar on it. When he announced Park as World Champion, Park raised it high in the air, leaning it a little closer to Metal's face. When the introductions were done, Park handed his title to referee Eddie Lane. When Eddie went to Metal to receive the PCW International Championship, Metal was careful to fold it, and then gave it a kiss before handing it away. And with that, the match begin.

The match started with Park and HM both jockeying for position. Park took control of the match first, surprising Heavy Metal with a quick flash quick. Roth quickly got back to his feet, only to be taken down with a spinning wheel kick. When Heavy Metal got back onto his feet again, Park went to grab him, but whatever it was Park was trying to do, was unsuccessful, as Metal hit a picture-perfect spinning head-scissors crossface. But Park was too close to the ropes, and was able to reach it for the break. Heavy Metal broke clean, and then allowed Park to get to his feet. The fans responded well by applauding appreciatively, and both Park and Roth did a little head nod of good sportsmanship.

The match cut to and from commercial, seamlessly, and for the next twenty-minutes, the two continued to do move, counter-move. Each man used a variety of high-flying moves. One such move was when Heavy Metal caught Mike Park with a Frankensteiner off the top-ropes into mounted punches. Another example would be when Park nearly got the victory after nailing a bridged German Suplex on Roth, from the middle turnbuckle pad. But a Heavy Metal match once again comes down to Eddie Lane officiating.

The finish to the match saw Park hit the ropes, only for Roth to catch Park surprisingly with a scoop slam on the rebound. Roth, without doubt, quickly jumped into the air, and nailed Park with a standing Air Guitar. Metal instinctively went for the pin, and Eddie dived for the count. One...two...thrkickoutee! Park kicked out at the exact moment Eddie brought his hand down to the mat. Most other officials would continue the match, but Eddie Lane signaled for the bell at the 26 minute and 23 second mark. International Champion Heavy Metal defeated World Champion Mike Park.

Winner: Heavy Metal via pinfall
After the match...
Details: ...Eddie Lane quickly leaves the ring. Roth is unsure of what exactly happens, but you can tell that he isn't the most pleased man of the night, even after he just defeated the World Champion. He helps Park to his feet, and, after receiving it from Mark Long, handed Mike Park the PCW World Championship. The feed then fades into commercial.
Tag Team
Blade Lionheart & Pegasus vs. Areas & Usali Basilisk

Referee: Roberto Garcia
Match Details: Pegasus could not be in the best of shape after facing off in a hellacious Pain of Glass Match against Lantlas and LoKi that should be talked about for ages. Blade Lionheart is the man pitted to help Pegasus to victory this week, but they'll have a tough time taking on the number-one contender to the PCW North American Championship and the man that helped him win that prize- Areas and Usali Basilisk.

Blade Lionheart and Pegasus enter first to a warm reception, although the short argument from Blade who insists he should start might not bode well. Then the Pure Class Arena is thrown into darkness as Areas and Usali Basilisk enter. Areas hasn’t made many friends by teaming with The Exalted One. But there are "Ascension" signs that can be seen in the crowd, so maybe a few friends have been made after-all.

Pegasus and Blade take the early advantage, but seem to be having a trouble communicating as a team. Still, they manage to work in tandem well enough for Pegasus to score a near fall with the Guiding Light on Basilisk. Blade tags himself in and gets a low blow by Areas, and the duo of Basilisk and Areas set about wearing the big man down. Fast tags and double-teams abound, and the referee has to stop Pegasus from intervening several times. Areas lands an inverted bulldog on Blade, then charges the hostile corner and starts a slugfest with the Winged Horse. Referee Garcia is distracted, and Basilisk climbs the turnbuckles to execute a high-flying Ascension Dive. Pegasus breaks free and chases the Exalted One from the ring. They brawl outside as Areas throws a leg-drop and makes the cover on Blade. 1… 2…Pegasus slides back into the ring to break it up…3.

The victors celebrate to a most unappreciative crowd. Pegasus isn’t much happier, and the frustration on his face is clear. Areas and Usali Basilisk acknowledge their admirers while dismissing their legion of detractors, their first outing as a team having gone exactly as planned.

Winners: Areas & Usali Basilisk via pinfall
Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith vs. Johnny Vivacious

Referee: Melina Cruz
Match Details: Dope Stars Inc. blasts over the speakers and out walks the man that parents warn their daughters about; the long-haired, pierced, tattooed Crazy Boy from Biloxi. He receives a decent reaction from a crowd that hopes he can pull himself out of his recent slump. Out next is his opponent, the returning Johnny Vivacious. The Resident Rulebreaker is the epitome of cool as he calmly walks down to the ring. With his return at Living a Legacy III fresh in their minds, the PCW Faithful can't help but boo Johnny V. In the ring, Melina Cruz check both participants before starting the contest.

Tyrone Smith comes out with guns blazing and catches Vivacious somewhat off-guard in the corner, much to the crowd's delight! Crazy boy hammers away on his foe, but an eye gouge from the Man in Black puts a halt to his flurry. Taking control of the temporarily blinded Smith, Johnny V works Smith over with a variety of suplexes before locking him an abdominal stretch! The fans begin stomping and yelling, trying to cheer on Crazy Boy, and he appears to get his second wind! Knocking Johnny's leg free, he hip tosses his opponent to the canvas and hits the ropes.

Vivacious is quickly back to his feet and catches Tyrone with the Lou Thesz Press. Pulling Smith to his feet, Johnny V plants him with the Southern Screw. The fans groan as things are looking bleak for Crazy Boy. Propping Tyrone up on the top rope, Johnny V positions himself in front of him and brings him crashing to the mat with the Vivaclasm! Taking his time, Vivacious casually covers Smith while Melina counts the one, two, three. Johnny Vivacious picks up the win at the 6 minute and 16 second mark.

Winner: Johnny Vivacious via pinfall
Tag Team
Grimm & Sadistic vs. Last Chance & Desy Extreme

Referee: Joseph Buckland
Match Details: Desy Extreme is the first man out for this non-title contest, and he's met with a mixed reaction from the PCW Faithful. He waits patiently in the ring with a smug look on his face as his partner, the debuting Last Chance, emerges from the back. The fans aren't quite sure what to make of Last Chance, but the children sure are frightened. Out next are the Tag Team Champions, Phinehas Grimm and Billy Sadistic. Some fans cheer, some fans boo, and some hide behind the person in front of them. Either way, the brothers pay the crowd no mind as they make their deliberate walk to the squared-circle. The Phenom and the Lord of Misrule hand their titles over to Mr. Buckland as Desy approaches them from across the ring. Not wanting to wait for the bell to ring, Desy shoves both men in the back. Grimm and Sadistic slowly turn and when they do, Desy greets them with a pair of middle fingers.

Buckland calls for the bell while Grimm and Sadistic slowly turn and look at each other...and the mauling begins! After the Tag Team Champions attempt to stomp Desy through the mat, Sadistic starts as the legal man. After a series of efficient tags and devastating maneuvers, Desy is hurting in a bad way. Desy begins screaming for mercy as Grimm systematically dismantles him. Eventually able to squirm free of Grimm's clutches, Desy dives for his corner and makes the desperation tag to Last Chance. From the glint in Chance's eye, it seems that he'd just as soon hammer Desy as he would his opponents. Rather than make crude gestures toward the Tag Team Champions, Last Chance gets right down to business.

Last Chance and the Lord of Misrule put on a show as neither competitor is able to gain the upper hand. Sadistic asks for the tag in the corner and Grimm obliges. The Sadistic One steps in with Last Chance and the battle continues. Last Chance gains the upper hand against the Phenom and begins wearing him out in the corner. After absorbing punishment for a few minutes, the Phenom turns the tables and begins wearing out the man from the mental hospital. Sadistic has Last Chance stunned against the ropes and decides to bounce off of the opposite side for a little momentum. As he's doing this, Desy opts to tag himself back in by slapping Last Chance in the back of the head! Last Chance is infuriated and turns on his partner, but before he has time to retaliate, Sadistic connects with a clothesline from behind that sends Chance over the top rope. Seizing the opportunity, Desy sneaks into the ring behind Sadistic and charges...

...right into a boot to the stomach, followed by the Sadistic DDT! The fans actually cheer as Desy is knocked silly. Sadistic looks down at Desy, then over at Grimm in the corner. This also brings a roar from the crowd. Sadistic makes the tag and Grimm wastes no time dragging Desy to the corner. Moments later, Grimm splatters Desy all over the canvas with the Harvest and the fans love it! Three seconds later and it's official at the 7 minute and 23 second mark.

Winners: Grimm & Sadistic via pinfall
Desy's Last Chance
Details: [Grimm & Sadistic's music begins to play, but it abruptly cuts out after a few seconds as Billy hops out of the ring in search of a steel chair. Grimm peers down at Desy in the ring as Last Chance realizes that his partner has just lost him the match. Still cross-eyed from the Harvest and the Sadistic DDT, Desy attempts to unscramble his brains. The Phenom dives back into the ring, chair in hand, and the fans know that bad things are about to happen. As soon as Desy sizes up his situation, he immediately begins crawling for his life. Before he can get too far, Grimm latches onto his ankle and drags him back to the center of the ring. Desy's nails dig into the canvas as he pleads for Last Chance to give him his last chance. Staring at him for a moment, Last Chance slowly shakes his head from side to side before turning his back on the ring and leaving Desy Extreme to his fate.]

Al Laiman: This certainly doesn't look good for Desy Extreme...

[Kicking like a wild bronco, Desy frees himself from Grimm's grasp and lunges to his feet...and takes a blast from Sadistic's steel chair! Some of the fans roar, but some of them boo as they remember what happened to Antoine McDouglas at Living a Legacy III. Sadistic turns, looking at Grimm. Slowly, the Phenom points at Desy's arm. Grimm gives him a nugatory head shake. Desy's leg? Again, a shake of the head. Grimm's leg? Grimm frowns while a few fans snicker. Desy's neck? Grimm nods.]

Jerry Andrews: Oh, God. Not again!

[Tossing the chair to his brother, Sadistic heads to the top rope. The Lord of Misrule professionally places the chair around Desy's neck, paying no attention to the swarm of security officers headed in his direction. Grimm steps aside, Sadistic takes flight, and Desy becomes eligible for a handicap parking permit. Security floods the ring as the Tag Team Champions calmly walk up the aisle to a chorus of boos.]

Jerry Andrews: Grimm & Sadistic may have just ended another man's career!
Good Job Out There
Details: [Before much more can be said, the PCW-Tron clicks on and on it, you can see Eddie Lane shaking hands with Skylar Marshall, in Marshall's office.]

Skylar Marshall: Much better job done this week, Lane. That's what I like to see.

Eddie Lane: *with a little bit of insincerity in his voice* Really boss? After reviewing the tape, Park got his shoulder up at the same time as my hand hit the mat. I probably should have just continued the match.

[Skylar releases Lane's hand.]

Skylar Marshall: Nonsense! You're the referee! Your decision is final! Heavy Metal earned that victory! Don't second-guess yourself too much.

[A knock on the office door is heard and Marshall shoos Lane away, while exclaiming, "come in." Eddie Lane exits the room, walking by an entering Heavy Metal. Metal has his PCW International Championship fastened to his waist, and walks up to Skylar and speaks.]

Heavy Metal: I hate to barge in on ya, boss, but what is up with Lane? I didn't want to win my match like that.

Skylar Marshall: I already reprimanded Eddie for his actions. That Lane...he's walking on thin ice. But let's not worry about him right now. How's it feel? You just beat the World Champion, dead smack in the middle of the ring. Specifics aside, that's a great accomplishment.

Heavy Metal: I guess it was.

Skylar Marshall: You earned that victory, kid. Soak it in. I couldn't have asked for a better person to be holding the new PCW International Championship. Mike Park might be World Champion, and that's a great, great thing to be...but you, Jake, you're THE champion. Good job out there.

Heavy Metal: Thanks, boss.

[And with that, the PCW-Tron fades out.]
Justin "Stormm" Michaels vs Mel Lombardi

Referee: Manny Cruz
Match Details: The next match features Mel Lombardi and returning superstar Justin "Stormm" Michaels. Stormm has much to live up to having already declared war on PCW and set his sights PCW World Title while Lombardi is looking to gain his first win in PCW after his draw at Living A Legacy. Lombardi makes his way to the ring to "You Know My Name" by Chris Cornell and receives a mixed response from the fans who haven't seen enough of him to form an opinion either way. This cannot be said for Michaels however as he makes his entrance to "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin and a chorus of boos and jeers from the PCW fans.

Once in the ring, Michaels decides he has a point to prove and ambushes Lombardi from behind with a clubbing blow to the back before the bell has even been rung. Once the referee signals to ringside and starts the match officially, Stormm looks to hit his trademark Hangcloud DDT but Lombardi fights out of the predicament and strings together a good offense of strikes. This flurry is soon stopped by Stormm with a thumb to the eye and he takes control with a volley of strikes of his own and a big dropkick. Michael proceeds to take control of the match with a series of suplexes and a Reverse DDT before pinning for a two count.

Piling on the pressure, Stormm locks in a sleeper hold while down on the canvas, but Lombardi fights back to his feet and counters before hitting the ropes and nailing a couple of clotheslines. The resurgent Lombardi can't keep up the assault as he does for a third and is countered with a Snap Belly to Belly suplex. Once again Stormm takes advantage and keeps Lombardi grounded with strikes, stopping him from gaining momentum. Through the boots, Lombardi fights back to his feet but is forced into the corner and lashed with a number of chops. Unable to gain momentum for a fight back, Lombardo is thrown into the ropes and Michaels ducks in preparation for a back body drop but Lombardi counters with a boot to the chest. The shock of the impact pushes Stormm back onto the ropes and as he comes back Lombardi nails a Spinebuster and he immediately capitalized with a series of mounted blows.

Manny Cruz soon has enough of the closed punches and gives a five count that Lombardi just stops in time for. As he come away from the hold, Cruz warns Lombardi and takes his attention away from Stormm for a moment which is all it takes as he gets to his feet and blindsides his opponent with the Flash Flood, a Reverse Sambo Suplex. Stormm pins but yet again Lombardi kicks out at two.

Stormm lifts Lombardi back to his feet and hits a number of strikes before whipping him into the ropes. Lombardi bounces back at him and Stormm looks to lock in another sleeper hold, but his opponent is carrying too much speed. Rotating through the move and carrying him momentum, Lombardi lifts Stormm off his feet from behind and nails a hard High Angle Back Suplex leaving both men down on the mat. Stormm is the first, however, to crawl over and pin Mel Lombardi. At the 17 minute and 41 second mark, Stormm is victorious in his return the PCW.

Winner: Justin Michaels via pinfall
Triple Threat
Non Compos Mentis vs. Ace Anderson vs. Jason Scene

Referee: Steve Shaw
Match Details: Up next is a Living a Legacy rematch for anyone foolish enough to have skipped it. The title isn’t on the line this time, but there still remains work to be done. First out is Jason Scene, walking to the ring amid golden light. Next is the enormous Ace Anderson, glaring and spitting at the crowd. The big man is in the middle of trash-talking his smaller opponent when "Hells Bells" hits and Non Compos Mentis emerges with the North American title over his shoulder. NCM morosely eyes the crowd and his opponents and then a smile appears on his face, albeit not a friendly one.

Mentis isn’t even inside the ring when Scene rolls Anderson up from behind. He scores a mere one count and they immediately start trading blows. Mentis dives in and starts delivering hard strikes to both men. A three-way brawl ensues, with not a friend in the house. The possibility of an alliance is floated when the Champion gets nailed with a two-man vertical suplex, but Ace turns around and hits Scene with the one-man version. Anderson punishes each of his downed opponents but makes the mistake of charging into a drop toehold by NCM and meets the turnbuckle face first. Mentis and Anderson slug it out until the Champion ducks a grapple and lays the big man out with a healthy dose of Blunt Trauma.

Before Mentis can follow up, Johnny Vivacious walks calmly out of the back and starts down the aisle. The Champion motions that he’s welcome to join in if that’s what he REALLY wants, but Vivacious stops halfway down and stands with his arms crossed to watch the action. Scene capitalizes on the distraction with a backbreaker and near fall on Mentis, and the battle continues. Jason Scene keeps the upper hand and delivers some nasty punishment, and has the Walls of Pain almost locked in before Ace Anderson clotheslines him out of his shoes.

Wear and tear is starting to show on all three men, but no one is able to put anyone else down for the three. Ace with a T-bone on Mentis. Two count. Scene with a swinging neckbreaker on Anderson. Two count. Mentis with a spinebuster on Scene. Two and a half. The brawl continues until Anderson tries to pull Scene up off the mat and gets a low blow for his trouble. Mentis spots the opening and clotheslines Anderson over the top rope and down to the floor. Without hesitation, the Champion kicks the reality star low in the gut, sets him up for the Fractured Mind… and executes it! Mentis knows the match is over, judging from the nasty grin on his face. NCM, with his tongue hanging out in satisfaction, aggressively makes the cover, and just like that, NCM once again defeats Ace Anderson and Jason Scene. Johnny takes in what he just seen, and walks calmly back into the back.

Winner: Non Compos Mentis via pinfall
Details: While NCM is staring at Johnny V heading to the back, from out of the crowd is Nacho Grande. He has a steel chair in his hand and he starts beating on the downed Ace Anderson at ringside. The crowd, who was not expecting Nacho to be there after the attack he received from Ace at Living A Legacy III, pop big time.

Nacho comes down with the chair numerous times. Ace seems to absorb the first ten shots, but Nacho doesn't relent. Eventually, PCW backstage officials come down to the ring to try and break up the ruckus. Nacho doesn't need to be held back much, and he stops his attack, tossing the chair down at Ace, and heading out just the way he came- through the crowd.

The officials help Anderson to his feet, but once he has his wits, he tosses a few of them down and stands on his own. He peers into the crowd with a seething look on his face, spit dangling. The feed fades to commercial with a close-up of Ace.
Triple Threat
World Championship #1 Contender's Match
Lantlas vs. LoKi vs. Murdoc

Referee: Tyrone Little
Match Details: After what Lantlas did at the end of Living A Legacy III, you can be sure that he is once again set on becoming PCW World Champion. But he has two other men who is just as hungry as he is gunning for the championship- Murdoc and LoKi.

Murdoc made his arrival first, and the fans booed him vigorously. Murdoc paid no mind, and when he entered the ring, awaited his opponents. Out next was LoKi, who received the complete opposite response. LoKi comes to the ring supporting a leg brace, and a slight limp- clearly a target. As LoKi was entering the ring, Murdoc immediately made the jump on him; attacking him as he was stepping through the ropes. As a veteran, LoKi should have known better, and he paid for it. Right off the bat, Murdoc targeted LoKi's leg, kicking it as he stepped through the ropes.

LoKi went down and Murdoc continued to stomp on the leg. But before too much damage could be done, out from the back and through the curtains ran Lantlas. Perhaps a shed of humanity returned to him, as he sprinted to the ring, looking as if he was going to help LoKi. Instead, he stopped short, and watched as Murdoc continued to attack LoKi. He then took his time entering the ring and began to help Murdoc stomp on LoKi as referee Tyrone Little signaled for the match to start- a good six minutes after the action has started. LoKi, all the while receiving the boots, was able to slide out of the far-side of the ring onto the outside. Murdoc followed. Lantlas turned to watch, standing alone in the middle of the ring.

However, at this moment, running down the aisle with the PCW World Championship was Mike Park. Park jumped into the ring, and nailed Lantlas from behind with the championship. Seeing this, Tyrone Little had no choice but to signal for the bell and award the match to Lantlas via disqualification at the 8 minute and 15 second mark.

Winner: Lantlas via disqualification
Not so fast...
Details: Park continued to attack Lantlas, and after hearing the bell, Murdoc turned to the ring to see what's going on. After hearing Mark Long announce Lantlas as the winner, the look on Murdoc's face became indescribable. It was a mixture of annoyance, anger, and apathy. He jumped into the ring and came to Lantlas aide by attacking Park. This distraction allowed LoKi to reach from under the ring, and grab a steel pipe. He rolled back into the ring and smacked Murdoc over the back with it. Now LoKi was the last man standing.

Just then, Skylar Marshall appeared on the PCW-Tron. He announced that he did not appreciate how the match just ended. And even though Lantlas may have just won the number-one contendership to the World Title, that Murdoc is the number-two, and LoKi is the number-three contender. And so, at the next PCW Pay-Per-View, Game Over, there will be a four-way match for the PCW World Championship- Mike Park defending against Lantlas, Murdoc, and LoKi. And next week, we'll see LoKi team with Mike Park against Murdoc and Lantlas!

And with that, the PCW-Tron shuts off.


Heavy Metal d. Mike Park via pinfall

Areas & Usali Basilisk d. Pegasus & Blade Lionheart via pinfall after Areas pins Blade

Johnny Vivacious d. Tyrone Smith via pinfall

Grimm & Sadistic d. Desy Extreme & Last Chance via pinfall after Grimm pins Desy

Justin Michaels d. Mel Lombardi via pinfall

Non Compos Mentis d. Ace Anderson & Jason Scene via pinfall after NCM pins Scene

Lantlas d. Murdoc & LoKi via disqualification

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