by Al Laiman |
Greetings, fellow handlers! This is your friendly neighborhood color commentator with a little advice for those of you with fewer than 200 posts. If you haven't guessed it, I'm talking to the new blood of PCW, the rookies. Now that a few weeks and a show has gone by, you have an idea for what the PCW atmosphere is like. However, if you're still feeling a bit unsure, let me help you ease the transition with some helpful tips on having a successful and fun time in Pure Class Wrestling. |
1. Be Active I'm not just talking about RPing, but that is a big part of this. The momentum of an e-fed is carried by the amount of RPs posted, and the quality of said RPs. In my tenure here, I've seen upwards of 40 RPs posted, I believe it was Hostile Takeover when that happened. Nothing makes a President happier than that kind of activity. While it is not expected for every show, a great turnout is pivotal toward making a successful e-fed. Things happen, but the biggest part of being a successful handler is RPing when you're booked. 1a. Be Active OOC Not everyone is the biggest chatter in the world, but there are plenty of things you can do to be an active OOC handler. It's almost as important for the overall experience to at least be somewhat involved in the OOC activities. We have a unique group of people here; some who've been acquainted through this game for over five years. Some know each other in real life, some have even met in real life after meeting here. I guarantee this place is unique in its OOC atmosphere, and I've been in a lot of feds. This is a special place, and being active with the other handlers enhances the complete experience. There are meaningless post-increasing games, a lot of random threads, and regular posts that will help you get to know your fellow handlers. There are also feedback threads, creative writing threads, power rankings, columns (hint), and past shows. If you're not that talkative, nobody's going to take offense, but you may find the more you participate both RP-wise and OOC-wise, the more you'll get noticed and be a part of this place. 2. Don't Sandbag Sometimes it's unavoidable, I get that. But don't be a sandbagger on a regular basis. For those who don't know, sandbagging is waiting until the last few hours before the RP deadline to post. Again, it does happen, but I'm talking on a regular basis, so Tom, don't think I'm talking about you here. Granted, all of us will take someone who posts last minute over someone who doesn't post at all, but it kinda falls in line with the one "rule" that I believe PCW has, which is... 3. Don't Be a Douche Ever hear the handlers talk about Zellmo? Anthony Douglas? Kaden Keene? There's a reason... They were douchebags. This game is fun, and this is one of the most fun places to play this game of which I've ever been a part. If you have a complaint about the results, take it up privately. If another handler gets on your nerves, let it go. Not everybody likes everybody, but for the most part, people get along pretty well here. If you think something is inappropriate or offensive to post here, chances are it is. Most people here aren't very sensitive, but there are some unwritten lines that you just don't cross. Some of these relating to the results are mentioned in the Practical Lesson for RPing thread, but it applies just as much on the OOC boards. This is a pretty cohesive unit here, and while we don't always get along one hundred percent, those who cross that line too much don't last. 4. Know What's Going On I'm not saying you have to read every single RP in-depth, though I'd hope you'd at least try. In a perfect world, everybody is following everybody's storylines, but I'm trying to be a bit realistic. I don't think it's as common here, but it's important to be familiar with the other handler's work, and not just the one you happen to be facing this week. There's a pretty high standard for RPing here and the handlers put a lot of work into these pieces. If you want your RP read, read others'. If you want feedback, give it. But most importantly, read all the results, not just your own match. Not only should you do this because Luis puts time and effort into all of them, but it's important to know what's going on in the fed. Why? Many reasons. Know where things are going in case you get involved in this feud or storyline. Know what storylines and feuds people have been in, in case you end up facing them. Know a bit about the characters so your information on them is correct if you're talking about them. It takes effort and consideration, but I can guarantee nobody here writes an RP in hopes that nobody but Luis and their opponent read it. 5. Have fun. Lighten up and enjoy yourselves. This is a great place to escape reality and hang out with some really cool people. There's a wide variety of handlers, characters, and activities here, once again unlike most places I've ever been. Have a good time; that should be the biggest reason you're involved in a game like this. Veterans, feel free to add to this list, but I think I've covered the top five. For those who are new here, welcome. The first show was awesome, and I hope activity only continues to grow. It couldn't happen without you all. I think I speak for everyone when I say we're happy to have you. This is a good, strong roster and I look forward to seeing PCW be active for a long time. -"Universal" Al Laiman |