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Details: [The PCW-Tron flickers to life before even the opening intro can begin. On the big screen is Menace of 2Guys: former PCW Tag Team Champion, current champion of Something Stupid, and an all-around swell guy. The familiar face draws a thunderous roar from the crowd. The camera pans out to discover Heavy Metal, reigning International Champion, standing beside him. The PCW Faithful respond even louder. Standing somewhere in the backstage area, Roth gives his most prized possession a quick shine before hefting it onto his tanned, muscular shoulder.] Menace: Hey man, do you actually think you can trust Mentos Mints out there tonight? [It takes a couple seconds for the name to register, but Roth casually nods and smiles.] Heavy Metal: Dude, when you're teamed with a guy like Non Compos Mentis...well, sometimes you've just gotta stay outta the way and let the man go to work. Menace: Smart man. Heavy Metal: Hey, what brings you over to our side of the pond? Menace: Actually, I'm only here to... [Menace is interrupted in mid-sentence when the side door to the building smashes open. The monstrous Blade Lionheart stands in the doorway. Boos echo throughout the arena as Blade, duffel bag slung over one shoulder, attempts to fit himself and his luggage through the door frame. With all the grace of a bull in a China shop, Blade stumbles through. Regaining his balance, he heads straight for Menace and Heavy Metal; the two men can't help but chuckle at Blade's superior agility. Dropping his bag at Menace's feet, Blade leans in with a snarl on his ugly mug.] Blade Lionheart: What the hell are you laughin' at? Menace: Do I know you? Blade Lionheart: Blade. Blade Lionheart. Menace: Blaaaaaade...Lionheart? Sorry. Not ringing a bell. Blade Lionheart: Blade Lionheart. The Blade Man. The breaker of shit... [Heavy Metal leans towards Menace and whispers something into his ear. Recognition flashes across his face.] Menace: Ahhh! Now I remember you! Bladen Walker! [Laughter fills the arena.] Menace: Hey Metal, remember that time he stood on the stage with his hands on his hips? [Roth, trying not to smile, gives a cool nod; cooler than the other side of the pillow. Becoming visibly agitated, the Blade Man reaches down and unzips his bag. As he begins to pull out his trademark silver baseball bat, the two men take a step back.] Menace: Easy there, Gunblade. No need to summon a GF! Heavy Metal: Why are you unpacking here? Your dressing room is down the hall...with Mel Lombardi. [With the bat halfway out of the bag, Blade pauses.] Blade Lionheart: Mel Lombardi? Why would I be sharin' a room with Mel Lombardi? Heavy Metal: Oh, you didn't hear? They're giving you and Mel a shot at the tag titles against Grimm & Sadistic. [Without missing a beat, Blade stuffs the bat back inside the bag and zips it up. Tossing the duffel over his shoulder, he begins backpedaling towards the door while shooting cautious glances in all directions.] Heavy Metal: Where are you going? Blade Lionheart: I...uh...forgot something in my truck. I'll be right back. [Blade and his luggage struggle through the doorway as the breaker of shit bolts into the parking lot.] Menace: I didn't know Squall's Gunblade had a match against Reaper and Death... Heavy Metal: He doesn't. [Seconds later, tires burning pavement can be heard peeling out of the parking lot. Menace and Metal glance at each other and start laughing.] Menace: Fraggin' idiot. [After a high-five, the PCW-Tron fades back into the arena.] |
"Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva Details: The feed switches over to the Trauma opening video, where clips of Non Compos Mentis, Heavy Metal, Lantlas, Pegasus, Grimm & Sadistic, LoKi, Murdoc, Mike Park, among others, are seen. The video interweaves with, “Survival of the Sickest” by Saliva. When the video finishes up, a live, rotating shot of inside the Pure Class Arena in Greenville, South Carolina can be seen. The arena appears to be packed to capacity and the fans are on their feet cheering, waving their signs and swaying with the music. Jerry Andrews and Al Laiman begin to hype the show and then kick it to Mark Long in the ring, preparing to announce the first match. |
Match Details: In the opening match of the night, "The Phenom" Billy Sadistic is out for a little redemption against PCW's resident do-gooder. "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones hits and out walks one half of the Tag Team Champions. Sadistic is drenched with a healthy helping of boos from the PCW Faithful, but he doesn't even seem to notice. Climbing through the ropes, the Horror from Hangtown awaits his rival's arrival. "Leap of Faith" by Egypt Central hits and the fans respond with a monster applause for one of the nicest men in the business, both inside and outside the ring. Pegasus emerges from the back and takes a little time to slap a few high-fives on his was down to the ring. As he climbs into the ring, Sadistic fixes a dull, level gaze on him. AJ calls for the bell and Pegasus walks to the middle of the ring. Extending his hand, he waits for the Sadistic One to accept his handshake. A bit cautious, Sadistic stares down at the extended offering before clasping Pegasus's hand...and pulling him in for a short-arm clothesline! But Pegasus was ready for it and he ducks, goes behind, and nearly German suplexes Sadistic out of his boots! The fans roar as the Phenom, a bit frustrated, charges his foe! Using his speed, Pegasus leap frogs Sadistic and catches him on the rebound with a standing dropkick that sends the Tag Team Champion through the ropes to the outside! The Carnivore of Hardcore slaps the ring apron in frustration as referee Bennett begins his ten-count. After regrouping, Sadistic climbs back into the ring and locks up with the former World Champion. Relying on his quickness and agility, Pegasus clamps on a headlock and quickly chains it into a go behind hammerlock. Having had enough, Sadistic waits until the referee's vision is obscured to connect with a mule kick to Pegasus's gonads. Pegasus slumps to the mat as the fans give the Phenom what for. Now it's Sadistic's turn to go to work, and he unleashes some devastating punishment. A piledriver scores a two-count, a brainbuster is broken up when Pegasus gets his boot on the bottom rope, and a swandive headbutt nearly ends the match but Pegasus somehow manages to get his shoulder up. Pegasus doesn't have much left and the Phenom can feel it. Propping Pegasus up on the top turnbuckle, Sadistic follows him up for a superplex! The fans rise, but Pegasus shoves Sadistic to the mat! A bit wobbly, Pegs perches himself atop the turnbuckle pad and backflips through the air with the Leap of Faith! Nobody home! Sadistic rolls out of the way and Pegasus chows down on some sweaty canvas. Sadistic quickly rolls on top for the cover, but Pegasus kicks out at two...much to the delight of the crowd. Ready to end things, Sadistic pulls Pegasus off the mat with a handful of hair and locks him in for the Sadistic DDT. In a flash, the fan favorite hooks onto the Phenom and takes him through the air with the Guiding Light into a bridging pin! 1...2...Sadistic kicks out at the last possible moment! Both men struggle to their feet and the fans are clearly behind Pegasus. Sadistic throws a haymaker that Pegasus ducks under and pulls the Phenom's legs out from under him in the process. Tangling Sadistic's legs, Pegasus attempts to trap him in his Tribulation submission hold. Fighting with all of his might, Sadistic jams a thumb into Pegasus's eye! With his opponent blinded, Sadistic grabs him by the hair and rolls him into a small package. Using a handful of tights for leverage, Sadistic steals the pinfall victory at the 12 minute and 17 second mark. Winner: Billy Sadistic via pinfall |
[With Pegasus down in the ring, the Phenom heads to the outside in his all-to-familiar search for a steel folding chair. Finding his implement of destruction, he slides back into the ring.] Jerry Andrews: Not again! Not Pegasus! [The fans boo mercilessly as Sadistic approaches Pegasus with a delightful smirk plastered across his face. As he reaches down to place the chair around his victim's neck, the lights go out! The fans scream wildly as the arena is drenched in blackness. Moments later the lighting resumes...and Pegasus is nowhere to be found!] Jerry Andrews: Where'd he go? [Slightly irritated, Sadistic fakes a smile and calmly exits the ring. Still grasping the chair, the Sadistic One stalks to the back amid jeers from his adoring public.] |
Match Details: Rodney Phoenix steps through the curtain, eager to settle his old rivalry once and for all. He's a bit of an unknown commodity but some know him by reputation (which, judging from the crowd reaction, isn’t good). However when "10000 Watts of Artificial Pleasure" hits, there’s no doubt the fans are glad to have the boy from Biloxi back home in PCW. Crazy Boy pumps his fist and struts down the aisle, pausing to waggle his pierced tongue right in the camera as a little hello to the fans at home. The bell sounds and Phoenix is ready to go, but Crazy Boy is of the opinion that his opening ceremonies were insufficient. Phoenix goes for a lockup, but Smith evades, holds up his hand in a ‘just a minute’ gesture, and poses on the turnbuckles again. The mat technician makes a few grabs for the legs but is evaded, and Crazy Boy does some shadow boxing to show off the fast footwork. Rodney Phoenix charges, frustrated by the antics, and earns himself an atomic drop and a dropkick to the mush from a suddenly very focused opponent! Phoenix takes two arm drags and a flying reverse bulldog in rapid succession as the Pure Class faithful show their heartfelt appreciation. With the pace of the match set somewhere between ‘breakneck’ and ‘ludicrous’, the tattooed hooligan is well in his element. A missed leg drop gives Phoenix the opportunity to take it to the mat and slow his opponent down to a more manageable velocity, but Smith gets several rope breaks and avoids the most devastating holds. Phoenix traps Crazy Boy in the corner, delivers some devastating chops, and then throws him to the far turnbuckles with authority. Phoenix rushes in but gets the point of an elbow right between the eyes. Smith up top, waiting for his opponent to stagger into perfect targeting range… Crazy Drop! Phoenix winds up face down on the mat after a 270-degree vertical rotation! Quick as a flash Smith grabs the legs, flips him over and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Rodney Phoenix fights it as long as he can, but he’s dead center of the ring with nowhere to go and no choice but to tap out. Smith releases the hold and gets the duke as a few thousand flash bulbs go off. The Crazy One pumps his fist in time to the music, having defeated his old rival and taken another step up the long ladder of Pure Class Wrestling. Winners: Tyrone Smith via pinfall |
Match Details: The upcoming match will see former PCW Genesis Champion Justin Michaels square off against perennial underdog Nacho Grande for a shot at Heavy Metal's coveted International Championship. "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin hits and out comes Mr. Michaels, his arms bulging from his bicep straps. The fans shower him with golden hatred; "Stormm" is clearly becoming one of the more despised men on the PCW roster. Hopping into the ring, Justin awaits his colorful opponent. "NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The fans are on their feet as "Hangin' Tough" by New Kids on the Block blasts over the speakers. The high flying, high energy luchador charges out from the back to a massive roar from the crowd. Justin's face is brimming with disgust as he glares at the goofy grappler. Slapping hands on the way down the aisle, Nacho dives into the ring and is immediately jumped by an impatient Justin Michaels. Referee Garcia quickly calls for the bell as Nacho's music cuts out abruptly. The fans boo Stormm's underhanded tactics, but it's clear that he could give two craps what the fans think. Still tangled in his Superman cape and his Wonder Woman skirt, Michaels drags the luchador around the ring. An attempted Michaels body slam is reversed into an arm drag and Taco Bell's Employee of the Month is back in business. Michaels charges, but a leapfrog, drop down, and hip toss later and Stormm scoots out of the ring to regroup. Nacho rids himself of the remnants of his superhero costume as the crowd goes wild. Slowing the pace of the match, Stormm takes an eight-count before returning to the ring. A thumb to the eye tips the scales in Justin's favor and he begins to wear down his masked foe with some excellent technical mat grappling. Every time Nacho gets a burst of energy, Michaels brings him back to the mat and wears him down with a variety of classic wrestling holds. Feeling like he's punished Nacho enough, Stormm slaps on a sleeper. Flailing wildly, Nacho attempts to break free! Three elbows later and Grande has weakened his opponent's grip. Nacho hits the ropes, but Michaels follows a step behind him. Just as Nacho turns, Michaels is there with a running lariat! Somehow, Nacho hooks the top rope, yanks it down, and Stormm's momentum carries him out of the ring! Seizing the opportunity, Nacho bounces off the ropes on the far side, charges across the ring, and takes flight! Soaring over the top rope, Nacho connects with a picture perfect plancha onto his unsuspecting adversary! Both men land in a mangled heap while the crowd goes wild! Roberto Garcia begins the mandatory ten-count as both men begin to stir on the outside. The fans begin cheering on their favorite luchador and he is the first to make it to his feet. As Grande attempts to enter the ring, Michaels latches onto his ankle. Reaching five, Garcia continues to count. Nacho pulls Michaels off the ground, but Stormm reaches up and stuns the high flyer with a jawbreaker. Michaels whips a staggered Nacho Grande into the ring steps, but Nacho uses his impressive agility to hop up onto the edge of the steps and springboard off. Michaels reacts at the last moment and both men go down via double clothesline! Garcia continues his count, but neither man is able to get to his feet. In something of an anti-climatic ending, Garcia reaches ten and at the 9 minute and 31 second mark the match is ruled a draw via double count out. Winner: Draw via Double Count-Out |
Details: [The PCW-Tron cuts on and shows Skylar Marshall standing in his office. The fans boo at the sight of Mr. Marshall. Skylar, decked out in a gorgeous black three-piece suit, leans against his desk as he begins to speak.] Skylar Marshall: Based on what just happened, I'm thinking that it is only right to name Justin Michaels as the new number-one contender to the PCW International Championship! [The fans boo even more.] Skylar Marshall: But don't fret, Nacho. You haven't been forgotten. At Game Over, you'll be competing against the loser...*coughs*Areas*coughs*...excuse me, had a bit of a cough there...of the Areas and Johnny Vivacious match later tonight. If you win, you'll get your chance at the International Championship at Trauma 94. If you lose, then whoever your opponent was, will get a chance at the North American Championship at Trauma 94 instead. Sorry Nacho, your game is over for tonight. Good job, Stormm. [And with that, the PCW-Tron cuts off, to a large chorus of boos.] |
Match Details: Out first for this tag team contest are the guys without the championship belts: The Watcher and Q. The fans aren't quite sure what to make of these two. The Watcher is watching things intently and Q is...being unique. They make their way to the ring and await the arrival of their opponents. "Hells Bells" hits and the North American Champion stalks out from the back. He receives a surprising number of cheers, party due to his association with the Whirling Dervish of Metal Mayhem. Still, he ignores the cheering audience and heads down to the ring. "Metal Militia" hits next and the place goes bananas! The handsome Heavy Metal struts out next with the International Championship belt fastened around his waist. He makes his way down the aisle shaking hands and slapping fives here and there en route to the ring. NCM and the Watcher start things off. The Watcher stands patiently in his corner and observes the crazy man. Mentis walks to the center of the ring and tilts his head slightly as he sizes up his opponent. The Watcher walks to within inches of NCM and stares him directly in the face. A little too close for comfort, Mentis responds by shoving the Watcher back into his corner. The Quintessential Q takes that as his cue to tag in, and he does just that. Gingerly hopping into the ring, Q approaches the unstable brawler from Buffalo and comes within inches of him. Rather than simply stare at him, Q opts to sniff up the side of Mentis's face. In turn, NCM decks him in the mouth and the fans love it! Staggering back, Q quickly tags back out of the match. Heavy Metal asks for the tag, and NCM obliges. Again, the fans go wild. The Watcher and the International Champion lock up, and the Watcher takes the early advantage. Some excellent back and forth action takes place as the Watcher tries to use his technical skills to ground the feisty Heavy Metal. Eventually, the Watcher connects with a superkick and Metal goes down hard. Rather than go for the pinfall, the Watcher tags Q back in. The Quintessential One enters the ring and crawls over to Metal on all fours, sliding seductively on top of him for the cover. 1...2...kickout! Q backs off, allowing Metal to tag in Non Compos Mentis. NCM enters the ring and goes straight for Q. Q acts first and hits a drop toe hold. As NCM stands, Q grabs the back of his pants and is about to deliver the dreaded wedgie! A look of pure fury overcomes the twisted face of Non Compos Mentis. A spinning elbow knocks Q to the mat and he's all over the weirdo like white on rice. Alternately slamming Q's head into the mat and reigning down blows, NCM pummels his unique adversary into oblivion! When NCM eventually peels off of him, Q is the proud owner of at least a half dozen lumps all over his beautiful face! The fans are still cheering when Q stands on wobbly legs. Moments later and Q is out cold on the mat via the fractured mind. NCM tags in Heavy Metal and he immediately jumps up onto the top turnbuckle. Soaring through the sky, Heavy Metal connects with the astounding Air Guitar and makes the cover. NCM simply stares across the ring at the Watcher as referee Joseph Buckland makes the count. 1...2...3! And at the 7 minute and 44 second mark, Heavy Metal and Non Compos Mentis pick up the victory. Winner: Heavy Metal & Non Compos Mentis via pinfall |
Details: The PCW-Tron comes on and shows a montage of past Icey Award shows. At the end of the clip, it's announced that The Icey Awards will be back at Trauma [93]. |
Details: [A camera crew catches up with the Brothers Gruesome walking down a corridor somewhere in the back. Both brothers are garbed in their wrestling gear; Sadistic from his last match, Grimm for his upcoming match. They appear to be speaking quietly with each other when enthusiastic PCW reporter Shane Dodge flies into view out of nowhere!] Shane Dodge: Hey, everyone! Shane Dodge here getting an exclusive interview with PCW's reigning Tag Team Champions - Grimm & Sadistic! [The Dillingers stop and stare at the unwanted intruder, their faces expressionless.] Shane Dodge: I think fans were a little surprised when Grimm didn't interfere in your match earlier tonight, Billy. What are your thoughts? [Sadistic ignores the annoying question and looks to Grimm.] Grimm: Are you implying that my brother needs help? That he can't handle himself? Shane Dodge: Of...of course not! I meant no such thing! [The Horrors from Hangtown continue to glare at the reporter.] Shane Dodge: Uh...how about your upcoming match, Mr. Grimm? Do you and Billy have something special in store for Usali Basilisk? Grimm: Are you implying that I need help? That I can't handle myself? Shane Dodge: N...no. But...the fans hate you. Cheating is what you do. [Grimm and Sadistic simultaneously arch their right eyebrows.] Grimm: My brother and I, we are true sportsmen. The fans don't hate us because we cheat. They hate us because we break necks and end careers... Shane Dodge: Oh. Can...can I ask you one more question. Sadistic: No. [With that, the Phenom shoves Shane out of the way. The Brothers Gruesome march off down the hall leaving Dodge to wonder just what in the hell he was thinking.] |
Match Details: In a battle of good vs. evil, the Abomination of Desolation will face off against PCW's newfound hero. Grimm's music hits, and while there are still scattered cheers, there are definitely more jeers as "Winter Shaker" by Wovenhand fills the arena. The Destroyer-at-Noonday casually strolls out from the back with an expressionless look on his magnificently bearded face. He tosses his tag title to the timekeeper and climbs into the ring, paying no mind to the taunts from the PCW Faithful. "Holding Out For A Hero" by Frou Frou blares over the speakers next and the reaction from the fans rocks the Pure Class Arena. The lights go black and the cheering intensifies as "The Grand High Exalted One" makes his appearance. Still getting accustomed to the crowd support, Usali makes his way to the ring never taking his eyes from his opponent. Before Steve Shaw can start the match, "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones twangs over the speakers and out walks Grimm's brother and tag team partner, Billy Sadistic. The arena is flooded with disdain yet again as the Phenom makes his way to the broadcast table, apparently as a guest commentator. The match begins as Sadistic seats himself on a folding chair adjacent to Al Laiman and Jerry Andrews. The commentating duo welcomes one half of the Tag Team Champions to their station, but they're met with silence. The grapplers in the ring begin to circle one another, but Usali is clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Grimm strikes first and backs Basilisk into a corner with some well-placed Muay Thai kicks to the legs and body. "The Grand High Exalted One" retaliates with some rights and lefts and tops it off by headbutting the Crimson Demon with his ceremonial mask! Staggered, Grimm backpedals into the middle of the ring where he's taken off his feet with a textbook high leg clothesline! From here, the action goes back and forth with both men scoring several one-counts but neither garnering any sort of noticeable advantage. All the while, Sadistic watches from ringside without uttering a single syllable. Midway through the match, Usali connects with a Dragonranna for a near fall and the place nearly erupts! Pressing the action, the masked high flyer connects with a brainbuster and follows up with a corkscrew splash, but nothing seems to keep Phinehas Grimm on the mat. Grimm appears to be slightly dazed as he absorbs some impressive offense from the leader of the Ascension. Usali follows up a flying forearm with a monster headbutt, causing a slight trickle of blood to spill from Grimm's eyebrow. As if a switch has been flipped, Grimm unleashes a technical flurry of kicks, knees, and elbows that end with a vicious punch to the windpipe! Usali goes to his knees, gasping for breath, as the Horror from Hangtown slams him to the canvas with the wheelbarrow facebuster he calls Foddershock! Grimm makes the cover, hooking the leg, and at the 11 minute and 49 second mark... ...Usali Basilisk kicks out! The fans are on their feet! Grimm pulls Basilisk up, but "The Grand High Exalted One" moves like a cat and hurls his foe through the air with a Northern Lights suplex! Running on fumes, Basilisk heads to the top rope. Usali gives a cautious glance towards Sadistic on the outside before diving off the top with the Ascension Dive! And misses. Grimm rolls out of the way at the last second and Usali is hurting in a bad way. Smelling blood in the water, the Abomination of Desolation moves in for the kill. Waiting for Usali to stand, Grimm charges, jumps, spins in the air, and sends his opponent crashing to the mat with the Lament Configuration! The fans let out a collective groan as Grimm makes the cover. 1...2...Shaw spots Usali's foot on the bottom rope! The fans are injected with a shot of hope. Eventually, both men regain their footing and begin slugging it out. Usali looks the worse for wear, but he connects with a desperation chop to the throat that catches Grimm off guard! The fans roar their approval as Usali pulls Grimm in for the Ascension Bomb! Once in the air, Grimm wiggles free and slides down Usali's back, rolling him up in a tight schoolboy pin in the process. Shaw is there to make the three-count, and at the 16 minute and 21 second mark, Grimm comes away with a close victory! The fans are disappointed in the outcome, but applaud the close match all the same. Winners: Grimm via pinfall |
Details: [As soon as the match ends, Sadistic hops up from the steel chair, folds it up, and dives into the ring. Basilisk, still foggy from the exhausting bout, doesn't even see the Phenom coming. As Sadistic winds up to smash the chair over Usali's spine, we suffer another case of lighting failure! The fans scream like maniacs as flashbulbs spring up all around the arena.] Jerry Andrews: What in the hell is going on here?! Al Laiman: I guess this is what happens when you fill your road crew with interns... [When the lights return, there is another figure standing in the ring behind Basilisk. All three men seem a bit puzzled as the man in the hooded cloak stands motionless. Usali looks from the hooded man to the Dillingers, not quite sure what to make of the situation. Without warning, the man under the hood charges Sadistic and begins unloading rights and lefts! Grimm attempts to intervene, but Usali cuts him off at the pass! The fans are going wild!] Jerry Andrews: I'm not sure what's going on, but I like it! [The Horrors from Hangtown are reeling when Usali and his mysterious ally wind up and connect with simultaneous clotheslines that send the brothers over the top rope to the outside! In a flash, the mystery man rips off the robe!] Jerry Andrews: It's Pegasus! [The fans let out a roar of approval!] Al Laiman: I can't believe it. Pegasus has actually joined the ranks of the Ascension. [Ready for a fight, Usali and Pegasus stand their ground in the center of the ring. Basilisk and Pegasus beg the Tag Team Champions to come get a little more. More than willing to oblige, Grimm & Sadistic hop up onto the ring apron. Before an all out brawl can ensue, "Back in Black" by AC/DC blares over the speakers. The fans boo as Skylar Marshall makes his way out from the back with microphone in hand.] Skylar Marshall: Whoa! Everybody just calm down. I don't remember booking a tag team match between you. What do you think you're doing? [The four men look around somewhat puzzled, wondering if Skylar is actually waiting for an answer.] Skylar Marshall: No, no, no. I can't let this happen. I have an investment to protect. At Game Over: 2, Usali Basilisk and Pegasus will get a shot at the tag titles, and I can't have that match put in jeopardy with you guys kicking the snot out of each other. But more importantly...if these people want to see Basilisk and Pegasus get a shot at those belts...they're gonna have to order the Pay-Per-View! [The fans begin booing as an arrogant smile beams from the face of PCW's President. Grimm & Sadistic slowly head to the back, but you can cut the tension with a knife.] Al Laiman: Always the consummate businessman, Skylar Marshall has made it official. Usali Basilisk and Pegasus will take on Grimm & Sadistic for the Tag Team Championship. |
Match Details: The following contest will decide the number one contender for the North American Championship. The Resident Rulebreaker has been living up to his nickname in his quest for the gold in a big way. No doubt Areas will be looking for payback after Johnny V’s interference at the last event, as well as the title shot. “Get Back” thumps the arena bringing the awaiting crowd to their feet in jeers. Johnny Vivacious doesn’t allow them to wait long as he explodes through the curtain. While ashes are spread to the six winds in his march, his focus is dead locked on the ring ahead. At the foot of the ramp he rockets the cigarette down into the steel grating and dives into the ring under the bottom rope. Quickly finding his feet he backs Eddie Lane into the corner with an intent look and stern warning, this match better be called right down the middle and Lane nods his head in understanding. "The Outsider" by A Perfect Circle plays as Areas emerges amid purple smoke. He stares at Vivacious a long time before walking to the ring. Areas takes the early advantage, coming out on top of a short, furious exchange of holds. He wrings Johnny’s arm up, delivers a series of shoulderblocks, takes him down to the mat in a fireman’s carry, and immediately goes to work on the arm. Vivacious determinedly fights to his feet, but Areas gets a hammerlock on, and delivers high back body drop. Johnny lands directly on his own arm and rolls immediately to the outside, clutching his shoulder in agony. Vivacious takes a long walk to recoup, and Areas kills the time by throwing out some trash talk. Johnny is back in the ring, a tie up, and Areas is sent to the ropes. Johnny V misses a clothesline, but Areas lands the high knee on the rebound. Vivacious is knocked flat and once again goes outside. Areas tries to taunt him back into the ring, and the crowd jeers when Johnny spits on him! Enough is enough for Areas and he gives immediate chase, but is caught and dropped flapjack-style onto the guardrail! Areas is in serious trouble. Vivacious rolls him halfway into the ring and drives an elbow into his exposed throat. Helpless, Areas is hung upside down on the turnbuckles, and then Vivacious slides out of the ring to choke him from behind. The jeering crowd gets the finger on the Rulebreaker's way back in. Areas tries to fight back, but a thumb in the eye cuts him off and Vivacious lands a spinning neckbreaker he calls the Southern Screw! 1… 2… Two count. Vivacious gives Lane a disgusted look and goes for the blatant choke, breaking at four and three quarters and slapping it back on again. Rinse and repeat three times, until Lane has gotten on the man’s nerves with his warnings. Vivacious gets in Eddie’s face to ask him just what exactly he plans to about it. The not so friendly exchange takes a bit too long, and when Vivacious goes back on the attack he finds Areas in the mood for some rough play of his own. For a few minutes, the match degenerates into a brawl, until Areas reverses an Irish whip, kicks Johnny low in the gut, and snaps off a DDT! He makes the cover… 1… 2… No! Areas STRONGLY disagrees and is frustrated enough to get verbal about it. Lane maintains that the shoulder was up. Furious, Areas turns back to his opponent and who goes straight downstairs! It’s a blatant low blow with an even nastier follow up; a pumphandle brainbuster suplex known as the Bartender’s Special. Lane drops down to count the pin, and with the official out of sight, Johnny puts his feet on the ropes for extra leverage! 1… 2… 3! Winner: Johnny Vivacious via pinfall |
Details: [The crowd boos the illegal pin, but the match is over. With the win now in the books, Vivacious tosses Areas out of the ring and demands a microphone. Snatching the microphone from the announcer, he stalks back and forth in the center of the ring several times before bringing it to his lips.] Johnny Vivacious: If that was the best ‘competition’ for the North American Championship that PCW has to offer, to be honest, I’m completely disgusted. [He continues to pace the ring, a lion staring down his prey before the pounce.] Johnny Vivacious: Mentis, it doesn’t matter which personality you drag up out of the dumpster in a few weeks. You may be able to ‘scare’ the competition I just dumped out of the ring, but I’m a whole different caliber and you, somewhere in your scattered nugget, are aware of it. [Vivacious stops, glaring up the ramp.] Johnny Vivacious: You may be a good North American Champion, a likely candidate to represent that strap when there are no better options. When PCW returned that may have been the case; however, Johnny Vivacious is back and, quite simply, I’m a greater champion than you today, a few years ago or any time down the line. Al Laiman: WOW! Huge words from Johnny V! Johnny Vivacious: Mentis, I don’t fear you. I don’t respect you. I’m better than you. I proved it then and I will do so one more time. I want back what is mine and I’m coming to rip it away from you. [Vivacious pauses dropping his intent stare momentarily.] Johnny Vivacious: I don’t have much choice. [JV throws the microphone at Mark Long and bounces through the top and middle ropes exiting the ring.] |
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Match Details: [This match was suppose to be a No Disqualification rematch from last Trauma's main event tag team match. However, what we got here was nothing. That's right-- nothing. This match doesn't exist. It's a figment of your imagination. Not because all four participants didn't show up. No, that'd be a lie. Lantlas entered ringside first, to the once unusual chorus of boos. The former “'face” of PCW would have once questioned the jeers from the PCW Faithful, but these days, it's something he's grown accustomed to. He awaits in the ring for his tag team partner for the night. It was then Murdoc's turn to make his elaborate entrance, but as the platform from under the stage rises, the figures that step through the flames are Mike Park and LoKi- not Murdoc! When the flames subside, you can see Murdoc laying prone on the entrance stage. Obviously, Park and LoKi got to him, and now they're on their way towards Lantlas. They get half-way down the ramp and then sprint the rest of the way. As they slide in, Lantlas slides out, avoiding the two. Before anything else can happen, however, “Back in Black” by AC/DC plays and from behind the entrance curtain, with a microphone in hand, steps PCW President Skylar Marshall. He looks down at Murdoc and motions for some crew members to come from the back. A few backstage hands, along with PCW Head of Security David Brandt, step from behind the curtain and help Murdoc to the back. Skylar then raises the microphone to his mouth and speaks.] Skylar Marshall: After seeing Murdoc in this shape, and with Game Over so close, I've had a change of heart. I was talked into making this match in the first place by Crazy Bob, and being the businessman I am, I should have just went with my opinion, than that of another. So, instead of scheduling this match here tonight, I've decided that the match is canceled. Winners: No Contest |
Details: Skylar Marshall: So there you have it. This match never existed. And to apologize to you all, every fan in attendance will receive a free, “This Match Never Happened” T-Shirt on their way out of the building. [Skylar Marshall turns to walk backstage, while LoKi and Park are still in the ring, and Lantlas is close to Al Laiman by the broadcast table, when all of a sudden, “Walk Hard” by Dewey Cox begins playing throughout the Pure Class Arena.] Jerry Andrews: What the...? [From behind the entrance curtain, along with “Big” Dave Brandt, steps former PCW President Alejandro Walker.] Al Laiman: We know Mr. Walker is still employed by PCW, but what business does he have here tonight?! [Alejandro asks “Big Dave” to retrieve the microphone from Skylar, who looks as confused as everyone else in attendance. Once with the microphone in hand, Walker signals for his music to be cut off, and when it is, he begins to talk.] Alejandro Walker: First off, I want to apologize if my speakin's a little off. I've been undergoing voice classes, and I think it's payin' off. But if none of ya'll could understand me, I am sorry now. Now, what brings me out here tonight is that you, Mr. Marshall, has not been the fairest man in the land. You're a great businessman, but you ain't the best gentle man. I have been having conversations with the lovely Kassandra Black and she was able to get me a nice little sit-down meeting with our boss “The Icemann.” I tried to get him to fire ya... [The fans cheer, while Skylar looks outraged.] Alejandro Walker: ...but that didn't work. No offense to you, sir, but you just a mean, cut-throat type of person. Instead though, I did convince him to let me help you out a little bit. For now on, I'm gonna be helpin' you call the shots around here, Sky! [The fans cheer, LoKi and Park clap inside the ring, and Skylar looks about ready to have a heart attack.] Alejandro Walker: The Captain is back, baby! And I got clearance from “The Icemann” himself to make a couple of changes. And I'ma do that right now! [Fans cheer, not even knowing what "The Captain" will be changing, but knowing it'll probably be better than what Skylar had done.] Alejandro Walker: At Game Over, since we didn't see a no DQ match here tonight, we gonna have one there! LoKi versus Mike Park versus Lantlas versus Murdoc will be a No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere Match! Also, I ain't like what you did to Nacho Grande and Areas. Nacho did NOT lose, and so, along with Justin Michaels, he will be facing your poster boy Heavy Metal for the International Championship in a Triple Threat Match! And I ain't done yet. I can't change the fact Areas lost his match against Johnny Vivacious, but he should have never had to defend his number-one contendership anyway! So Areas WILL be getting a chance to fight for the North American Championship. But at Game Over, his duty will be the special referee for the match between Johnny Vivacious and Non Compos Mentis. The rest of my ideas, I'll fax to you later on. But, for you Skylar, this game of chess you've been playin' with people's lives...is OVER! [The feed fades to black as Skylar has his hands on his head in a look of despair.] |
Tyrone Smith d. Rodney Phoenix via pinfall Nacho Grande & Justin Michaels draw via double count-out Heavy Metal & Non Compos Mentis d. Q & The Watcher via pinfall after Heavy Metal pins Q Grimm d. Usali Basilisk via pinfall Johnny Vivacious d. Areas via pinfall Mike Park & LoKi vs. Lantlas & Murdoc was thrown out; No Contest |