
Please make sure you read, understand, and intend to follow the rules to continue your run in the PCW. Continuing on from this point, it will be assumed you have read and agreed to the rules.

Thank You,

Luis Malave.
General Rules
1.) The decisions made by Management are final. If you have a serious disagreement with a certain decision, please, feel free to contact Management and we’ll discuss with you about the issue as best as we can. If you do decide that a discussion is in need, please remember to handle yourself civilly and without attitude. Coming to Management with a bad attitude will do you no favors, and I have no problems cutting people with poor attitudes, especially those who complain about losses.

2a.) The use of theme songs and/or character base pictures are on a first come-first served basis. Also, PCW has the right to hold and reserve songs and pictures for future uses. If you’d like to know whether a particular picture or song is reserved or already in use, please contact Management.

2b.) No one will be allowed to use a character base picture and/or a theme song that is already in use without permission from Management. For more information concerning this rule, please contact Management.

2c.) Although use of the same base picture is generally prohibited, you may use a picture of the same person, in a different look. For example, if you want to use the old, purple [and/or gray] gloved Undertaker as your character base picture, someone else can use the American Bad Ass [aka Biker Taker] look as their character base picture.

3.) This could have been added to the Roleplay Rules section, but I felt it to be a big enough issue to be mentioned in the General Rules section. In the PCW, we employ a strict, “No In-Ring/Arena” Roleplaying Policy. The PCW strongly encourages Character Development roleplays over traditional “promo” roleplays. One should know that the PCW does not do “house shows” nor do they “tour” other arenas (unless specifically mentioned). Therefore, the only “in-ring” promos given should be those written specifically for results. I do allow arena roleplays to be written if the setting is of an empty arena before a PCW show or those roleplays written inside of an arena hosting other events. That said, any roleplays written that contain, “In-Ring/Banned Arena” Roleplays will be ignored and not acknowledged as part of PCW canon. For more information on this rule, please contact Management.

4.) The PCW has the right to change and modify its rules at their discretion and without notice. However, if the rules are to be modified, Management will usually send out notification of doing so. Still, with that said, please check up on the rules often to see if anything has changed.

5.) The PCW was created with the intention of having fun. Please refrain from applying to the PCW if you have a habit of being a troublemaker Out-of-Character. If you wish to argue In-Character, please, feel free to. But if you have issues with someone Out-of-Character, please keep them off the Community Forums. If push comes to shove, and the handlers involved cannot handle their issues maturely, please come to Management and we’ll try to mediate as best as possible. If we cannot come to a conclusion, Management will do their best at keeping the parties at a distance, and recommend that the parties involve refrain from communicating with one another. Remember, efedding is suppose to be something done for fun. Let’s keep that in mind and enjoy our time together here.
Roleplay Rules
1.) For both Trauma and Pay-Per-View events, only one roleplay will be used in determining a winner. You still may rp as many times as you like, for there is no specific roleplay limit, but only your best roleplay, as determined by the Roleplaying Grading System, will be used for determining the winner of a match. In the case of tag team action, of all sorts, each member of the team will only have one roleplay used in determining a winner, and the team with the best overall average will become victorious.

2.) As previously mentioned, there are no specific roleplay limits. However, if you fail to roleplay, prepare to face the likelihood of being squashed. It may not happen, but the possibility is there. Also, if you fail to roleplay for three (3) consecutive events, without giving Management the proper notice, then your account may be deleted when it comes to issuing roster cuts. The PCW delivers roster cuts quite frequently, so please make sure you roleplay or at least give Management proper notice.

3.) If you chose to include another PCW Character into your roleplays, make sure you have permission from the handler(s)’s of the character(s). As for Non-Played Characters (NPC), such as PCW Staff, make sure you have permission of Management before you attack them in your roleplays. Also, the “main staff,” such as, “The Icemann” Luis Malave, Skylar Marshall, and Alejandro Walker, make sure you have the permission of Management before using them in your roleplays period. Failure to do any of the preceding may result in immediate suspension from the PCW.

4.) Cursing/cussing/swearing is allowed to be used in roleplays and segments, but make sure you do not go overboard with its usage. In cases of extreme anger and frustration, the amount of swearing may be a bit more, but please try and be as realistic as possible. For segments, if you can’t say it on TV, it will be bleeped. For roleplays, if you wouldn’t talk with every sentence containing massive amount of cuss words, then don’t write it.

5.) The use of pictures inside of roleplays is heavily frowned upon in the PCW. At the maximum, not including banners, three pictures may be used in your roleplay.

6.) Sandbagging and deadlining is also heavily frowned upon in the PCW. Sandbagging and deadlining refers to posting roleplays towards the end of the roleplaying deadline, more often than not, for the sole purpose of helping a handler defeat another. Since there is only a need to post one roleplay every two weeks, sandbagging may be hard to do in the PCW. Management WILL look into cases deemed as sandbagging. It is heavily frowned upon to post more than one rp within the last two hours of the deadline.

7. Try to be realistic when it comes to roleplaying. Please seek Management for more information and proper discussion concerning this rule, if needed.
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