


8:00 p.m.


Greenville, SC


Pure Class Arena

Scheduled Matches
Match Type:
Areas vs. Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith

Referee: Steve Shaw
Tag Team
Grimm & Sadistic vs. SkaFace

Referee: Eric Russo
Battle Royal
Q vs. Last Chance vs. Mel Lombardi vs. The Watcher vs. Jason Scene vs. Blade Lionheart

Referees: Roberto Garcia, Melina Cruz, Manny Cruz, & Marcos Cruz
Pegasus vs. "The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk

Referee: Joseph Buckland
Six-Man Tag Team
Justin "Stormm" Michaels, Ace Anderson, & Johnny Vivacious
Nacho Grande, Heavy Metal, & Non Compos Mentis

Referee: Eddie Lane
Tag Team
Mike Park & LoKi vs. Lantlas & Murdoc

Referee: Tyrone Little

"Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva

Details: The show begins with, "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva playing and the camera panning around the Pure Class Arena in Greenville, South Carolina. Fans are on their feet cheering, as a massive pyrotechnics display goes off around them. The camera then pans over ringside, where Al Laiman and Jerry Andrews introduces the television viewers to the show. The two announcers hype up tonight's event, spending ample time going over the main event, and the implications it'll have for Game Over: 2. As they're trying to hype the show, they're interrupted by the PCW-Tron....
Incidental Contact
Details: [The PCW-Tron cuts to a dark corridor within the bowels of the Pure Class Arena. Walking down this dim stretch of concrete are the PCW Tag Team Champions, brothers, and all around deviants: Phinehas Grimm and William Sadistic. Their beards are thick with a grizzly ferocity; their hair are unruly messes of unpredictability. The disdain from the arena floor seeps through the CMU walls. Grimm's pale blue stare picks up an incoming threat and his pace slows slightly. The Phenom's anti-freeze green glare catches the threat as well, and moments late the gruesome twosome is confronted by PCW's latest sacrifice...SkaFace.]

Matt Davis: Well, well, well. What have we here?

Richard Fairplay: I don't know, Matt. It looks to me like a couple of backwoods bumpkins.

Matt Davis: Yeah. Backwoods bumpkins...with OUR tag team titles!

[Slightly amused by this show of bravado, Grimm and Sadistic share a brief smile.]

Matt Davis: Go ahead! Laugh it up! You might have the rest of the jackasses in Pure Class Wrestling shaking in their boots, but you don't scare us!

Richard Fairplay: In fact, we might just give you a taste of your own medicine out there tonight. After we end your pathetic run as Tag Team Champions...we're gonna end your careers!

[Having heard enough, Sadistic is primed to dismantle and destroy. Before he can lunge for their throats, he feels Grimm's calming hand on his shoulder.]

Grimm: Let them simmer.

[Without giving SkaFace a second look, Grimm casually walks past them. Against his better judgment, Sadistic follows. The camera follows the Horrors from Hangtown; the taunts of SkaFace echo after them. The Phenom's veins coursing with venom, he doesn't even notice Usali Basilisk walking towards him. The Grand High Exalted One attempts to step out of the way, but his shoulder makes incidental contact with Sadistic's.]

Billy Sadistic: Hey! Why don't you watch where the hell you're going?!

[Basilisk is silent; his expression hidden behind his ceremonial mask. Before anything can come of the situation, Grimm turns his brother in the opposite direction.]

Billy Sadistic: Today's your lucky day, Ballsack!

[The Tag Team Champions walk out of view with Basilisk watching after them. If you were to listen close enough, you would detect the deep laughter building in the pit of Usali's stomach.]
Areas vs. Tyrone "Crazy Boy" Smith

Referee: Steve Shaw
Match Details: Ready for excitement, the PCW Faithful pops huge when "10000 Watts of Artificial Pleasure" kicks in and Crazy Boy makes his entrance. The PCW Faithful are behind him all the way as he pumps his fist and gears himself up for the match. An opposite reaction awaits Areas as he struts out on stage and pantomimes a gun at Smith.

Both men are fast-paced, skillful on the mat, and closely matched physically. The opening minutes are an intense back and forth, as they avoid each other’s big moves but are unable to take a clear advantage. Areas gets off a snap suplex, but Smith dodges the follow up and dropkicks him in the head as he’s rising. Crazy Boy almost gets him in the Walls of Jericho, but Areas grabs the ropes before he can lock it in. Areas reverses a clothesline attempt with a sleeper slam, then Smith floats over an attempted suplex and executes a flying bulldog to the crowd’s delight.

Areas decides to take the low road with a low blow and finally gets the momentum. He has Crazy Boy trapped in the corner and is choking him out with his boot when none other than Johnny Vivacious comes racing through the curtain. The fans explode into jeers, but Vivacious makes it down to ringside without being seen by anyone involved in the match, and crouches out of sight.

The advantage swings the other way when Smith counters a running powerbomb attempt with a falling DDT out of nowhere. The Crazy One is intensely focused on his opponent and determined to break his losing streak. He scores a Russian leg sweep and a neckbreaker, topping it off with a huge frog splash! One… Two… almost a three. So close, in fact, Smith takes some issue with the call. When he tries to pull Areas upright, a handful of tights sends him crashing into Referee Shaw. Areas goes for a lionsault, but Vivacious sees his opportunity, pops up like a two hundred and thirty pound Jack in the box, and guillotines him on the top rope! Johnny V. drops to the floor and out of sight, nobody the wiser. Areas is staggered and walks right into the Crazy Slam! Shaw recovers… One… Two… Three!

The arena goes as crazy as the man himself, and he poses on the turnbuckles pumping his fist in victory. It’s not until Johnny Vivacious is halfway up the ramp, having dealt with his competition for the North American title, that Smith notices him at all. A look of suspicion briefly crosses Crazy Boy’s face, but it’s not enough to interrupt his celebration.

Winner: Tyrone Smith via pinfall
Tag Team
Grimm & Sadistic vs. SkaFace

Referee: Eric Russo
Match Details: SkaFace, the team of Matt Davis and Richard Fairplay, is out first. The response they get from the crowd is minimal. The former band members have an air of confidence about them after their altercation with the Horrors from Hangtown. Speaking of horrors, the reigning PCW Tag Team Champions walk out next. The crowd's reaction is split. Half of the PCW Faithful boo them...mainly because they're heartless bastards. The other half of the PCW Faithful cheer them...mainly because they're heartless bastards. Their walk to the ring is calculated and deliberate. Entering the squared-circle, the Lord of Misrule and the Carnivore of Hardcore hand their belts over to referee Eric Russo and the bout begins.

Before the legal men can be established, SkaFace is all over the Tag Team Champions. Matt Davis clobbers Sadistic with right hands while Richard Fairplay goes to work on Grimm. With Phinehas pressed against the ropes, Fairplay takes a running start and sends him over the top rope with a clothesline. The crowd can't believe what they're seeing as Fairplay joins with Davis to doubleteam the Sadistic One. With the Phenom staggered in the center of the ring, SkaFace is set to end the match. Matt attempts to lift Sadistic off the ground while Richard hits the ropes. Quick as a cat, the Phenom breaks free, boots Davis in the guts, and spikes him with the Sadistic DDT! As Fairplay rebounds off the ropes, Sadistic rolls onto his stomach. Floating over, Fairplay hits the ropes on the far side of the ring. Sadistic is up in a flash and he ricochets off the ropes on the adjacent side as Grimm storms into the ring like a lightning bolt! As Fairplay reaches the center of the ring, Sadistic chop blocks the side of his knee while Grimm simultaneously crushes the other side of his face with a thrusting Muay Thai kick! Richard Fairplay is flipped into a grotesque heap and the fans are rendered speechless!

Looking down at the mangled wreck that is Richard Fairplay, Grimm simply shrugs and places a palm on his chest. Not one to argue with a man like Phinehas Grimm, Eric Russo quickly makes the count. 1...2...3! And at the 1 minute and 22 seconds mark, Grimm and Sadistic successfully defend their tag titles.

Winners: Grimm & Sadistic via pinfall after Grimm pins Richard Fairplay
A Hangtown Howdy/A Hero Emerges
Details: Jerry Andrews: Wow! The Tag Team Champions dominated in impressive fashion!

Al Laiman: And I don't think they plan on leaving just yet...

[Laiman's prediction is confirmed when Sadistic hops out of the ring, immediately followed by Grimm. Seconds later, both men are back in the ring wielding steel folding chairs.]

Al Laiman: Yeah. If I were SkaFace...I probably would have just kept my mouth shut.

Jerry Andrews: All trash talking aside, this is completely unnecessary!

[Placing a chair around that stack of dimes Matt Davis calls a neck, Sadistic ascends the turnbuckles. The crowd holds a collective breath as the Phenom takes flight. Snap. Crackle. Pop!]

Jerry Andrews: They've just broken that poor kid's neck! Thank goodness security is on their way out!

[Sure enough, PCW's security crew is on their way down to keep the peace. Undeterred, Grimm wrestles his chair around Richard Fairplay's thick head. Phinehas nimbly hops up onto the top rope as Sadistic fends off the first two guards with a pair of right hooks. The Abomination of Desolation leaps off the top rope and comes down with a hard stomp, officially adding Richard Fairplay's name to the list of Men Who Eat Through a Straw.]

Jerry Andrews: Dear Lord! We need HELP out here!

[Security and EMTs have now circled the ring and everyone who dares to enter is thrown out by either Sadistic or Grimm. The team of Fairplay and Davis is left in the wreckage of their carnage. From behind the duo a courageous EMT slides under the ropes in an attempt to drag Davis out, but Grimm grabs the man by the hair, and plants him to the mat with the Harvest.]

Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?

[The lights in the arena begin to dim as "Holding Out For a Hero" begins to play.]

Where’s the street wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

[The crowd isn’t sure what to expect here, they begin to grow anxious with the arena going completely dark.]

Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?

[The chatter of the crowd adds to the uneasiness of the atmosphere.]

Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need!

I need a Hero!

[With a flash, the lights come back on and both members of SkaFace are out of the ring, being attended to by the EMTs. The security guards have vanished from ringside and are replaced by a legion of men in black robes, encircling the ring.

Grimm and Sadistic are in disbelief at their surroundings. What they don’t notice is that there is one hooded figure is standing behind them on the outside of the ropes. The hooded man pulls himself up and, using the ropes as a springboard, launches himself across the ring. Grimm and Sadistic turn around just in time to catch a double clothesline over the top rope, with the assistance of one of the hooded minions pulling down the top rope.

The brothers Dillinger crash onto the arena floor. They are slow to their feet when they notice that the legion of hooded men have begun to swarm them.]

"The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk: NO!!!

[His voice booms through the arena, even though he isn’t holding a microphone. At his command the circle of hooded minions open up to allow the duo to make it to the backstage area, but form a wall between them and their leader. Furious, Sadistic goes to rush the human wall, but Grimm grabs him by the shoulder. This jolts Sadistic to his senses, as the two slowly make their way to the back, glaring at Basilisk the entire time.]

"The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk: A hero has come!!!

[As these words echo through the arena everything goes black. Seconds later everything is re-illuminated, but the legion of "The Ascension" and "The Grand High Exalted One" have vanished.]
Battle Royal
Q vs. Last Chance vs. Mel Lombardi vs. The Watcher vs. Jason Scene vs. Blade Lionheart

Referees: Roberto Garcia, Melina Cruz, Manny Cruz, & Marcos Cruz
Match Details: The ring fills up as the combatants enter one at a time. Blade Lionheart, Jason Scene, Mel Lombardi, Last Chance, the ominous Watcher, and the bizarre Quintessential Q. A small army of officials position themselves around the outside, and the battle is on.

With six men in the ring and no friends, chaos reigns supreme. The massive Blade Lionheart gets Q back into the ropes and scoops him up to throw him from the ring. Q floats over, lands behind the Blade Man… and gives him a wedgie! The crowd laughs at the unorthodox yet effective technique, and Q tosses the stunned bruiser over the top. Blade Lionheart is eliminated.

Mel Lombardi has the Watcher trapped in the corner, rocking him with hard chops. A handful of hair and an attempted turnbuckle smash, but the Watcher blocks it and turns it around. Lombardi eats the pad and is knocked loopy. The Watcher seizes him as if to deliver a belly to belly and hurls him from the ring. Lombardi is profoundly eliminated and we’re down to four.

Jason Scene is in a private brawl with Last Chance. The asylum inmate gets the advantage and scoops him up, but Scene grabs the top rope and fights to stay in the ring. Just when it looks like Scene is going out, Q grabs Last Chance from behind and hoists them both over! Scene goes to the floor and is eliminated, but Last Chance lands on the apron. Q has already turned away, but the Watcher is alert and superkicks Last Chance before he can climb back in, knocking him to the floor and out of the match.

The last two men in the ring go at it full tilt, the Watcher’s solid and aggressive grappling against the Quintessential Q’s unconventional (and dirty) tactics. Shin kicks, low blows, and noogies put the Watcher on defense until he ducks a discus clothesline and crushes Q with a german suplex. Watcher takes it to the mat to deliver some payback. After wearing his opponent down he drags Q to his feet only to get a face full of bright blue poison mist! The Watcher staggers around blinded, giving Q time to recover. The bizarre one rushes forward with a clothesline when his opponent is near the ropes, but the Watcher grabs hold of him and both men go over the top and to the floor!

There is some confusion and then Roberto Garcia signals that they hit at the same time. It’s a double elimination! Neither man looks remotely satisfied with this, but four referees are enough to keep them apart. The Watcher is especially displeased and still wiping blue gunk off his face as Mark Long makes the announcement.

Winner: The Watcher & Q draw via double elimination
You Did Good
Details: [The feed cuts to the back hallway where Usali currently paces back and forth. Was it in preparation for his upcoming match? Or did he possibly have his mind set on Grimm and Sadistic, thinking that they might have something in store for him after his interrupting of their fun?

The camera begins following his feet as he continues his back and forth motion, up until another set of feet stop in Usali's path. The camera pans out to show Usali standing toe to toe with none other than his opponent, Pegasus. The two men stare at each other for a few moments before Usali steps back and raises his fists up ready to throw down with Pegasus. Pegasus shrugs and takes a step back as well.]

Pegasus: Easy now, not here for that. Just wanna talk, if that's alright?

[Usali is hesitant at first, but slowly lowers his fists to his side.]

Usali: About?

Pegasus: Well... uh...

[He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, and then slides a hand through his hair as the words that he had planned to say seemed to escape him at the moment.]

Pegasus: You uh... you did good.

[Basilisk cocks his head to the side as he stares at Pegasus through his mask.]

Usali: Good?

[Pegasus smiles as he shifts his weight again.]

Pegasus: Yea... ya know, like, you helped out SkaFace when you didn't need to. It was a good thing to do. It was the right thing to do.

Usali: The Gods smiled upon them today.

[Pegasus rubs the side of his neck, gently shaking his head.]

Pegasus: The Gods huh? Because uh... there is only ONE true God.

Usali: Really? How do you know? Because that is what you were told? Or because that's what you have read? Or perhaps you are just too devoured by your own goals that you fail to see the truth?

Pegasus: Or maybe... maybe I just find that one is plenty? Eh? Or maybe I came to say that whether it be God, or the Gods, that had you help them, you did good. And I respect that.

[And with that Pegasus extends his arm for a handshake. Usali studies him for a moment, then accepts the handshake.]

Usali: Who knows, perhaps the Gods will smile upon you in the ring tonight.

Pegasus: Heh, and may God smile upon you as well.

[Pegasus steps back as the two competitors stare each other down for one more brief moment. They both nod, and then walk off in opposite directions.]
Pegasus vs. "The Grand High Exalted One" Usali Basilisk

Referee: Joseph Buckland
Match Details: A match that should have represented a nice mix of old and new faces to the PCW, unfortunately never got off the ground. After Pegasus entered through behind the entrance curtain, the PCW Faithful cheered in adoration. Pegasus entered the ring, and awaited the man he just moments before had words with, his opponent for tonight, Usali Basilisk.

Usali then enters from behind the entrance curtain to boos, but surprisingly a large amount of cheers can also be heard. Usali attempts to make it down the aisle, but as he gets close to ringside, the PCW Tag Team Champions run down the entrance ramp. Noticing what's about to happen, Pegasus runs the ropes, and then dives over it, landing on-top of Grimm and Sadistic before they're able to attack Usali.

Usali, not realizing Grimm and Sadistic were behind him, watched as Pegasus soared over the ropes and landed behind him. Usali turns to notice the Horrors from Hangtown down behind him. He helps Pegasus up to his feet, and the two roll into the ring, as Grimm and Sadistic get back to their feet as well. Billy Sadistic is snarling, and is diligently trying to enter the ring, but Phinehas Grimm, the more relaxed of the two, holds him back. He whispers something in Sadistic's ear, and the two begin to backpedaling up the ramp.

Pegasus and Usali stare at one another, and then at the Brothers Grimm as the feed fades to commercial.

Winner: No Contest
The Icey's Are Coming
Details: The PCW-Tron comes on and shows a montage of past Icey Award shows. At the end of the clip, it's announced that The Icey Awards will be back at Trauma [93].
Six-Man Tag Team
Justin "Stormm" Michaels, Ace Anderson, & Johnny Vivacious
Nacho Grande, Heavy Metal, & Non Compos Mentis

Referee: Eddie Lane
Match Details: Since returning to the PCW, both Stormm and Johnny Vivacious have proved to the PCW Faithful, and more importantly, the PCW roster, that they're here not to make friends, but to add accomplishments to their already loaded resumes. Their partner for this evening, however, has only proven one thing- he's one mean, arrogant, sociopathic son-of-a-bitch.

On the other side of the ring, are two of PCW's current champions- Skylar Marshall's handpicked poster boy and the resident trash man himself- Heavy Metal and Non Compos Mentis. Teaming with them is the man who has been a thorn in Ace Anderson's side, Nacho Grande.

Justin Michaels makes his entrance first, and the fans jeer him loudly. He pays little attention to the boos, and then awaits his partners. Out next is his ally, Johnny Vivacious. Johnny, based on his actions earlier in the evening, gets an even bigger amount of jeers turned in his direction. He cockily walks down to the ring, jaw-jacking with some of the fans on his way. He's a bit hesitant to acknowledge his partner, and climbs the turnbuckle, wipes the sweat off his forehead, and splashes it towards the crowd. Justin eventually gets the attention of his partner, who just nods his head and shoos him off. Out next is Ace Anderson, who surprisingly dressed in his street clothes. He's a bit unshaven, and a bit disheveled, and growls and snarls at the PCW Faithful as he makes his way down the ramp. Both JV and Stormm look disgusted with Ace, and pays him little mind as he enters the ring; JV even holds his nose.

Out next is the opposition, and Nacho, Heavy Metal, and even Non Compos Mentis enter together, unified. As Nacho and Heavy Metal are having a little bit of fun with the crowd as they make their entrance, NCM is the odd man out, walking down the aisle cold and uninterested in the other two's antics. When all three get down the ramp, Heavy Metal, who had been using his International Championship like a guitar, kisses his belt and folds it, then places it on the floor. NCM on the other hand just drops his North American Championship. NCM, Nacho, and HM all look at one another, and then slide in the ring at the same time. The three of them begin attacking their opponents, Nacho facing with Ace, HM with Stormm, and NCM with JV. At the exact same time, NCM clotheslines JV out of the ring, Nacho dropkicks Ace out of the ring, and HM head-scissors Stormm out of the ring. With all three men now on the outside, they get back to their feet, and the three men in the ring stare them down. The feed fades to commercial at this shot.

The feed returns to the match with the action already started. During the break, order was returned. Johnny Vivacious is the legal man with Non Compos Mentis, and JV actually has the upper-hand when the feed returns. Even though JV is taking control of the action, you can see Stormm reaching out for a tag, itching to get in on the action. JV ignores the request, and continues working NCM over. A few minutes later, he's actually working on NCM pretty good in the corner, but as he climbs the second-turnbuckle to mount some punches, NCM grabs him and lays him out with a spinebuster; JV's head bounces hard on the mat, twice.

Both NCM and JV are down, and begin crawling to their respective partners. JV makes it over to the ropes first, but instead of tagging either of his partners, he grabs the ropes and tries to get back to his feet. Stormm is pissed and Anderson doesn't look too happy either. NCM gets the tag into Heavy Metal, who comes rushing in. JV is back up to his feet, and throws a wild punch that HM is able to duck under rather easily. JV throws another punch that HM is able to duck, and this time the punch connects with Ace's face. Ace falls off the apron, and Stormm has enough, and tags himself in by slapping JV on the chest.

With Ace on the outside, Nacho Grande slips off his side of the ring and goes to attack the man who brutally attacked him at Living A Legacy III. HM and Stormm are going at it inside the ring now, while JV and NCM recoup on the outside. Stormm rains in on the current reigning International Champion with lightning quick punches. However, only the fans seem to notice that Eddie Lane, Skylar Marshall's handpicked referee for this contest, is up to five-count. Stormm has HM rocking in the ring, while Nacho is getting the better-hand on Ace on the outside. Stormm is able to nail the Force of Nature on HM, and keeps the leg hooked for the pin. Three seconds later, and the bell sounds.

Stormm thinks he won, and he raises his arm in victory, but he is confused when Mark Long announces the winners of the match being Heavy Metal, Non Compos Mentis, and Nacho Grande via count-out. Nacho is still working on Ace, and the two battle up the ramp and into the back. Stormm is pissed, and walks over to Lane to ask what happened. Lane explained that when JV struck Ace Anderson, Ace became the legal man. Now JV is back in the ring, and he is arguing with the ref. Disgusted with the explanation, he walks away, "accidentally" bumping Stormm.

Stormm takes offense, and shoves JV. JV turns back, looks as if he was going to say something, and then changes his mind. Instead, he sees Non Compos Mentis still on the apron, and shoves him off. Stormms follows JV's lead and tosses HM outside of the ring. Both the North American and International Titles were slid into the ring by Mark Long after announcing the winners, and now JV and Stormm see both titles. Stormm grabs the International Championship, while JV grabs the North American Championship, and the two raise them high in the air.

Winners: Heavy Metal, Non Compos Mentis, & Nacho Grande d. Johnny Vivacious, Justin Michaels, & Ace Anderson via count-out
Details: [The feed transitions to backstage, where Nacho and Ace are still battling. But Ace is unaware of The Thrillion Man March are also backstage, and they're looking for retribution too. Nacho's posse attacks Ace with folding chairs, and when Ace goes down, Nacho climbs a ladder in the backstage area and delivers the 2 A.M. Drive-Thru. The Thrillion Man March high-fives as Ace is laying in a heap. The feed then changes again.]
Vested Interest
Details: [The camera pushes open the door to the locker room and inside is LoKi, lacing up his boots and getting ready for his upcoming match. The exhilarating young superstar rises to his feet, ready to compete. As he heads towards the door, a shadow falls across him. That camera circles around to the side to reveal Murdoc blocking his way. Staring up at the much larger man, Loki doesn't back down.]

Murdoc: You can relax, Brandon. I did not come to fight you, not right now. I came by to tell that I was sorry.

[Loki glared up at Murdoc, not taking his eyes of the wily man and not daring to trust him.]

Loki: What are you talking about Murdoc?

Murdoc: Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. Everyone can see how tired you've become, how worn down. And it's all because you gave up what could have made you great.

[His eyes burning with anger, LoKi glares at Murdoc.]

LoKi: You don't have any idea what you're talking about Murdoc, now get out of my locker room. I have a match to prepare for.

[LoKi shoulders past Murdoc, heading down the hall.]

Murdoc: When you're ready to reclaim what could have made you great, come and find me. Until then, say hello to your beautiful wife and little Angelica for me. After all, I do have a vested interest in them.

[LoKi's temper erupts as he springs toward Murdoc, only to be stopped by officials and security. The varied group pull LoKi away from Murdoc. LoKi yelling threats and obscenities at Murdoc, who merely laughs as the young man is dragged off.]
Tag Team
Mike Park & LoKi vs. Lantlas & Murdoc

Referee: Tyrone Little
Match Details: Even with his short-time in the PCW, Mike Park has found himself engrossed in the history of the other three men. For LoKi and Murdoc, their feud goes back to 2005, where Murdoc was slightly responsible for the PCW release of Whisper, LoKi's wife. Murdoc also has a history with Lantlas, as it was Murdoc and Lantlas who held the PCW Tag Titles with one another, and it was Murdoc who eliminated Lantlas from The Icemann Invitational Tournament.

Now enter Mike Park.

Mike was the winner of The Icemann Invitational Tournament, last eliminating Murdoc. And after Mike won the tournament, and the World Title, it was Lantlas who destroyed him after the match. The same Lantlas who defeated LoKi earlier that evening in a brutal Pain of Glass Match. All four men will now battle in the main event at Game Over: 2. But tonight, LoKi and Park team up against Lantlas and Murdoc.

Lantlas is the first to make his entrance, and he is booed nearly out of the building. After he enters, Murdoc is out, and he receives the same "warm" response as Lantlas. The two behemoths stand opposite of each other, but say nothing to one another.

Out next is LoKi, who gets a generous and warm reception. He has a pissed off look on his face, no doubt caused from the interaction he had with Murdoc not too long ago. As annoyed as he is, he smartly waits at the top of the ramp for the arrival of his partner for the evening, Mike Park. Park goes out, and although he gets applauded, the fans aren't as behind him as they are his partner. The two men look at each other, and run down the entrance ramp. They both slide in, but Murdoc and Lantlas are on them before they can even get up to their feet. This gives Tyrone enough reason to signal for the bell and for the match to start.

As both Park and LoKi get to their feet, Lantlas and Murdoc whip them into the ropes. However, the two speedier superstars come back with double shoulder tackles, knocking both big men down simultaneously. As both Lantlas and Murdoc get to their feet, Tyrone steps in-between them and tells them that a legal man has to be established. Park and LoKi look at one another, and nod, and LoKi starts heading to their corner. Murdoc and Lantlas similarly look at one another, but neither man seems interested in stepping on the apron. Murdoc finally relents his stance, coolly bows, and extends his arm in a gesture that says, "after you."

Lantlas begins to square up with Park, but Murdoc instead pushes Lantlas out of the way and hits Mike Park with The End, which is a fireball to the face; It's the same type of move that Murdoc used to reach The Icemann Invitational Tournament finals against Heavy Metal. The move was blatant, and in the face of Tyrone Little, and before this match can even really start, Tyrone has no choice but to disqualify the team of Lantlas and Murdoc.

Winners: Mike Park & LoKi via disqualification
After the match...
Details: ...Lantlas is outraged that Murdoc cost him yet another victory, and he gets right in the face of the man formerly known as The Prophet. Although one cannot hear what Lantlas is saying, the tone in his voice and his facial contortions paint the picture of whatever it is he's saying, it's not encouraging words of appreciation. Murdoc shoves Lantlas away, and that was enough for The Elven Nightmare to attack.

Lantlas and Murdoc exchange blows, and this gives LoKi and Tyrone Little enough time to roll Park out of the ring. LoKi checks on Park for a second, and then scales the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top-rope and "The Angel of Death" leaps off with a picture-perfect cross-body block to the two men. They both go down, and LoKi picks up the World Championship belt that lays in the ring. As LoKi stares at the title, the feed fades to black.


Tyrone Smith d. Areas via pinfall

Grimm & Sadistic d. Skaface via pinfall after Grimm pins Richard Fairplay

Q & The Watcher draw when they eliminate each other from a Battle Royal

Pegasus & Usali Basilisk wrestle to a No Contest

Heavy Metal, Non Compos Mentis, & Nacho Grande d. Ace Anderson, Johnny Vivacious, & Justin Michaels via count-out

Mike Park & LoKi d. Lantlas & Murdoc via disqualification

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